AryEuphoria online sex chats for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “AryEuphoria online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I'm not entirely sure why people are bashing OP?

    Yes, your parents messed everything up.

    Jake doesn't deserve the truth, nor should he ever find out, coz his hatred of Ryan will make him use the truth to hurt him. Do NOT talk to him about this.

    It looks like Ryan already thinks he was only conceived to replace Jake. That knowledge, coupled with Jake's treatment of him and your parents' failure to protect him, will already be awful to on-line with.

    If it's actively upsetting him, he should know the truth. Ryan's medical records would show it. Dont ask Jake, ask Ryan. Finding out he was a donor baby will also be awful to deal with, but at least it'll be the truth. Therapy will help.

    If he's happy, has moved on and is living his life without being affected by this, then just let it go. Don't even go to anyone with your theory, just leave him alone. If it bothers you, you go to therapy.

  2. u/Queasy_Pear_6070, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. She is only offering you friendship through pity. Don’t fall for it. Stop being so negative. The way to deal with it is to give yourself a problem. Your problem is you don’t have any friends. Now start thinking about a solution. How can you find new friends. You need to start getting involved in activities and hobbies where you have the chance to meet people and make friends. Constantly being negative is not a solution my friend. You are better than this.

  4. Other than this recent information, all has been good.

    Well sure, but that’s like looking to buy a house, all looks good except for the fact it’s literally on fire. But everything else looks good so it’s fine to buy right?

  5. What did you mean by your husband said you asked for it?

    Was he against having kids? Was he always self-absorbed? Has he always had unresolved emotional issues that he refuses to work on or is all of this new?

  6. You wrote this whole post wanting your parents to respect your boundaries, but within your own post you show that you don’t respect boundaries. You were inappropriately flirty and suggestive towards a teacher, boundary crossed.

  7. Does that child have anyone in his family that he can go to that would actually love him? I hope his mom doesn't become one of those kind of parents who left their spouse to treat their child any kind of way. Hopefully, she'll leave you soon and take both her children with her.

  8. I mean even if I can just get him on the phone I feel like he’s eventually explain to me what happened. This was just very out of character and not him

  9. Well you need to tell her that he either needs to stop saying those things to you or she needs therapy

    You would allow her refusal to deal with her own grief to ruin the joy you’re feeling about your 3rd child


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