Ammy-Turner on-line webcams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Ammy-Turner on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. The way she handled it honestly made her less trustworthy, why are you doing so much over a crush? It would make me think there was something more going on

  2. I guess there is hiding and there is simply not thinking to mention it.

    My wife and I keep a clean shop so I would have mentioned a convo with an ex but some others wouldn’t have even thought to do so. I’m not cheating so why should I report this? Reporting this makes me look guilty when I’m not?

    I don’t know. I can truly see myself in a position where I am offering condolences/reporting on the death of a shared dog and having the convo veer in an unexpected direction. Again, we are in agreement that exes are the wrong people to ask for relationship advice from.

  3. Yeah, this still comes across like you're nitpicking and not adding anything constructive to the conversation. You keep saying “he shouldn't be yelling at all” and we've already established that we agree on that.

    I'm not sure why you're so against the suggestion of moving the confrontation to a private space instead of focusing on the yelling portion.

  4. So you have a strong and unsolvable sexual incompatibility in your relationship. As a workaround, your wife is proposing you find peace and equilibrium with someone else. Her only conditions are that she doesn't know about it nor about who.

    I won't go into the risk that she will be hurt by this because it will obviously take away from your mariage. I am not forcibly talking about the caring or potential love but basic things like time. It's not like you will make a detour from work for a 30 minute sex session but spend time because it takes time.

    Now your question is about the fact that the foreseen +1 is a long standing friend of yours and if you should disclose this to your wife. The main thing is to know if the person also revolves in your wife social circles, even with a few degrees. Basically can she hear about it from someone else that will have heard a rumor or seen you with the other woman? You have one boundary and that's the one you should not cross directly or more important indirectly.

    In such a case I would honestly advise to have someone that had no previous connection to you or your wife and even consider sex workers (as ethical ones as it can be).

    Finally really make sure with your wife that she is not proposing this when she already knows she will be hurt. And have a good thinking yourself about the risks of getting attached to the other person, sex chemistry is a bitch in that regards.

  5. It would be douchey if roles were reversed. Alot of women would tell her to leave her man. It's the same thing in my eyes with your story. You deserve someone that genuinely like you for you

  6. You're 35, not 15. So you ought to be able to see that this could not have been love, because you never truly knew this person on any sort of deep level.

    You kept mentioning talking to his friends, but what about your friends? If good friends of yours knew all of this, they would have called you out on your juvenile actions and reasoning. Do you not have any friends like that?

  7. Maybe suggest fucking him in the ass and see how he likes it? No means no and if he can't respect that and blames you then you need to seriously rethink this relationship. He's 29 ffs and acting like a 15 year old.

  8. You say you were manipulated but honestly it sounds like you were the one doing the manipulation. He very clearly explain his intentions. You told him you were on board. You went along with everything he said. Now you're upset he spends time with his wife…??? You knew he had a wife all along. He's not going to leave his wife for you.

    You have a very simple solution, if you don't like the arrangement than leave. A word of advice, don't date married men if you want monogamy.

  9. Yeah, but that's exactly what I'm talking about. Why does it matter what friends or family think about you? For example, if I were in a relationship with you and everything was great but I was unhappy for some reason. I don't have to stay with you just because my friends might think that I'm a terrible person for breaking up with you.

    And even if they do think I'm a terrible person guess what? They will get over it in a few weeks. Just like your boyfriend is probably going to get over you as soon as he finds a new girl.


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