Alice-cute live! sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Alice-cute live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Well today I learned that you can breastfeed with a bra on. Unless the other sister claims it as hers cuz it fell out of a bag or something the odds do not look good. You have to bring it up again you cannot wait it out.

  2. You have answered your own question . There is lots of good in the relationship and you say you would stay with him whatever the marriage question . So if that’s the case you need to choose to feel differently about this – as there is no purpose carrying around negative feelings – you gain nothing from choosing to feel this way.

  3. It is completely fair for you to ask your boyfriend to cut off the friendship with this person. It is not appropriate for someone to send unsolicited boudoir photos to someone else, especially when they are in a relationship. It is also not appropriate for your boyfriend to receive these photos and not immediately delete them and distance himself from this person.

    It is understandable that you are uncomfortable with this friendship, especially given the other instances where boundaries were crossed. It is important for your boyfriend to respect your feelings and boundaries in this situation, and to prioritize your relationship over a new friendship.

    It is also important for your boyfriend to understand that it is not just about the boudoir photos, but about the lack of respect and boundaries that have been demonstrated in this friendship. You can try explaining to him that you feel disrespected and that the behavior of his friend is not acceptable in a healthy relationship. It may also be helpful for you both to communicate about your boundaries and expectations in friendships, and to make sure that you are both on the same page.

    Ultimately, it is up to your boyfriend to decide how he wants to handle this situation, but it is important that he takes your feelings into consideration and respects your boundaries. If he is unwilling to cut off the friendship or address your concerns, it may be worth considering seeking couples therapy to address any underlying issues in your relationship.

  4. I also don't see anything wrong with it. You don't seem to dispute the claim that it wasn't that serious.

    There are times when it's disrespectful to get with a friend's ex — say, that ex was abusive to them, or the breakup is still emotionally fraught. These exceptions ought to be taken seriously, but they can't be because of people like you who try to put them under a blanket umbrella of “I have permanent dibs on everyone I've ever had sex with”.

  5. If your account is true, your wife is an asshole and her behavior is wholly disappointing.

    If you are leaving out some massive details, may as well give the whole picture even if it doesn’t lint you in the best light for real advice for your situation.

  6. I have no better wish than the restoration of the relationship with your wife who I am sure you love. A marriage is about us and not about the individual.

  7. I wouldn’t say I had an absent father, but an abusive one yes.

    I'm no phycologist so don't take this as gospel – obviously… but I bet that has something to do with it.

    I bet you feel “Is he too nice? When's the abusive side going to come out”. that's what you grew up with so finding someone who's… not… just feels off.

    That's probably where I'd explore. Counseling, therapy, conversations with someone about that part of your past.

    If you have friends, family and the like and they are convinced by him? then I'd trust their judgement – just like I saw the age gap and I was like “hrm…” but you've already had that talk with people. So I'd look at your past and how that's affecting your now.

  8. Find an on-line community for asexual people. You can explore the idea of an asexual life and find a partner with a matched sex drive.

  9. End the relationship.

    Tell him that he is fucking delusional to believe that he can at the same time, be scared of you, your family, and all other white people, and date you.

  10. Just reread and saw that this isn’t even her husband. This is her boyfriend. She needs to buck the fuck up and LEAVE.

  11. You'll find someone better suited for you and your libido. Also, sounds like he dumped her so you would still be getting cheated on if he didn't get bored of her. Think of it that way.


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