Agata-Lee online webcams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Agata-Lee online webcams for YOU!

  1. You need to do what he did and just move on! He’s blocked you and that what you need to do also, metaphorically. Don’t waste valuable time and energy on him, he’s not thinking of you I can assure you. Be strong ? and move on my friend, this life is not a rehearsal and you’ve got one shot at it. Go out and love/live your best life. Be pleased that you got out unscathed and use the experience for next time. I wish you all the very best for the future and hope you’re feeling better about yourself after reading the positive feedback in this forum. Keep smiling and have a happy, peaceful Sunday buddy 🙂

  2. I had this happen when I was around your age. According to her at the time, it was a very emotional experience for her in which she felt exceedingly vulnerable. Additionally she had been sexually assaulted and degraded in the past. I ended up talking to her while we were in the act in very reassuring ways. It seemed to help but your situation is very different

  3. hate to break it to you but he absolutely is a misogynist. men who aren't misogynists do not get sucked in by grifters like tate

  4. Thank you. Yes, 100%, I am obsessing. I fall in love once every 5-6 years and it's really mind-shattering for me. I must find the way to control it, or she will notice it and then it's trouble. I feel if the relationship starts, then the real me would come forward, as I really struggle with this phase of relationship. Thanks again.

  5. I’m sorry. What? Listen, I’m all for everyone being who and what they are. Proudly. But you have to understand that doesn’t mean it’s NOT about the guy being trans OR that it would be unacceptable if she WAS upset he was trans because she thought she was dating a cis male. It is not society’s obligation to assume someone changed their assigned sex at birth. If the whole point is to be treated as whatever gender you identify with, then it’s that persons obligation to disclose accordingly to their partner.

  6. Break up with him.

    Put things into perspective. His answer to being upset is to make you miserable. How does that make for a healthy relationship?

  7. You have a boyfriend. You keep your relationship secret for professional reasons. Your boyfriend gets on with your daughter and voluntarily makes your life easier.

    Nothing weird. Don't overthink it and ruin things for yourself just because your sister is being weird.

  8. Shes been on the combination pill. There have been a few times when I could tell that she either missed it completely or took it very much later than she's supposed to.

  9. My first thought was… are you 100% sure this is a bachelor party? Seems everyone else is thinking the same.

  10. I never offered to take his name either. But it usually expected. I am not pushing him because he knew this about me before he asked me to be his gf. I've been open and honest from the beginning.

  11. So rather than explain you didn’t want a relationship, instead you went on a date and then ghosted her? I get you were a teenager, but geez. My teenagers know this would be shitty to do to someone.

    Also, why are you so suddenly concerned about her well being now? She tried for 2 years and you didn’t care. Now all of a sudden she unfriends you and you need to know she’s ok?

  12. You’re missing some key info – what was it that you shared? Is it something that could have potentially made her feel unsafe?

  13. I honestly think they've changed their ages here, by like 10-20 years. Lunch breaks and cringey TikTok posts aren't a thing in your 30s.

  14. I think she is interested. Ask her out for dinner/drinks after she moves out but in the meantime keep texting her…keep it casual/,professional.

  15. I was in an intensive program before so not much time to go out besides with him. Now that I’m finished I have more free time.

  16. Odds are she will change for a bit and either revert back or use that as a reason you need to change too. But honestly be done man. She talked bad about you and your friends and only apologized when you went to move on. She fully expected you to apologize originally.

  17. No. If he said: “I really miss you and hate being apart for a weekend each month, can we please compromise” then that would be a matter of discussing their needs together. Maybe coming to a compromise. Maybe accepting each other as they are. Or maybe realizing they’re not compatible and break up, no harm no foul.

    But when she says “he didn’t understand x and I couldn’t get him to understand,” that’s where it’s controlling. He’s not listening to her – when this isn’t something hot to understand. He’s invalidating her perspective. And his taking it personally is manipulative.

    When he accuses her of “not tolerating” the kid bc she’s never invited to the solo weekend – that’s manipulative too. Guilt tripping her because she couldn’t fit the pickup into her schedule. Ew.

    When he wants to make plans only when it conflicts with her solo weekend – that’s passive-aggressive and manipulative.

    When he blows up her phone on what’s supposed to be a weekend away, that’s controlling.

    If she thinks he’ll insist on coming all the time, that she can’t give an inch because he’ll take a mile – if she’s right, then this too is controlling.

    I agree that he’s allowed to feel good or bad about it. He’s allowed to ask for a compromise and see if she’ll agree. He’s allowed to leave her if it’s not working for him.

    But he’s being icky about it.

    She’s entirely within her rights to stand up for her own needs. She doesn’t owe him a compromise. She gets to decide where to compromise and where not to. And if she compromises on these terms – where he’s launching personal attacks and being passive-aggressive to try and get his way – then she’ll be compromising herself and rewarding a bully.

  18. He did not x2. We had many conversations between ourselves, professionals and current home owners so I thought we were sweet and had all bases covered, but maybe you're right.

    Rush due to our current living situation being temporary and unsustainable, affordable housing market, rental crisis.

    Marriage is negligible, we aren't religious, we live! in NZ, this is 2023.

  19. She kissed you, then went cold and ignored you for a month.

    ^ I don’t agree with this. I would set a meeting with the ex-husband and ask him if that’s a thing she does often

  20. Really? I just don't see what difference it makes, and is none of her business.

    Some women are dumb, they'll tell themselves that the abuse is why he cheated and sign themselves up for a lifetime of hurt because they think they can heal him or make him better.

  21. I have smelled tonsil stones and they are indeed one of the smelliest things on earth! If gargles and fastidious oral hygiene aren't fixing the problem, he should see an ENT about removing his tonsils.

  22. Yeah this! Like I’ve always wanted to go to Disney world and never have. If I die tomorrow, did I live! any less of a fulfilling life?


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