bodyouwant the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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bodyouwant, 27 y.o.


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20 thoughts on “bodyouwant the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. How sure are you about wanting an std? If you want to stay with a man that wants to cheat on you (which ?? why would you ever want a man that doesn’t want you?) then you’re accepting the fact that you could be exposed to diseases, which idk I feel is a little more important than whether that “spark” is there

  2. 2 things. 1) She got a nose job. Deviated septum surgery doesn't change the appearance. I wish people would stop lying about this/using it as an excuse to sound less vain. 2) It takes like a year for her new nose to look the way it's supposed to, but, if you're that bothered by this… Idk break up with her. Real attraction goes beyond looks. Something changing shattering your attraction means the attraction was all physical and that's not going to last no matter what.

  3. Have you considered allergy shots?

    I don't see your situation working out well with your allergies making you resent your partners cat, and it being the point of contention.

  4. I am 110% all for people with mental issues or neurodivergent thinking being able to love, marry, and live full lives. I love anyone trying to support them and who loves them.

    However, if they won't try to help themselves and are ok just being a leech to the ones who love them they need to forced to fend for themselves. It's time to put this one back and let him learn to fend for himself.

  5. I think your point about taking OPs at their word makes a lot of sense actually, you’re right in that regard. While I do see things differently and still agree with my standpoint, I would be wrong to claim it’s unbiased. Thank you for the perspective on that! It’ll help me give better advice in the future.

  6. When you break up with her because of your fundamental incompatibility (nobody's fault), let her know that she was out of line for saying You “should be ashamed of wanting it so often”.

    You didn't cross a boundary. You reached a potential boundary and respectfully followed her (entirely reasonable) rules for finding out if that boundary existed in that moment, she then got irritated. Maybe it was because she has her own internalised shame at her asexuality (not that it's a reason to have shame, but an inability to fit in with perceived societal norms does funny things to people), maybe something else, who knows, it's on her to figure out if and when she wants to, and I don't suggest discussing this with her unless she specifically asks to. She then took that irritation out on you and you didn't deserve that.

    “I don't know if I should express that it bothered me” – this depends on how conversation goes, sometimes people want to grow from this sort of thing and are in a position to receive constructive criticism, but most of the time people aren't up for that when being rejected. Gotta judge this for yourself.

    But don't worry about making this relationship worse, it's already over – now it's just about ending things in as mutually respectful way as possible.

  7. I have typed three different things and I have no idea what I would do. At this point, as it isn't that bad of an addiction, as compared to drugs or prostitutes, I would probably rationalize it as not really cheating (probably with the help of a therapist) and move on with my life. I would watch and see if he actually gets his own help, and if he doesn't, I would probably leave in a year or two. He could really turn things around. But don't do couples counseling or help him get a therapist. He has to do it on his own.

  8. Taking you out to eat and to trips is not “treating you well”.

    You can't do anything about his behavior. He needs to do something.

  9. I’m sorry, but your boyfriend really f’d up here. Testing you is nothing but abject cruelty.

    He is insecure and hasn’t matured enough to commit to a long term relationship.

    I’d tell him that he was hurtful and how’d he feel if he was in your shoes. Testing like this destroys relationships, not makes them stronger.

  10. He obviously knew he was doing something wrong if he was purposefully hiding the discord chat from you. I don’t think he’s as naive as he claims.

  11. If you want to keep your relationship, initiate. You have said that you enjoy it once it starts up. It’s completely unfair to ask him to be the only person making an effort. If he were writing, I would ask if this is what he wants for the rest of his life? A woman who isn’t willing to make any effort. Think about it.

  12. Well, he won't tell her the reason – she is blocked everywhere.

    Even if he did tell her, these “reasons” are frequently not truthful or meaningful. “It's not you, it's me.” “I couldn't get my needs met.” “My career was more important.”

  13. Side note, from my own experience and stuff I've read: don't think your very clear personal strength immunises you against being in an abusive relationship. A strong internal locus of control can actually, counter intuitively, make you more vulnerable to abuse, because you assume you can fix things, make a difference, if you just work out what to do – which quickly becomes your dancing to their ever changing rules and reactions. Plus that same internal locus stops you from seeing the situation as down to someone else and not your fault.


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