Arii-jhonson live! webcams for YOU!

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33 thoughts on “Arii-jhonson live! webcams for YOU!

  1. You broke up with him because he wouldn’t let you force a conversation on him that he didn’t want to participate in. You sound like you don’t have much of a grasp on the concept of boundaries.

  2. Lol thank you! This is a great example I appreciate you sharing it. I care about my boyfriend so much so I definitely don't wanna lose him by me not keeping my mouth shut. ? so I'll be actively working on it, but he's been extra affectionate and better at expressing his feelings in person since then. Anyway, ty!!

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  5. She's probably been thinking of her 10 year relationship and worrying that she's rushed into something so quickly.

    Don't push the issue, and don't chase her. Don't be rude, but give her some space to think and see if she wants to commit to anything with you.

    Christmas is a time you can slow down and evaluate what has changed since last year, and she's been through a major change.

    Might be salvagable, but you're going to have to step back in my opinion.

  6. If you guys are struggling to openly talk about it then counselling is great. There is a mediator who helps enable and direct the conversation.

  7. There's simply no compromise between having a dog and not having a dog. His suggested compromise (you volunteering at a shelter) is not a compromise at all. He gives up nothing in that scenario, and you certainly don't need his permission to volunteer somewhere (if this is representative of how he usually interacts with you, he sounds extremely controlling)! This is an incompatibility, and it sounds like a deal-breaker level incompatibility for both of you. For me, it would be a relationship-ender. I love animals. I will always have pets. I would never be in a relationship with someone who didn't like pets.

    Move out, get your second dog. Date sometime who loves your pets!

  8. Looking at your profile, you are young and describe yourself as OCD. This seems like a thing you have fixated on. IMO, it may have to do with a post you made about “not achieving anything in life” at the ripe old age of 22.

    Take a step back, breathe and center yourself and remind yourself this is none of your business. If these people want to get married and there is no coercion or abuse then that is up to them. Mistake or no…not something you should be hyper-focused about.

  9. If the neighbors have an order of protection, I'm not sure why you would set yourself up to need the same thing. Looks like someone's moving into a car

  10. I don't understand this shit what does a 32 year old man have a lot in common with a 22 year old woman lmao.

    Break up, block him, move on, and date within your range. He's more experienced with women and knows how to manipulate the young ones. Old ones can spot it and don't want him

  11. It’s not really an apology if he doesn’t plan on stopping. It’s more like he was placating you.

    The way to approach this: don’t waste your time with someone who treats you poorly. Make him your ex-boyfriend.

  12. A lot of the time people use anger to justify that some accusations are real. (Reddit id particularly bad for it).

    So assuming its real based on no anger is now just another way of doing the above. Guy cant win.

  13. So based on your responses here’s my take.

    Me and my husband started our relationship with heavy credit card debt. That was priority #1 to deal with, leisure activities, going out to eat, frivolous spending all went out the window until we finished paying it off. While he may have contributed to your debt, if it’s all in your name then the responsibility will solely fall on you.

    You seem to have all your eggs in this MCAT basket like it’s your answer to your financial problems. As a someone with a husband in medical school, and a doctor SIL/BIL, you should probably pump the breaks until you are actually officially in and make sure you have a plan for your debt and personal life regardless of the outcome of your MCATs. I’ve seen so many people have their head in the clouds with these big plans and then they are never able to execute it because it’s not that simple. It’s not going to be this magic fix, and unless you’re sitting at a 3.5+ GPA, 510+ MCAT score with decent clinical hours under your belt and legitimate references, don’t start making plans that aren’t an actual reality yet. You are already in a bad financial position with someone who may be financially abusive, have you even considered the upfront costs of having to apply to multiple medical schools and having to fly out to interviews. Not to mention if you do get in, the student loans you are going to amass.

    Tldr it would be wise to address your debt instead of using medical school (that you aren’t in yet) as your long term financial plan.

  14. OP, cheating is almost never one action. It's a series of steps you take that bring you closer and closer to infidelity. If you feel that you are having inappropriate feelings, the correct action to move further away from the possibility of cheating is to distance yourself from the person who is generating these feelings.

    By wanting to find a way to move closer to this guy, you are actively giving yourself permission to take a step toward infidelity. Why? If you're not planning on cheating, what is the benefit of a closer friendship with someone you're attracted to? You're intentionally playing with fire. This is exactly how people end up alone with the object of their affection and say “it just happened” when they cross the line.

  15. She cheated.

    What's more to think? You bail out. If you ahve some self respect in you at least.

    Have in mind that if you havent accidentally caught her, youll most probably never know the truth and she would be lying to you for as much time as your relationship lasts.

    Naw man, cheaters belong to the streets.

  16. I just imagined you going a full year with this guy celebrating your one year together at a friends and family dinner and him posing with your sister for photos. I feel bad for you it’s just the thought of it is so bad its verging on like larry david comical.

  17. I cant say he slept with her, because I dont know that anymore than he knows what happened between me and my best friend. And he never actually accused me of anything, he is behaving completely normal.

  18. Death grip from masturbating. He needs to loosen up his grip or stop masturbating so much.

  19. He doesn’t want to get married bc he doesn’t want to make a speech…

    My husband and I got married outside with a JP and close family and friends. It took an hour. No speeches, except our generic vows. I’m not sure his excuse holds any water.

    He won’t buy a house with you bc he’s fine where he is in life. He says he wants things to appease you or end a conversation, not bc he really does. If he did, he’d make it happen.

  20. So you tell him not to come just so you choose be mad at him for not coming? You need to grow up, hun.

    You will never have a good relationship if you act this way.

    You are an adult. Not a child. Use your words. Tell him what you want. Stop making him guess. He doesn't read minds.

  21. I would set firm boundaries because I honestly wouldn’t want to do that every Sunday. Sounds absolutely suffocating. Twice a month maybe, even once a month would be enough!

    Very close” is code for “far too involved” and when you say she’s adamant, does she actually listen to what you want, ever?

    The red flags are flying high

  22. What would be a good idea if possible is you both rent an appartment next to each other. He manages to get assistance and you can help him out when needed but you both keep your independance.


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