AstraStarr live webcams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “AstraStarr live webcams for YOU!

  1. A few questions to get started here:

    Have you been intimate with this girl? Have you been on dates with this girl? Have you led her to believe that you might have feelings for her? Why is the age difference such a hang-up for you? Does she on-line alone? With Family? Etc?

    (Just an FYSA) A 23y/o dating a 19y/o does NOT have negativity associated with it. Teenager, while true, is not exactly the same vernacular as young adult. While she is a teenager, in the eyes of the law and the eyes of just about anyone I know, she's not a minor. You aren't breaking the law here. 4 years difference is not that big of a deal.

  2. Screeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! OMG No! Why are you reaching out?! The humans will not understand! You are will accept your lonely or they will make you suffer for the admittance. Have you not learned?

  3. Just tell her you can't leave your baby and can't afford the traveling, but hope her day is magical. You're not obligated to go.

  4. You HAVE to tell your gf ASAP, or the friend might get to her first and spin the story to say you cheated which, btw, you did NOT – you were sexually assaulted by this woman because she did this while you were sleeping and not aware of what was happening. It does not matter that you and gf will do this to each other – you both CONSENTED to doing it with each other. You did not consent to this woman SAing you.

    Just be direct and honest with her, and reinforce that it only happened because you thought it was her and that you didn't consent to anything with this woman. No one but you will know better how your gf will react, but if she's a decent person who knows you and her “friend,” especially after you told her about the woman being inappropriate with you before this point, I can't see why she wouldn't side with you on this. Personally, I would be going to police to report her sexual assault on you as well (after you talk to your gf).

  5. This is a very easy and reasonable option. Make friends with anyone working in the building. Maybe someone with a family to feed or someone who hates cooking.

  6. Logistically it makes sense but it would be a risk for you bc if you broke up, you'd lose everything you put into the property and have no rights.

    How long have you two been together?

  7. Regardless of the amount of inhabitants, your feelings for him would not be a healthy living environment for you. Also, his vagueness about his interest in you should be concerning as well. Maybe he would warm to you more if you didn't see each other every day.

  8. I feel badly that Jake not only has “friends,” people he calls “brothers” like Brad. To add insult to injury, he pays for them.


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