Abril-wow live! webcams for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Abril-wow live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Gosh I’m so shocked that someone thirty years older isn’t a good boyfriend.

    Shocked I tell you. FFS no normal person his age wants anything to do with someone your age.

  2. I got plenty more for ya. I grew up close to a politician in So Cal. I’ve seen a lot of dudes like yours. This is probably gonna be his peak. People lose the hunger and the drive that made them special. Then he’s gonna spend the rest of his career chasing his own shadow. O-town, Crazy Lady ??‍♂️.

    Meanwhile, you’ll continue being your awesome self. Doing your own shit. You’ll find someone who deserves and cherishes you.

  3. The fact that you are not even up to 180 pounds makes me want to hit your head on the wall for allowing that loser control you.

  4. I'm not certain how old your son is, but he will understand the unhealthy dynamic. Worse, he will think it is normal. Have you ever considered that you are passing on traits of your mother to your child? That would be my biggest concern. Repeating the cycle.

    It's very easy to do that. Coming back to that home, applying that pressure to yourself, that can bubble up. You already mentioned how anxious and triggered you get from the mere sight of her and her body. Your child sees and feels your anxiety. I'm not saying this to be cruel or give you a guilt trip. I'm saying this to point out how easily you have fallen back into line.

    I understand that your finances may have deem it necessary for you to make sacrifices. However, call your sister, call someone, go anywhere else if you can, but do not stay there for very long. The longer you stay, the harder it will be to leave, and the more comfortable you will get with the dysfunction.

  5. I cant do that.. I need to see him one last time for my own closure. I fully understand it will hurt me more and he will never say sorry. But without saying everything to his face i cant imagine moving on from his abuse.

  6. I have a friend who did earn equally as her boyfriend who lived with her, but the guy was so selfish he nickeled and dimed her to death. He bought her daughter hashbrowns at McDonald’s once and asked for the dollar they cost back. He also bought his own canned goods and hid them in the guest room closet instead of storing them in the kitchen like a normal person.

  7. Point well taken.

    Are you going to allow your girlfriend to manipulate you into paying her an allowance? It would be an entirely different situation if she were your fiancé but she's only a girlfriend.

  8. Thanks for the answer. My major concerns are not sharing key moral values and if that shows his true character, since I have met him for a short time.

  9. I don’t get the wife. If she didn’t cheat, wouldn’t she fight tooth and nail to quash the accusation? I mean, I’d move heaven and earth, probably bash in a few heads, if I were accused of infidelity.

  10. Jewelry is a personal, romantic gift.

    So BF is wrong drawing such boundaries after 2 months, that’s really too fast to be imposing anything other than exclusivity on each other imo, however, in a long term relationship I don’t think it’s an unreasonable request.

    And the clue, is right in your message. He offered to replacement, but the jewelry has so much sentimental value that you aren’t willing to take that trade anyway. So there’s a lot of meaning there with an ex, and that’s what makes the bf uncomfortable.


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