Alice-Dean live! sex chats for YOU!

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6 thoughts on “Alice-Dean live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. If you're in the habit of dating men that are “terrible for you”, it's probably just you getting a reality check that the guys you're dating actually suck.

    Maybe it's time to take a step back and figure out what you actually want and not what seems nice at the time.

  2. Reddit thinks everyone should be segregated by age. Any contact with someone with a >2y age gap is suspicious.

  3. 1-2 shots of vodka is enough to make me silly and giggly, although I will admit I am a lightweight. I don’t smoke weed anymore (can’t with my new job) but probably 2 hit from a bowl was enough to relax me.

    The point isn’t how much it takes you to “feel” it. The point is that the sensation of being a little drunk and being a little high (from marijuana) are completely different. Being a little high still allows you to function like a relatively normal person. You can still have smart discussions, or create, or write, or exercise, or whatever.

    These two drugs act on different parts of the brain completely.

  4. I'm glad to find out that I'm not alone. Tbh, I told her before posting that I will ask this subreddit for advice. After the word misophonia was dropped the first time, I already googled and told her about my findings.

    We'll just be glad that there are fixes for my issue 🙂

  5. 1) You need therapy you sound very mentally weak for a 30yo.

    2) If you set a boundary enforce it. Thirst traps while in a relationship is disrespectful as hell. Never tolerate disrespect in a relationship.

    3) She is disrespectful of you and dismisses your feelings all signs that she probably is cheating on you.

    4) Please grow a spine and stand up for yourself. Its o to be single and work on yourself.

    5) If you want to keep signed up for this toxicity then when you are feeling anxious do a hobby or work out. Keep you mind too busy to be anxious.


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