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16 thoughts on “Annetaylor live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Maybe I’m missing something otherwise I don’t see what you need to get over? Your boundaries aren’t being stated and addressed! You don’t like your privacy invaded and, for you, the phone is an extension of that. Her hinting at you hiding something probably made you feel like she would snoop. I think this is a fair request and her reaction is just making you uncomfortable about setting boundaries. Still do it!

  2. He might be realizing he went through most of his 20's with you and he might not be ready to make the commitment. If it were me, I'd either be exploring my options or ready to buckle down and commit at this point. You guys already own a house together.. You're practically married already. Something else is up. Mistress? Drug problem? I'm not trying to frighten you, but there's gotta be some reason besides “just don't want to”.

  3. Every time I opened up emotionally (cried) in front of a woman or have been very vulnerable, I've regretted it. Every single time. Very similar to how your girlfriend reacted.

    I'm of the opinion that most women say and believe that they want a man to be vulnerable emotionally, but really they find it to be pathetic.

    I can't and won't say all women are this way, as I'm sure there are women who appreciate vulnerability…just not the women who have been in my life.

  4. You need affirmation? You got one from me, all day, my man. Your resolve is admirable. Your daughter is not replaceable. Wife, on the other hand… stay strong through this. Things will likely get worse for a bit, but that’s just her, losing control, acting out and making it worse for herself. Hang in there, and godspeed!

  5. Why must she consider his lies. If you're so scared of bring trans dont waste people times and expect them to accept you. The delusion is strong with these kind of people

  6. Of course the gender matters in this case. Bf would have a point when she showered with two males. This is a normal concern and the same reason society divides locker rooms and restrooms. If he really sees this as crossing a boundary, he should work on his own issues, because that would be an unreasonable boundary to have. Imagine your SO demanding you should stop going to the gym because she doesn't like you showering in the presence of other men

  7. definitely a lesson learned. this was my first relationship experience and as much as it hurt, i don’t regret it because i know i tried my best, but that just wasn’t enough. i wouldn’t do it again though!

  8. You definitely need to draw boundaries, but she's not out-of-pocket for driving home the point. She's trying to motivate you, in her own way, but it's not easy to have an extra voice nagging you when you already have so much to figure out. That said, it's what needs to be done. Sucks, but that's life homie. We gotta make sacrifices for the people we love, but honestly getting into shape will benefit you far more than it will benefit her. You only get one body, so you need to take care of it. That 20 extra pounds may mean nothing to you now, but everything from your joints to pancreas will thank you for losing it. Best of luck bud, you'll probably look like a million bucks by the Summer.

  9. Ehhh I think you overreacted a tad. Valentine’s Day is literally a commercial holiday made to make people think they need this or that to feel loved. The whole day is has turned into this big unspoken competition of who got what. Him bringing up making the chocolates you liked together is exactly what should be happening. It’s something personal to you guys and it’s something a little special.

  10. Another age gap, another scam relationship. Sorry, OP. This isn't your fault and I'm sorry this happened to you. I just wish we educated young women about what grooming looks like.

  11. Your shitty morals aside… would he not be exhausting to listen to all the time anyway? Like your friend group really wants to hang out with this “really good friend” & have a good time while he’s yelling at his girlfriend or saying nasty things to her for everyone to hear? WHY would ANYONE want to be around him, let alone when he’s ACTIVELY ABUSING HER!!! How can that even be a good time!!!? How does he not bring everyone else down too? Y’all all wearing earmuffs?


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