Alyssa the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Alyssa, 19 y.o.


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16 thoughts on “Alyssa the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. To me this isn't even about boundaries. There's an inherent lack of respect that's going to show up in other areas of the relationship. He went way too far and if he doesn't already see the issue, he's missing something that can't be taught

  2. You need to do some tough love. You need to tell her that unless she gets the help she needs she can’t live with you anymore.

    Otherwise she’ll be a millstone E round your neck for ever as she’s not suddenly going to get better.

    You have to look after yourself, nobody else will. You’ve tried looking after her and it’s really not working.

    This is on her now.

  3. We recently had a baby, and he says that him doing things like running errands, groceries, fetching me water and food is “catering to me” “catering to my every need”. But claims he does it because he loves me and cares. It feels like he’s just throwing it in my face and guilting me for it.

  4. You're right, I re-read the post and I was probably projecting how I got picked on for anything I said. Deleted now.

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  6. He wanted to manipulate your feelings. He wanted a sense of control over you.

    Did you ever respond to those texts?

  7. And that’s your opinion. You don’t know all she’s going through, all you know is it was enough to make her put herself first. Which she did and has the right to do.

    Your timeline is arbitrary, because there’s not allotted threshold of time that make it more or less a bad person. It very hot on all sides, but would you be willing to sacrifice so much for your partners sibling? And even if the answer is yes, the said sacrifice doesn’t make you somehow a better person because you didn’t want to be there..

    OP said this is an ongoing issue that his ex has given a lot of latitude on, and people are still determined to make his ex a monster for putting herself first after months of putting her partner and his responsibilities first.

    I oft wonder how the people in post about their relationships, after doing what you suggest, get to the point of losing themselves to make sure others around are cared for while themselves not feeling supported. And I wonder ‘how did this person completely grind themselves down and no one saw them doing this?’ and this post reflects that.

    She may be shallow to a bunch of internet strangers, but she also gave this a shot and it’s completely unreasonable to expect her to stick around just because it’s ‘not worth it’ for her to leave for OP.

  8. Don't do things only he wants to do.

    Don't accept being insulted.

    Don't accept your needs and concerns being ignored.

    So… Bread up with the dude that would rather chuck a tanty then consider his gf's needs

  9. He did seem genuinely remorseful and upset that I was upset and did say he didn’t know how young she was and was upset about that I just don’t know how to stop feeling insecure and bad like I am just not a teenage Instagram influencer in any capacity

  10. If my friend stole intimate photos from my partners phone, our friendship would instantly be over. I couldn’t be friends with someone who ever thought it was okay to violate someone’s privacy in that way.

  11. Unless a relationship is explicitly polyamorous with lots of conversations and therapy leading up to the mutual decision of opening the relationship, it’s just cheating. You asked your bf if it was cool if you cheated while away. It’s so incredibly disrespectful, and he knows his worth and dipped as he should have.

  12. To quote my husband just now, “at what point are you supposed to start living your life for yourself?”

    You already have been, seems like a pointless quote. Until he starts living for himself and those plans go elsewhere.

    I really don't think you have to worry about him leaving me, we have the same POV.

    A warning for you isn't a worry for me, it's your burden. The same POV is the issue. Mutual selfishness. Easy early but time changes things.

    You proudly have no spiritual and emotional reflection. It's understandable why you don't understand the importance.

    I wish you luck on your journey.

  13. My friend was you. Except her husband became addicted to opiates instead of adderall. Ten years of begging, pleading, supporting him through his stints of unemployment, and taking care of him when he would decide to quit cold turkey and ending up hospitalized. You know how he spent their first wedding anniversary? In the hospital because he decided to dramatically flush his pills down the toilet and then getting really sick from withdrawal.

    Wanna know how she finally got through to him?

    She didn’t. He never changed while they were together. She divorced him. She’s now remarried. Finally has the baby she always wanted (you see, her first husband kept putting off having kids even though he knew how much she wanted them). She’s happy now. Her mental health improved. So did her financial situation.

    He’d go to therapy when she asked. Didn’t stick to it, though. He even had the gall to say she never gave him a chance to fix their relationship because she never told him how unhappy she was (believe me, she did).

    You can’t make someone get help if they don’t want it. You can’t make people want help.

    Unfortunately, sometimes love is not enough.


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