Alice-fox on-line sex chats for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “Alice-fox on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Dude why is she even still talking to him. She doesn't even sound sorry. Walk my man. Tolerate no disrespect. If she loved you this much this wouldn't be a thing. Tell her flat out “You love him go to him I am done. I gave you a chance and you lied again the next day. When you should be rebuilding my trust you lock me out of your phone and continue to lie. This is not love this is lies and manipulation. If I am the man you want to spend your life with you have not shown it. Stay in the guest bedroom until we can find separate places to stay and he is not welcome in this house. DO whatever you want to do.”

  2. Do you think women don't over-think and re-think giving gifts? Men are simply taught it's OK not to put in the effort, while women are told it's inexcusable.

  3. I don’t think so. My boyfriend cleaned the house for me because I was coming because he was knows I like the apartment clean. She’s a splasher my boyfriend told her he just cleaned the bathroom and he went to her to tell her that when I arrived. She got upset that he confronted her infront of me I guess. And then she started acting weird. And I think it’s not just because of that.

  4. Follow up comment for anyone that could help me with further advice on the travel part. My girlfriend has told me twice that we’d go to Aruba and the Puerto Rico together but when I say I can’t go due to work or studying, she takes someone else and usually another family member. I feel upset by this and wish she’d understand that it affects me by saying let’s go to this place together and then take someone else. How can I express this clearly since it’s happened twice (the next trip is in January 2023), and I don’t want her to cancel but wish she never booked it in the first place.

  5. The thing is i have my life figured out more than she does i have a good job i have a my own place while she is still in school. But thats not even the point, the fact is its her first real relationship, and i understand she wants a break now, and i see where my fault is, but i have been betrayed by my loved ones too many times to simply just fully trust anyone. I just think its something that we have to work threw.

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  7. This only works when you move in with people who actively search for roommates. Your parents are doing both of you a favor. They didn’t sign up for roommates and offering that is quite insulting.

    Stop engaging in screaming matches with him. Tell him that he either behaves and starts respecting you and your parents or he can leave. If he can afford paying rent to your parents, he should be able to pay for a room somewhere.

    He doesn’t have to like the way your parents live!. I wouldn’t either. But this doesn’t mean he gets to change it.

  8. Your wife has the right to know you betrayed her. Really sir this is disgraceful behavior and you have yourself to blame. Go to therapy and work on boundaries.

  9. What makes you say it’s bullying? I know they shouldn’t be my friends, but at least I would like to feel more comfortable around them and not thinking what I should and shouldn’t say. It’s not like I’m being unprofessional, it’s not my first job and I know what is like to work in an office… Maybe I think I just talk to one of them, but how could I address it?

  10. THIS. Marriage is not for everyone and I respect that – it's def not for me~- but if marriage IS the goal then… sorry, but no one needs 6 or more years to decide if this is the person you want to marry. She obviously wants marriage badly, so OP if you want marriage too, just do it. And if you don't, then stop leading her on for God's sake. Tell her and all the friends she informed of the “engagement” that it was a misunderstanding or something, and stop the wedding juggernaut, because yeah you are a bystander in your own life but you know why? Because you are being incredibly passive. Stand up to this or actually ask her to marry you. You are not a leaf in the wind.

  11. I’m guessing that you didn’t spend any time on this sub researching threesomes and the results thereof OP. Even in the highly unlikely event that it had been extraordinarily successful it would still have altered your relationship way beyond ever getting back to where you were before.

    ‘We had talked’. Who’s the ‘We’ OP ? I’m thinking that it was largely’’You’. You talked your girlfriend around to the idea of having a threesome and spicing up your already satisfactory sex life. And now here YOU are with bitter regrets and about to throw her under the emotional (and almost certainly) financial bus.

    I’ve got to say that I have immense sympathy with your girlfriend in this. I hope that you are going to accept that you are largely to blame for what has happened and that you are going to take the financial hit. Play stupid games……Good luck.

  12. You are an adult in your own home doing what you want for your birthday – sounds like a fab time until your family (who need to check their boundaries) decided to “surprise” you, but OMG it was them that were surprised.

    I’d rethink them having a key and full access to your place whenever they feel it’s convenient.

    Also, they may need time to process the fact that you are gay, but I hope they aren’t AH about it. I was outed by my very Catholic parents when I was 16 and I am now 43F. I finally finally brought it up with my dad last week as it was never really addressed (yay for sweeping shit under the rug) – I asked him if he remembered 09/20/1996, and he was like no, but you seem to. I called him out on the shaming, etc – and he said that it took HIM 6 years “to get over it” like being a lesbian is a disease or something. ?

  13. Two things. Have bro go to college. Even if he doe it entirely live! that's still a few thousand extra for MHA. If you qualify for Fasfa then that even more money per month so you may not have to work if you don't want to. Coupling MHA, His job and fasfa and you'll easily clear 6 figures. More if he qualifies for disability as well. (Tell him to get disability even if he never went to medical. Pro tip from one vet to another.)

    Second: It's 2023. Bro needs to pull his weight. Separate the chores down the middle and tell him to get cracking.

  14. Dump her, you're young.

    Btw, those that bullied you for superficial shit when you were a kid, you sure they deserve the comfort they have today?


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