BrandiBrown live! sex cams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “BrandiBrown live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Some guys get deeply turned on by crying because it expresses emotional vulnerability. It's literally one of my friends kinks and I notice my boyfriend also gets really hard and bothered when I cry and go to him for comfort. It's weird but not uncommon ?‍♀️

    You, my dear, need to work on saying “no.” Its scary at first-I get it! But you need to learn to do so. I've been there. I 100% understandfeeling like a cum dumpster. But I'm with a guy now who understands where I'm coming from and let's me practice saying “no” and because he cares he understands. Sometimes he gets grumpy, but usually hes like, “oh well…sigh then give me back tickles…(he loves cuddles and non sexual touch too)” I've had conversations with my guy telling him, “I'm afraid to say no because of past trauma…” He was horrified to find out I didn't feel safe saying no and so now he's very understanding. If your guy isn't willing to create a safe environment were you can discuss these things and start working on setting boundries he's not worth staying with. And if you can afford it therapy would be great too

  2. Were you nice to them JUST for the money? Guilt is warranted.

    Were you just naturally nice in general, then they sought to reward your niceness? Enjoy what you have earned for your kindness.

  3. This isn't really an issue of choosing the GF over the stepson. That he's not paying rent is unsustainable, GF or not. His excuses are BS, he's going to find more BS excuses, and he and his (idiot racist) GF gotta go.

    As far as your GF, pursue the relationship if you want but dude, the whole situation makes me wonder what in the hell you're thinking. I don't know the details but from what you've provided the whole thing seems to demonstrate poor judgment and very short-term thinking.

  4. You need to get over your insecurities. How can you even be bothered if your sleeping there too???? Gay men don’t suddenly turn straight – if I was your girlfriend I would be hurt by your lack of trust.

  5. You started cheating on your girlfriend the moment this whole shitshow with your friend became emotional. Does she knows about your relationship ? Because if she does, she's as shitty as you for entertaining this.

    Your poor girlfriend. End it with her quickly, she deserves way better than that.


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