Alison collins online sex chats for YOU!

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27 thoughts on “Alison collins online sex chats for YOU!

  1. By the way, you may not have to sacrifice your career. Their might be some civilian positions available on base. Worth checking out.

  2. This makes me think it's not about numbers at all, but about YOUR fixation on it, about your relationship to food, your trauma, etc.

    I don't know your trauma, your relationship to food, or anything, but if 67kg (147lbs) is a healthy weight for you, why are you aiming to get down to 63kg (138lbs)? For reference, 75kg is 165lbs, so overall, we are talking not that much weight. Even if you are short, this isn't a lot of weight difference, really. From the way you spoke in your original post, I was expecting much higher numbers.

    If your husband is indeed fixated on this, you deserve better.

    You also deserve to get your trauma treated, and to heal. Whether your husband is an ass or just exhausted mentally, or both, you deserve to heal. Please consider talking to a qualified mental health professional.

  3. We will have to agree to disagree there, I’ve been cheated on before and I would want to know if my partner was cheating, but you have a point I don’t how people would react to that information.

  4. What do you hope to accomplish by that, though? Her father will likely just be even more restrictive and guarded with her.

  5. In any way? Goodness… I don't think you're ever going to be in a relationship very long. What you might see as disrespect might be a genuine mistake by someone else or not seen as disrespectful. Over the course of a long-term relationship, feelings get hurt and no one is absolutely perfect. I bet you've even disrespected your partners at times as well.

    From the sounds of it, you don't even let the person know that you feel disrespected or let your boundaries be known. You have an incredibly unhealthy view of relationships and what a person should or shouldn't know.

    I highly recommend you look into how to have a healthy relationship. You also seem to be caught up on respect, but don't respect the opinions of women. That's something you should definitely look into.

  6. Worst case: He has a lesbian fetish which also applies to his daughter and children. Best case: He’s an absolute idiot and thinks he’s funny and cool because he thinks it makes him appear LGBTQ positive.

    Both bad options…

  7. Omg I’m sorry man I laughed when I read “bystander in my own life” I’m like whaaaatttt who does that lol she crazy bro u gotta talk to her because uh lol this isn’t gonna end well. Best of luck tho!

  8. You should probably distance yourself from all of them, but tell A and tell him why. I don't know why you'd have any feelings for someone that would cheat on their guy with 3 dudes at once, you may want to think long and hot about that.

  9. Well it looks like you talked about how it made you feel and he's not respecting that and doesn't take it seriously, decide if this is something you can accept, if so, accept it. If not, you need to end the relationship, cause it may seem small but this is foreshadowing of someone who doesn't respect you.

  10. Absolutely, and it was a process. This won’t happen overnight, the thoughts will still linger here and there, but you have to stop bringing it up, especially if he’s not doing anything suspicious and this is just an isolated incident. It’ll happen, give yourself time. And even I though I said this is partly your fault I completely understand your feelings, I just think in this situation you should ignore your emotions a little and be more logical when approaching it. Realize that it had nothing to do with you, and sometimes ppl just have a hot time letting go of ppl they were in love with, but his love for you was clearly stronger as he cut off all communication with him to work on things with you.

  11. I just want to say thank you so much for this really kind, gentle message. I’ve been thinking so much and being hot on myself but your comment helped me take a step back. Really, thanks ❤️

  12. He said there’s something wrong with me and I’m unhealthy for thinking he wouldnt be interested in other women. Maybe not flat out cheating, but being full on INTERESTED? Attraction is one thing, but interested in other women while you’re with someone monogamously? And to say that’s how humans work, that there is no human who can just be interested in one person? It makes my heart break so much 🙁 I know I can be interested in just one person.

  13. I think you have bigger problems than buying her a new laptop. Your wife needs anger management therapy and possibly financial counseling.

  14. Inconsistent is one of the worst things a figure of authority can be. And you let this go on for 12 years? Be a decent parent and protect your children.

  15. Porn came up with my wife the other day, and when I told her I prefer amateur content for this reason, she was pleasantly surprised. I don’t think she’d be ok if I paid for it though.

  16. sheesh… explodes over an unknown set of circumstances, is proving to be a controlling jerk..

    I'd say you need a better BF…

  17. If she says she will self harm you need to call 911 or the like, or at least call her family/friends if she has any to keep an eye on her as you will be leaving, then block her everytlwhere. I'm pretty sure if you call 911 when she threatens self harm it will shut that down rapidly, that's all really you can do. Good luck moving forward.

  18. Indeed we are very aware of our issues and have talked at length about them! They are long and convulated and nuanced but boil down to very different communication techniques and love languages. We both want to work and improve them but I will admit this is problem that has persisted for the duration of our relationship, it has gotten better admittedly but it still has a long way to go as well.

  19. Mmm I feel like if he knows any English he knows what “how are you” means, I’m sorry girl.

    Hit him up for more sex or nothing at all, that’s my vote


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