Ammywolf on-line sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Ammywolf on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Tell him. Asap. He has the right to know he's a father. You're keeping him from his child and in the end you are doing no one any favors and just creating more damage the longer you wait.

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  3. This was a boundary that he agreed to and has continued to agree to. I would treat this like reconciliation after infidelity, because it’s quite similar and requires a lot of the same steps.

    Has he gotten any sort of professional treatment/has he been in individual therapy for this issue? Have you two done couples therapy? Have you been in individual therapy?

    Without these steps, essentially what you’ve done here is sweep the whole issue under the rug. That’s why you still can’t bring yourself to trust him and forgive him, and why he continues to violate your boundaries again and again.

    Also, I’d bet money with the clean internet history that he’s still using porn. Maybe less than before, but why else would he delete the browser history? I’d make full transparency on that front a condition of your continued marriage. He can’t be deleting his browser history and expect you to trust him, since he’s violated your trust so many times already.

    I recommend checking out the subreddit r/AsOneAfterInfidelity for guidance. Your situation is slightly different than most of the stories there, but so much of the advice will apply.

  4. You are both in the wrong. If I was either one of you, I'd leave. You need to face up to the underlying issues in your relationship and in yourselves. Alcohol doesn't make you flirt or violent, it just brings up to the surface problems that already exist in people. Don't go through the motions of a relationship if you're not prepared to act like responsible adults for your kid.

  5. It doesn’t really sound half and half, it sounds like 90/10 with the 90 being him being a previous cheater who has a very fatalistic view of all cheaters (and all women) except himself that he uses to control you when you’ve never cheated.

  6. I hope you realize you royally screwed up there. DO NOT…I repeat…DO NOT ease drop on someone’s private therapy session. That’s their safe space to get out there most private feelings and you violated it.

    If I was him I’d be very upset at you.

  7. He's being clear and sticking by the stuff you two negotiated at the start of the relationship. Also, if he doesnt want long distance, it doesnt matter how “valid” his arguments are, it's not for you to decide.

  8. This dude has you on the line and he knows it; I would like to suggest the possibility that your “love goggles” are maybe not letting you see how cruel he's being to you.

    Now it's sounding like he's going to turn any expectations or reasonable requests around on you. And mentions emotion-heavy reasons on why his 5+ year arrested development is something his partner just needs to accept?

    Maybe you guys should just take a break, get some space, see a therapist, etc, whatever your heart desires. If you miss them, you can always go from there.

  9. If he has an anger issue, he needs therapy, anger management, and a better way to manage his feelings. I personally wouldn't stay with someone with an anger issue. It only escalates to physical violence. I dumped my most recent bf because he was starting to become abusive verbally.


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