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36 thoughts on “Blackandwhitte live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Remind her what sexual assault is. That should fix the behavior real quick. It's not funny. It's not a joke. It's not “sexy” to push someone's boundaries. It simply makes you a bad person.

  2. She wanted to have sex before even making the BLT. This isn’t about how long it takes. Your reference to people making their birthday a huge affair doesn’t even matter here because OP simply wanted something that, as you said “takes 20 minutes”.

    You don’t believe what OP is saying clearly but you can’t believe someone could be in their feelings so much about being turned down for sex from their husband? I’ve got some subreddits to show you then. And now you’re talking about expecting a sandwich at the table as soon as he walks in. Where did anyone say that? Now you’re just embellishing.

    And if there are deeper issues here OP still does not have to apologize for declining sex. Even if it wasn’t his birthday he like everyone is allowed to decline sex. You’re making it out like he owes her more consideration than she owes him.

    An understanding and caring spouse would say ok, I feel like there are some issues we should discuss (if there are any) regarding our sex life BUT I do want you to enjoy your birthday. Go get settled after working on your birthday and I’ll make your BLT (in less than 20 minutes). Maybe later, if we’re both up for it, we can chat about what happened.

    But no, OP is somehow the one that needs to fix all this because you think there’s a 50% chance he would have been mad no matter what his wife did. Mmk.

  3. I mean yeah my ass would NOT want to be rolling in that early and would have a very hot time being polite about it.

    Honestly, that's quite rude. Don't be a choosing beggar when someone's doing you a favor.

  4. Thank you… it’s very hot to see sometimes when you’re in it that something isn’t quite right. I wish I knew how to make him understand that I’m serious. It’s so frustrating at times. I appreciate your words and your empathy.

  5. Do you actually know why his kids don’t visit and his family disowned him? What was the fight about?

  6. I got into a complicated situation of getting influenced by my co-worker to fall in compulsive love with him(married).


    You are not the victim. You are a homewrecker and mistress.

  7. If he seems sincerely sorry and he has apologized, then there’s no real problem here. It was an accident and you know that. And you’re not even dating, so he owes you even less of an explanation.

    However, if he didn’t take responsibility for accidentally blowing you off, that’s when there would be a problem.

    Either decide to forgive and forget, or break it off. Anything in between is just punishing him for no real reason and is therefore immature

  8. A lot of comments on her, rightly so, but I also think it’s important to check yourself too. Being a ‘white knight’ with whatever flavour of Saviour Complex is present in this ‘I can help her’ is actually quite grandiose and insulting to her responsibility to get help for herself. It’s unhealthy to insert yourself in someone’s life as their ‘helper’ – just asking for codependency there and perhaps ask yourself why you are so drawn to want to do this for someone?

  9. I would have a plan in mind, like a specific place, and say “want to go on a date at whatever place you choose?” I know you don’t want to outright say it, but that makes intentions clear immediately.

  10. First off, don't undermine people in actual “unsafe” situations by throwing that word around. You're not “unsafe”, you're just irritated that he's making plans without you and assuming that you'd drop everything to make a major move with him (after only four months, yikes). It's annoying and presumptive, it's not a threat to your safety. Four months is roughly 120 days. Neither of you have invested all that much into this. This guy is a poor communicator and that's about the extent of it. Just break up with him if this is so unbearable for you.

  11. If you refer back to my previous post, I go into a little more detail about it, but yeah, since then I also went to my psychologist who told me she was probably emotionally unstable, and we really get into a lot of discussions as of late, more often for petty things that shouldn't matter, it's gone so bad that once she even threatened to slap me if a picture didn't come out perfect. I really wanted to get that back, the nice things, but I think it's time to just let go

  12. If you two have children and they get to about 15/16, are you going to let their friends hangout in your back garden? Or sleep over? Or generally be unsupervised around your boyfriend?

    Because I wouldn't.

  13. I've tried not texting her for a few hours and she just doesn't text anything. Once she's home, she'll say she wants to facetime and text me a few texts, but won't respond to anything I sent during the day, even if it's one or two texts. She responded to my 7:30 am good morning text at 4pm today, and I have't really heard from her since.

  14. I can’t tell you how many times I have had people in my store buying a white dress for a wedding. every single time I have told them it is in poor taste, and insulting to the bride. Only one insisted on doing it.

  15. Why don't you want to embarass him? He should be embarassed. Everyone should know what he's like so someone with an actual spine can step in and give the poor girl some support. I would love to hear your justification for not wanting to “embarass” him for abusing someone. Do you think he's justified in doing it? Are you scared of him?

  16. Oh, so what? I play stupid Facebook games sometimes and watch reality TV for the exact same reason as you – it’s just a mindless way to unwind. My life isn’t as demanding as yours, but I still want some time to not think about anything serious.

    My husband has commented on it before but I told him I don’t really care what he thinks. I enjoy it.

    You didn’t misrepresent yourself at all. That’s ridiculous. What if your hobby were gardening or painting? Those aren’t intellectual either, but they they are ways to unwind.

    Don’t change who you are for anyone and don’t apologize for who you are.

  17. Once a cheater, always a cheater. If a fully grown adult cheats, they'll always cheat. They won't change.

  18. I’m not gonna speculate on what occurred. But yes, I would be worried and would find this strange. The messages allude to a convo that was had that could potentially make her change her schedule…rather than accepting what she wrote in the message at face value. I’m no detective, although I wish I was, but I’d say there’s possibly enough evidence here to have a serious convo.

  19. Then buy your own house. You are at the age where you are aware of your life goals. And the fact that nobody should keep you from them. If you get married you can both rent your houses out and buy one together. Premarital assets are legally separate

  20. As a quick aside, thank you again for the thoughtful long comments, this is really helpful.

    Sorry to hear about your situation and I agree that the decision does become even more important when the other person is hurting you.

    I have come to the same conclusion: that I just need to do what feels right. It feels selfish and unclear since I know that I could choose to continue unconditionally (as if we were married), to see this through until the end, to shut out negative thoughts and focus on the positive. But I think the context of being 27, of having grown and changed so much over this recent period of time, of starting to value certain frames of mind and dynamics in potential partners- I just don’t know if I will have the ability to avoid regret if I don’t listen to my doubts. Don’t get me wrong, I know a future relationship won’t be perfect and there is always room to regret, it’s definitely a grey judgment call which is what has made it difficult.

  21. This is why it's important to date for a few year, online together a few years, get to know each other before getting married.

    I hope you are using protection, don't bring a child in this situation.

    You have to talk to her, this is not a marriage. This is a father/child or sugerdady situation.

  22. Drag but also the devil?

    That's Alice Cooper. He was on the Muppet Show in 1978. Leave the room if other people won't change the channel.

  23. it’s not a “realist” ? that’s just stupid. I’m not mad either. U guys only have one point of view and not the other. So ur not even commenting with open mindness and that’s what i don’t like. I already expressed how i know visiting n shit would b very hot but love isn’t always about in person shit.

  24. lets talk about why a 43 year old man is still making these videos? He seems like he hasn't reached maturity

  25. This woman is sexually taking advantage of you, knowing that you’re super young.

    This is not a can of worms you want to open. Stay away


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