AlessiaWinters live! sex cams for YOU!

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34 thoughts on “AlessiaWinters live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. You can start over with the kitten introductions. But also, if you have a boy kitty and a girl kitty, you're going to want to get them fixed before they like each other too much. Also, this guy is insensitive and/or immature and shouldn't be trusted with living beings.

  2. She works 40 hours, has a kid, and has told you she hasn't got the willpower to do it. Your options are to accept it or take on the tidying responsibility.

  3. From what I've read about JW, he would be excommunicated/shunned if he married someone that isn't in the cult. And I don't think the geographic differences are very big tbh. This is one thing you should research sooner than later. Then think about what you would like a marriage to look like, when you'd get married, would you be allowed to work, would you want kids, what kind of education would those kids get, would they be brought up in the cult? Talk to him about your expectations and see what his expectations are. Do they align? Is it realistic to plan a future together?

  4. Sounds to me like you missed out on a good screwin that night. Hopefully she took the passive rejection good and comes back for more

  5. NTA, the children’s hospitals are bursting at the seams and you have a four month old. As parents our job is to protect our children, not our partners feelings.

  6. She didn't sleep with him. She went asleep and woke up to the guy assaulting her. I highly doubt anybody that has been sexually assaulted would talk with you about their experiences considering how unsupportive and prone to victim blaming you are in this single comment.

  7. Aesops Fables I think. Something about a woman goes out walking in a frost and there's a viper frozen to the sidewalk. She feels sorry for it and takes it back to her home wrapped in her clothes then warms it by the fire. When it wakes up it bites and venomates her. She's like, why the fuck? And he goes, I'm a snake I do snake things.

  8. So what advice are you looking for? The only advice I’d give you is to get a vasectomy so you don’t impregnate any other women. Also, don’t ever commit to a woman again. That way, you’ll be free to chase any women you want. I feel so sorry for your wife. Hope she does better next time.

  9. You really don't like this guy huh? I'm a fucking stranger to you and all you've done is try to sell me on how low class this guy is. Is making a weird ass ketchup mixture and offering it to people weird? Yep. But the dudes footing the bill, let him be weird or don't go with him. I'd agree with people and say you should watch the menu but you would probably wonder why the chef killed all those good people

  10. Unfortunately I do think you mixed something up there – she’s the one he wants to talk to and give attention to – you are the one that’s a habit he can’t stop but puts to the side

  11. i promise you that is not a normal neurotypical / neurodivergent relationship. i know you two have been together for over a decade, but please don’t allow your history to blindside you into believing that this is what a typical (loving) relationship should look like. or even a healthy relationship, honestly. as women it is so easy to get caught up in settling for scraps because we believe that is all men are able to give. my partner and i are not perfect, but they move mountains for me and always have. they do their best to love me in the ways i need to be loved, and even at times where they don’t necessarily have the bandwidth (i have bpd, am on the spectrum, as well as a myriad of other diagnoses), they do things to show me love to the best of their capabilities.

    please just reread your own comment, because it broke my heart. would you want your children in this kind of relationship, believing that is how love is supposed to look or that they’re supposed to be treated these ways? you deserve the same love you extend to them, for yourself. you shouldn’t have to ask, and his words quite frankly don’t mean anything, when he shows no effort and you don’t feel cherished at all. the best 40th birthday present you could give yourself is the chance to be truly loved and understood by someone- the feeling of knowing someone likes you, without having to ask. the feeling of your quirks not seeming like a burden or an annoyance, but a gift. you don’t deserve another 40 years of this, and it’s never too late to start over.


  12. Try to do temperate checks. Just ask her, how she’s doing in the relationship and of there’s something she needs from you. THEN LISTEN AND TRY TO PARTICIPATE.

    Start the conversations. They are CONVERSATIONS. Start small, a 5 minute check. A 10 minute talk.

