Anna(red) Kitty(blond) Haley(dark) Mira(longhair) the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Anna(red) Kitty(blond) Haley(dark) Mira(longhair) on-line sex chat

30 thoughts on “Anna(red) Kitty(blond) Haley(dark) Mira(longhair) the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Only you know the answer to that question and you do know the answer already.

    Ask yourself would this be happening if I wasn't with him. Can it be worked on, prospect of change? Is it making me sadder or unhappier than I would be if I were single?

    No one needs their balance and wellbeing knocked off kilter by another person

  2. It sounds like intent. You may want to consider how much fidelity matters to you. From the sounds of it, she’s hoping that you’ll give her permission on the agreement that you know about it. Tbh, it sounds weird to me that you would want to control her actions. Unless you both promised fidelity forever as part of your relationship agreement, it sounds like you assumed that point. She may not have felt the same.

  3. yes, you are much more likely to meet decent people and make decent connections with people outside of bars/clubs; nothing wrong with that.

  4. I understand that pregnancy can mess with your hormones, but it's doesn't make it ok for her to be yelling and screaming at you all the time, or giving away your pets without discussing it with you. Is she in therapy or getting help for this?

    Also, I would advise you to go to therapy because it sounds like you are under a lot of stress. That is only going to get more intense once the baby comes. They would be able to help you with figuring out your relationship more than reddit can.

  5. Sounds like you guys are no longer connecting because you are fighting all the time. Not conducive to a nude bedroom.

    Have you talked to her about this?

  6. Reverse Viagra? is what it sounds to me with the effect being that you need a downer you make you go longer, instead of an upper.

  7. Ik I was shocked to see his replies. I refuse to believe people still have such disgusting mindsets in this century.

    OP I’ll try to be as nice as I can. I understand why you have your concerns about your girlfriend’s friend (I personally wouldn’t care if it’s my partner but it’s human nature to feel insecure so that’s okay). But the problem here is this. Unless you tell your girlfriend that you’re having doubts about their friendship, how would she know….? How is it disrespectful to you when she doesn’t even know you have a problem with it? Unfortunately she can’t read your mind. So communicate. Tell her.

    And when you do, I hope she won’t stick with you. Not because of your feelings about her and her friend, but because of your shitty comments about women. If you truly loved her, you wouldn’t be insulting women on this thread. In case you forgot, a woman brought you to this world.

  8. I think trying to rekindle your relationship with your family is the best course of action here. You will definitely need them if you go through with the pregnancy.

    As for the other part, well, only one option but to walk out undetected. Don't know how you are going to pull it off but that's something you have to figure out.

  9. This is exactly why no-fault divorce was a mistake. In a just society, OP could divorce her husband with cause – his demands for infidelity – and not have to pay her piece of shit bum of a “husband” to chase pussy on Tinder (if she’s the “breadwinner” she’s probably going to pay for his Tinder Gold via alimony).

  10. Ok, so assuming this is a real question, which I'm not sure it is, just a quick FYI:

    You can fuck as many dicks as you please, but some men don't like high “body counts”. You can think that's wrong, but it's a fact regardless. Irrespective of that, even if they're OK with the number of men you have slept with, they don't want to “casually” hear about your previous sex life.

  11. That’s true but also it’s different from realizing you’re not ready before beginning it vs realizing 8 months in all of sudden

  12. It's a done deal. I broke up with her. You don't enter relationships to hear about a male friend everyday. The cracked rib thing was just the straw the broke the camel's back.

  13. That’s kink shit, and dangerous kink shit at that. Every bdsm enthusiast worth their weight in salt knows never to leave a tied up person alone. NOT cool OR safe

  14. I imagine nothing ignorant that you later regretted ever came out of your mouth when you were a teenager

  15. I read your post thoroughly, twice. One thing stuck out to me.

    Your husband, despite “providing so much for you both”, is the continuing source of pain for your son. You push your son's grievances aside as if they are nothing and he isn't entitled to feel that way because once again, your husband “provided so much for you both”. Your DIL has stated the ongoing issue and rather than actively look into you and your husband's actions, you continue to ignore them and for that Your son and his wife have decided that your husband (and you by association) have no further place in their lives due to the continued stresses you both cause them.

    Push aside your “woe is me” attitude, suck it up and sincerely work on yourselves because at this put, you don't deserve a place in their lives, no matter how much you think you deserve it.

  16. Who is bullying you? It's not normal to bully a fully grown woman because of how she looks. If someone is bullying you, there is something very wrong with their heads.

    Could it be that you're stuck with thinking people dislike you because you used to be bullied as a kid/ teen? I mean, even if you are ugly, you did get a bf who cares about you. And are people really bullying you normally? Like, really?

  17. I’ve been with my husband 30 years and he’s never called me that. It’s a derogatory term and he’s is being extremely rude. Unless he gives a grovelling, heartfelt apology explaining how and why he was wrong, you want to think seriously about your relationship

  18. Call up memories of especially nude times, when you both couldn't get enough or it was just over the moon. Then it doesn't have to be explicit but she knows what you are feeling. “Remember that time in or when such and such, I can't think of anything else today. Hurry home! And don't work too hot…leave that up to me.

  19. Definitely the right call, controlling and wanting to isolate you, don't EVER allow that to happen with ANYONE, it happened to me when I was much younger and super naive, it was a gradual thing so being young and naive I never saw it happening but it did and I'm lucky I finally got out. Good for you for seeing it while it was happening.

  20. Bad Joke Incoming

    I get that he is out of practice – hasn’t been in a construction site in a while or done carpentry in some time but it’s bad and not worth $200

    You could tell your bf to start a religion. Jesus had better success as a religious martyr than he did as a carpenter.

    Okay real advice time. I'm sorry for the joke.

    When talking to your boyfriend I would avoid using words or phrases that could be interpreted as you not believing in him or that you think he isn't talented enough to sustain himself with his carpentry because men that age tend to be more reactive than older men, I would express that you're concerned about his future and the possible future he has with you (idk how long y'all have been together) and that you can't provide for both of you and pay to fund his business. Tell him good stories you have about businesses you've worked for and emphasize that not all businesses are toxic.

  21. He doesn’t have access to professional help. His parents aren’t supportive with therapy and he can’t get a job because he’s not a citizen yet

  22. You’re not being unreasonable. Super inappropriate for your BF to invite his ex husband into your family and current lives. I hate to say it but is it possible he’s just gay?

  23. Good lord. Are you both dense? You’re worried about CHEATING? This is basically the plot of Taken. It shouldn’t be a deal breaker and you shouldn’t be worried about cheating. You should be worried about her safety.


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