AprillLin on-line webcams for YOU!

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Could be time here so crazy ? šŸ˜€ [9966 tokens remaining]

19 thoughts on “AprillLin on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Honestly you should move on. What happened happened, yes, but it seems she's kinda ashamed or she doesn't feel good about it right now, and apparently she doesn't want to date again. So as nude as it is, you should move on.

  2. No man is entitled to your body. Way to go on rejecting him despite his manipulation and gaslight. Stay strong and keep him to the curb.

  3. Get the pictures. Then tell Twin 2 that after this experience, you no longer want her as a bridesmaid or in attendance at the wedding. Then go no-contact with both of them and head off into your new married life with someone who cares about you.

    They are both being mean and manipulative. It's not your job to let them treat you badly, and then go out of your way to still be nice and respectful to them. Don't let them argue with you, don't defend yourself, don't try to make them admit they've been awful. Just cut them off and ensure that you have someone at the wedding who can throw them out if they show up to try to hurt you.

    If Twin 2 has incurred reasonable and nonrefundable bridesmaid costs at the time you tell her she's no longer a bridesmaid, I'd suggest pre-emptively figuring out what those costs would be, and sending her reimbursement at the same time you tell her she's out. Send it to her in a form that can be tracked. I'm suggesting this in case she decides that she wants to get revenge by suing you in small claims for those costs.

    Good luck and I hope your wedding and marriage go perfectly.

  4. This is obviously not about the flowers. He just sucks. He could have easily set a phone reminder to order you flowers or gone and ordered them to be delivered on the day. He specifically chose not to do that.

    Also, those events are still important and deserve to be celebrated. My husband gets a quadruple whammy of birthday, Christmas, anniversary and then Valentineā€™s Day all within a matter of a few weeks. We do small things (cards, flowers, or candy, that sort of stuff) for Valentineā€™s because it does kind of suck not doing anything but the other three we celebrate as if the other two didnā€™t exist. If money is tight he can still do something nice for you for each event.

    It just sounds like he is not invested in this relationship and it sounds like you have talked about it and what you need from him and he is still ignoring you, personally I would end it.

  5. I mean, you could look up the revenge porn laws in your area and give him a nice reminder of the possible consequences before you cut off contact. In the future just remember, never take nudes unless you are mentally prepared for the whole world to see.

  6. Everybody has different ideas of what all these words mean. That's why communicating with your partner(s) is so important. Here's my personal breakdown:

    Talking to someone: trying to figure out if you want to date

    Seeing someone: same as dating, but maybe less romantic or serious

    Dating someone: going on dates with someone (nothing exclusive, no commitment)

    Bf/gf: committed and exclusive romantic relationship

    Cheating: breaking the rules of the relationship. If you never established rules, then you can't cheat. Communicate and then dedicate.

  7. To give some detail on just how much stronger than an amateur a 2350 rated player is – at that level, she would have been in the top 100 or so female players in the world. Even if she declined to the level of a strong amateur of 1900 (very unlikely), and if the 10 year old was a strong beginner at 1000 (again, very unlikely if they are falling to the tactics OP described), she would still be expected to beat him 99.4% of the time. There's simply no way that a former 2350 could be performing so badly unless deliberately throwing games, which certainly appears to be the case here.

  8. Look at it this way – you're clearly not compatible, and if you've been making her feel bad since your THIRD DATE then idk why she'd want to stay with you, either.

    Like no cap sometimes people can overcome a lot as a couple, but there's zero upside to staying together at this point if you feel unheard and she's unhappy.

  9. It sounds like you built up a “surprise” but none of it was personal or specific to her. The car was obviously specific to your interests. I would not like my partner taking me to the mall and telling me to buy my own gift. I do understand that some people might like this, but to me it is very impersonal and I have to do all the work. (To be fair, I usually see shopping as a chore). Maybe she didn't see much of herself in the plans you made.

    My suggestion would be to ask her what her ideal romantic getaway weekend would look like, and you'll have a better sense for next time what she thinks is special.

  10. The next time your wife has one of her good friends over, walk up to the friend and plant a passionate kiss on her lips. That should prove to your wife that youā€™re not rude.

    How do you get your wife to get over this? I donā€™t know. Maybe talk to her?

    ā€œHey honey, can we talk about the other night?ā€ Then you can acknowledge you could have done things better but point out she could have too. Then you agree how to handle similar situations in the future.

    Just a thought.

  11. Not in anyway a dig, but maybe she could get a psych evaluation in case she has anxiety or something else

    Could be the case as it doesnā€™t make sense that something outside of her control bothers her so much

  12. The intensity of the interrogations have decreased dramatically with time. While sheā€™ll still ask questions itā€™s far less accusing than it used to be.

    Ad for the childcare decisions, yes I admit I was wrong for doing that without talking it over first and childish for doing it in an effort to prove my worth/save money due to my unemployment

  13. Couple of things:

    Why is she relaying her friend's/family's questions about her relationship to you? Ask her to stop. You can't do anything about it (or them) and it's unnecessarily stressful for you to hear. From what you've described she seems to be a private person all around. So if she is not blasting it on social media or snogging in public, I'd not take it personally – because it is not, in fact, personal. She doesn't want to express to friends and family because she doesn't want to. That should be reason enough. She is not required to justify her Privacy Settings to you or anyone. It's only been three months, that's a blip of time. If you had said three years, then sure.

    Leave all of this alone. It's only playing into your insecurities. Enjoy your time together and see how it goes.

  14. This whole post makes me feel sick. His response is not normal or healthy. He took a playful remark and gaslit you into believing you were being somehow toxic and accusatory.

    Id be asking why hes so defensive and how is it possible that he could choose to leave his entire family over something so trivial.

    Im sorry OP this just doesnt add up.

  15. But I'm going to find a better therapist.

    I'm really not sure if this is healthy, and I'm very sure that going to reddit for emotional counseling instead of a therapist is a terrible idea.


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