Abiee-69 live! sex chats for YOU!

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?, ? Hi love , im new, if u want fun, come with me ???

11 thoughts on “Abiee-69 live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with you then. To each their own but personally flirting (not smiling, not sitting near someone. FLIRTING)with someone whilst in a relationship is cheating & is really disrespectful to your s/o

  2. There are two different things going on here —

    First: issues in your relationship with Bob. You feel invisible and unsatisfied.

    Second: the spark with Jim.

    The aligned timing of these two problems is making it seem like the solution to first issue might be indulging the second.

    Here’s the thing: both these problems are temporary.

    The lack of spark with Bob might seem like huge and fundamental, but the truth is that all long-term relationships cycle through periods of varying passion and intensity. It takes continual effort from both parties to maintain excitement. You need to talk to him, tell him that you want more sex and attention and romance, work on investing that into the relationship yourself by creating adventures and fun and sexiness, and you might be surprised by how much fire you can reignite.

    Meanwhile, those new-romance fireworks with Jim? They never last. Eventually, those sparks either stabilize into the steady, warm fire that keeps a long love going (like what you have with Bob), or they burn out completely. Initial chemistry doesn’t always (or even usually) mean you’ll have actual compatibility.

    You won’t improve your relationship with Bob if you cheat — you will continue to feel invisible and unsatisfied, and your emotional connection to him will worsen, because you’re investing energy and effort outside the relationship instead of in healing those problems. You could in fact destroy your relationship with Bob entirely — even if he stays with you after he finds out, how would he ever trust you again?

    In essence, it’s like you’re living in a house that’s great, but a little too cold for you. You could try to fix it up, tinker with the heating system, improve the insulation, install a fireplace, but instead you’re standing there with a can of gasoline and a lit match, contemplating burning it down to feel the heat.

  3. No. Don’t text him. You’re broken up, you need to keep it that way. You’re very clearly incompatible. You live! extremely different lives; you’re very motivated and ambitious and he’s the opposite, he’s a social failure tbh. You’ve dated 6 years and you’re still not his priority. He broke up with you ON A HOLIDAY and left you to suffer through the holiday upset and alone while he celebrated with his family.

    You’ve broken up multiple times; at what point will you realize it’s not meant to be? I think he’s realized that now. He didn’t wish you happy holidays, and he’s back on dating apps. He’s trying to move on. It’s time for you to also. You’re wrong, you were a huge part of his life so of course he’s hurt, misses you, and has all those memories. But he’s doing his best to move on so he can find a relationship that fits his life better and doesn’t break up multiple times.

    It’s time to move on.

  4. Extending empathy and validating feelings even if they are 'illogical' or 'invalid' in order to tackle the root of a matter at hand as a couple is such a simple yet powerful tool in a relationship, yet I cannot for the life of me figure out when this place decides it's right and when instead it is better to self-fellate and show why they are superior to the insecure person.

  5. I also wont ask her this because I do think me doing the exact same thing would be wrong to her. But thanks for advice

  6. Your story is very well written

    Jayus, leave this train wreck of a boy and find someone who thinks about you every once in a while

    If you need to stay with this disaster, and i think that is a mistake, make him pick her or you and have the intelligence to enforce it.

  7. In wine, truth. Don’t dismiss this as the ramblings of a drunk ex-addict. She might very be texting this dude behind your back. It wouldn’t take much for him to come to her or her to go to him. You’re rationalizing too much and not recognizing people do despicable things particularly when the relationship is near the seven year milestone.

  8. The victim here is the child that has had an abusive drunk introduced into their life. OP even fucking stated that she knew but she thought she was special, I feel no sympathy for her and I pray the child will be safe.


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