Apriilstarr live! webcams for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Apriilstarr live! webcams for YOU!

  1. No, they work together. Also I’m pretty sure she invited that other guy. If she just met that guy, that pretty wild of her go bring him to her house.

  2. Because if he found out through work colleagues that partners were invited and he wasn't it would be a bigger risk than actually having him there and just avoiding him.

  3. Do not go back to that guy for the sake of the baby. You will be miserable and babies need a happy mama more than they need their parents being together. This will not go well down the line and your kid will be more traumatized by an unhealthy relationship at home than by their parents co-parenting amicably.

    Your husband is a piece of shit, pardon my French, since he believed everyone else before he believed his wife. There’s no excuse for him treating you like trash without letting you defend yourself and for also having sex with a bunch of people (divorce in process or not) possibly exposing himself – and you if you ever decide to be with him again – to STI.

    Please OP, really think about whether you want to be with someone like this. I am not sure what he’s done is something you can actually get over.

  4. Hello /u/kraftmacncheese10,

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  5. A real polyamorous relationship has rules. Everyone needs to know everyone involved in a relationship with. It's a complex web. Now… The part where you were told you can't see anyone else… I feel like that is a deal breaker. This dude just wants extra pussy around.

  6. Tell him only if he gets penis enlargement surgery first. Its a fair trade but I think he'll reconsider.

  7. This sounds like textbook emotional abuse from a narcissist. They’ll gaslight you into thinking you’re the crazy/incompetent/stupid one, forcing you to be meek and submissive. Nothing about how your partner treats you is normal or ok.

  8. Absolutely. The person I'm replying to and I were discussing the part about choice though. I didn't bring up anything because there's no issue there. They absolutely need to sort out their own transport.

  9. You sound exhausting.

    Hiccups aren't even voluntary. Yawns aren't voluntary either. These are just normal things people do. You need therapy if you can't deal with somebody yawning or hiccuping.

    Crossing legs? I can't even. I hope you're a troll because these are absurd things to try to control about your boyfriend. Why TF do you care if he crosses his legs?

    Laughing annoys you too. So you just want to suck all the joy out of his life. I can't imagine how he puts up with any of this. Do you even like him? Because if you do, stop treating him like shit.

  10. I have, he doesn’t agree with how he treats me but he says that’s just friend that’s just how he acts and not to think too much into it but it’s very hot when he treats me like I don’t matter. We have tried to talk about it before but nothing substantial has come from it as friend always gets drunk to try to talk to me about it.

  11. Sounds like a guy who wants you to act like a subservient, traditional wife while he acts like he is single.

    I wouldn't stick around.

  12. Yeah this sounds like him a lot, if anything he’s not the type who would ever make fun of someone obviously because of how he was treated, and any gay jokes wouldn’t be well received by him, especially since he very much enjoys that I am bi.

    All the guy at his work are very much the alpha bro types, I think maybe he thinks that’s who he should hang out with because they share common hobbies, but he’s just not the right kind of personality for them.

  13. You let her know by telling her.

    But I think you're being kind of petty unless your household is struggling.

  14. Never marry legally put everything in your name. And have her never pay her loans back. Ignore them live! your life maybe the government will get there shit together and forgive student loans. (I have no idea what I’m talking about)

  15. I didn’t read the text, ngl, because when I read your ages I thought PREDATOR.

    Which normal 40 year old dates a 22 yo other than to manipulate and control her? He should be dating someone in the range of 33-40, closer to his age.

    Good riddance girl

  16. If communication breaks down when you're apart, and you like it that way and she doesn't, either you somehow ditch your “avoidant attachment style” and treat this like a serious relationship or you explain that you just don't like talking to her when you're not in the same room, break up, and find someone who is more compatible with your communication style

  17. You paid off her loan. The college returned those funds- that’s your money straight and clear. You need to speak up. It doesn’t have to be a whole argument, you could just say something like – ‘say, I heard uni xyz is closing down and loans are forgiven. It will be great to get the money from my severance pay back- I’ve been running tight on funds’ . If she still doesn’t, this is financial abuse and you need to get back on your feet and fund a job. Wish you all the best for the conversation and later.

  18. Do you have ” full access to her phone” I wonder keep it moving break up it's the lack of privacy for me and NO MATTER how you word it she will ALWAYS think you are doing something along the lines of cheating to her well if he's got nothing to hide he dosent need privacy

  19. You caught him cheating on you once, you blamed the other woman instead of him, so you thought him that he can get away with it. You teach people how to treat you by putting up with unacceptable behavior. There's no reason for him to stop. Not saying he does, but why shouldn't he.


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