Anisa-shy live webcams for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Anisa-shy live webcams for YOU!

  1. Age range? Culture? Do they drink? Do they smoke? Do they have pets? Are they tech-savvy?

    If you actually want to get them a good gift, you are gonna have to give us more info.

  2. Go to drugs.con cuz your 30 years experience is BS!! That’s taken directly from the site as reference.

    “Buprenorphine sublingual tablets are most often used for the first 1 or 2 days to help you start with treatment.

    Other forms of buprenorphine are used to treat moderate to severe pain.”

  3. Don’t get involved. Take wife to see a GP so she has info on why she should maintain healthy weight and how to. I let myself go and now am on meds because GP worried my liver inflammation blood marker means there’s fat being deposited in heart, brain etc.

  4. I can also confirm that it does happen. I get silly little crushes from time to time, but they don't last longer than 2 weeks on average. And also, I don't see myself committing to anyone other than my husband, so it's not like the crush is a “grass is greener” situation.

  5. You have some good points about dementia. We're dealing with it in our family, and it's damned very hot.

    I hope you have a good new year.

  6. I send my best friend memes and videos about proposals, marriage, and dating tactics he can try because he sucks at dating and approaching women. It likely doesn’t mean anything harmful.

  7. Tell Rick he was way out of line and the feelings are unrequited. Tell Mia what he said. She needs to know. Better to live! a life of truth than online a lie and have a child while stuck in an unhappy marriage.

  8. This may not be a popular opinion (full disclosure I do not support telling lies), however, she placed you in an impossible situation here. She couldn’t handle the truth that you are indeed human. She got mad a small, silly, meaningless things. You tried to play peace keeper and spare her feelings and let your ears cool off. The real problem here is that your wife is self conscious to the point that’s it’s sad. As a woman i too have insecurities but good gracious. Your wife needs to seek counseling immediately. It’s one thing for a husband to be disrespectful and comment on the attractiveness of another woman openly, it’s another when she shamed you for literally being a man. I admire the fact that you’ve loved her enough to spare her the pain of living with open eyes, but you did yourself an injustice by allowing this to continue so long without intervention. It seems like no matter what you’re the bad guy and she’s the victim. I’ll be honest i couldn’t live! like that

  9. The first 4 months were great she was kind funny and empathetic. No need to worry turns out the suicide thing was her cover up while sleeping around behind my back. She dumped me yesterday and is on a date with another man today. I'm currently in shock and am probably going to spend the next 3 days in a bottle of wine…

  10. INFO: What country do you live! in? Also, from the etymology of the word “methane,” you are in fact pronouncing it wrong.

  11. Girrrrrrl! You’ve got a lot of nerve saying you hope people work on their issues. Oooff. Did your new husband buy that audacity for you as a wedding gift?

  12. Being a care taker is exhausting for any human being on this planet. Even taking care of your kids is exhausting to the point where parents actually feel relaxed and happy when they take breaks from them.

    It has nothing to do with love, or lack thereof. But everyone has a limit and it’s understandable.

    What’s important is for her to acknowledge that’s she needs help in general, and not just depend on you.

    If you don’t mind me asking what was the initial Injury about and why did it devolve into her not being able to do a desk job?


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