    Also try sharing something positive your feeling. Just say I feel….that’s all I need to say. DO NOT EXPECT A RESPONSE. Just let her sit with what your sharing. She will see the change.

  13. Nice attempt at copy and pasting my logic – but it doesn’t apply here lol. I read her comment and understood her point… and it was misguided bc she never understood the point of the comment she was initially replying to.

    What’s naked to get here?

  14. I'd rather stay home than go to his wedding. Your family is not cool. You know that, right? Very uncaring and kind of cruel. Wow

  15. I'd still say considering your partner a risk to your children over a porn preference they had a year ago is kinda harsh. They should definitely get to know each other better.

  16. oh jesus christ dude. way to cherry-pick.

    “marketed as actual teenagers with braces, pigtails, etc”

    “ummm acktually thats classist. how do you know those women just couldn’t afford braces when they were younger?!?!”

    they are talking about THE WHOLE PICTURE. women being marketed as actual teens – in braces, with pigtails, in My Little Pony PJs, holding teddy bears. don’t be dense.

  17. We have been exclusive for 4 months talking for 5 know I should’ve broke things off the first time but I didn’t and now I’m so invested in the relationship I don’t want to break things off. I can have access to her phone but she really only uses snap and the messages on there get deleted before I see her usually. So I can’t ever really tell. I want to trust her 1000% but I also feel like I can’t let my guard down either. I’m on a slippery slope

  18. Then I have to stare at an overflowing hamper. He doesn't “punish” me like a child.

    I was more thinking what are the consequences for HIM. e.g. he has no clean socks or underwear or shirts to wear to work because he didn't bother to do his own laundry. You don't need to spring it on him, say, “Hey, starting in April I won't be able to keep doing your laundry for you, just wanted to let you know.”

    I grew up in a household where my mother would severely punish me if a single sock hit the floor in my bedroom, even and especially as a child, so I feel like the house needs to be tidy all the time.

    You can want to have a tidy space, that's fine. Maybe you need to learn to relax a bit (e.g. it's OK for a glass or book to stay on the coffee table for longer than 30 seconds), but what you describe is “a room of your home being “completely full, almost up to the ceiling in some places, of his things”. That isn't reasonable, I don't think.

  19. If you want to give anything at all, give the amount you are ready never to see again because chances are- you wont. It's not your fault they chose to have more kids & a house they could afford and also, time for that one income to increase to two incoms so, whichever parent never worked should start now.

  20. Sometimes DNA tests don’t matter if it’s not in the kid’s best interests. I work for an attorney who had a case like this just recently. The judge said the unknown (alleged) father coming into the kid’s life would be too disruptive, especially since he lived across the county and wouldn’t see the child often anyway. He ordered that no DNA test be taken and the dad who has raised the child is the dad.

  21. How do you not see the football field of red flags?

    He doesn’t care how you feel about it as long as HE gets to live! out HIS fantasy.

    It’s very “rules for thee, but not for me,” with his rule changes, going through your phone, reading your journal. He wants to fuck someone else with no consequences because the relationship is “open.” But you don’t get to.

    Don’t walk away. Run. With the passwords on everything changed and your journal under your arm.

  22. What is his problem? Seems to me he’s dating someone 15 years younger than himself so he can control things and enjoy that power dynamic.

    I had several “online” friends attend my wedding—we had been friends for years but met in person for the first time that day. Many of my closest friends IRL are people I first met live!.

  23. a situation ship is not a relationship but there is a commitment and seems like one but theres no label

  24. Yeah I already said I didn’t think of it that way and I Told her that and apologized 1000 times which I know it’ll take time and not apologies but we been through a similar situation before the kid with her having sex with someone and I didn’t think one time leaving her. I was actually mad at myself because I couldn’t leave her lol

  25. Oh, well look at that puffy thing! It’s like beyonces lips, so cuteee! & if she was worried about it everyone would be up in arms calling the man insensitive. But her insecurities are her own


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