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18 thoughts on “Anastaxialynn live sex chats for YOU!

  1. OP left out the part where her daughter pays the bills and the rent, and that the daughter paid for literally everything in that room. It's not hyperbole, the daughter even paid for the lights that OP couldn't afford to fix.

    Daughter had every right to take her shit and leave, it's her property.

  2. It’s not worth biting your tongue to keep the peace. It’s also not disrupting the peace if you are asking him the questions you’re asking Reddit, it’s a needed conversation

  3. My husbands mother is a hoarder. To the extent our daughter is not allowed in his parents house, my husband isn’t like that in the least and neither are his siblings

  4. Bail. That's a lot of lies he's juggling, and if you make the mistake of moving in together, the underlying problems as well as their consequences will then be yours as well. These aren't just white lies or trying to be private. He is fronting, and I would be shocked if he wasn't in massive debt. If that's still not enough to convince you to leave, what all else has he been completely fabricating?

  5. I have caught her on dating apps looking for woman to hookup with before

    Aaaaand here we go again. You caught her red handed cheating. You allowed it, hence anything from that point on it's 100% on you. Shes cheating on you. AND you are the enabler. AND you keep on enabling her… as you clearly stated, you are the sucker.

    Grow some spine m8. Dump her asap. I wonder how can you be doing so much mental gymnastics about the single fact that she's , and most probably she has been for quite some time, cheating on you.

  6. Very simple just say: Thank you for the invite. While I respect your faith it doesn't sit with my belief system and I would feel hypocritical putting myself in that situation. I hope this doesn't affect our friendship.

    I am a person who turned to Christianity late in life and if I received this or some variation of it I would respect my friends position.

  7. Try not to rush healing.

    First heartbreak is always the hardest, you’ll learn better from then onwards. It happened to me more than a decade ago and I wish I had the advice to slow down and not to rush healing. It’ll come, time is magic like that sometimes. But you need to do the work like what other commenters mentioned.

  8. I agree this might also be a problem. If clothes smell like BO they may require stronger cleaning methods like washing using a vinegar solution first then washing with regular detergent. There may also be a problem with your boyfriend’s sense smell did they have COVID, sinus infection, or are they diabetic. It’s not uncommon for people to go nose blind as well, but as you’ve mentioned this is problem I don’t see why someone would choose to go around smelling.

  9. Location sharing is a great tool, but the devil's as usual in the details. Like if you're using the location sharing to get an idea where your partner is for logistical reasons that's perfectly fine. You seem to be using it to stalk him and to suspect him of foul play at the very first minute his location stops being transmitted. There could be hundreds of reasons why that happened that don't involving him cheating on you. If that's your instant gut reaction, maybe you have deeper issues to solve in the relationship.

    Don't be in a long distance relationship though. They rarely work. You are young still, I'm sure you can find somebody closer to your place of living in real life.

  10. You realize he's not going to change the way he acts, right?

    Everything's terrific until you don't agree with his view on something, then he belittles your feelings and opinions.

    If you marry him, expect that to continue every day you two are together.

  11. If he doesn't respond by noon tomorrow, delete his number. But give him time cause he could be sleeping.

  12. Errr ick! Not cool and gives us guys who know to only show our d1cks to the white porcelain urinals. What a knob. You’re so better off without this kind of drama btw. Welcome to the first day of your new life buddy. Take care and stay true to yourself.

  13. I don't know, it can just be random fleeting attraction.

    With that said, female law graduates apparently tend to fall for criminals that they end up defending in court cases. Our criminal law professor has given serious warning about this phenomenon during a lesson to entire year.

    Point is even smart people are stupid. This why smart and upstanding people can be in one-sided relationships where they are exploited. These are extreme cases of course, but even in a normal relationship, it isn't about being in the same “league” about making for a good couple. Chemistry and whatnot. Some people are really into being respected by their partner, and appreciate being considerate, and many other things. In such cases, being “better” by objective metrics is worthless, because this isn't what relationship is based on necessarily.

    Of course, if you lack interests, things to talk about with girl outside of typical flirting/teasing it can be nude to sustain any relationship. So keep that in mind.

    As for her specifically, I wouldn't care all that much. You can give it a shot to see what happens. If you are rejected that is fine, if you get together, but it ends up falling apart that is fine too, as you will get experience of being in relationship, and take notice what mistakes not to make. This applies to any girl you may like not just this one btw. Having “casual” approach may be nude, but it is healthy. If you are stressed out, this will only sabotage you, if you accept it might backfire, but do it just cause it will be an experience regardless, you will eventually end up meeting someone really made for you.

  14. It’s not grooming bro she’s 24 and he works at a gym. She’s disrespecting your relationship and definitely hiring jt from you. Be honest about your snooping and confront her


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