BrandyNash live sex cams for YOU!

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Hello , ​Guys^^ ​Im ​Brandy ​and ​im ​here ​to ​do ​my ​best ​to ​make ​your ​wishes come ​true. ^^. ​

24 thoughts on “BrandyNash live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yes and yes. He isn’t a mind reader. He did do a lot- breakfast, lunch, and an evening party. You seem to want an over the top display or trying to rekindle the excitement of birthdays as a kid, it’s not like that as an adult.

  2. Hello /u/CheeseChicken11,

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  4. Nah, I'm going to disagree. Some STD's are fatal, especially if left untreated. Not using protection is basically playing Russian roulette.

  5. I’m not even reading this cause there are only to possible responses/solutions based on your title.

    If you are both happy continuing the relationship as you are and other people are pressuring you to get married and neither of you want to do that – fuck ‘em and keep doing what works for you guys.

    If she wants to get tarried and you don’t then you simply are not compatible – tell her now and quit wasting more of her time.

  6. Oh god that was an awful read. Like truly terrible.

    Also, I’m sure your kids would be happy if you left him.

  7. The lapse in character is less alarming than her inability to calm down and reconsider. Otherwise she could fix it and even go to individual therapy.

  8. I'm so sorry. I lost my wedding ring within a year of my wedding and I never found it. To this day I feel horrible about it, however I did tell my husband right away and he was very understanding. I also still have my engagement ring, so there's something. I really hope you find your ring, don't beat yourself up over it too much.

  9. Marital rape is still rape, and it’s illegal. He is NOT a great guy, he’s a Taoist who thinks you owe him sex and he’s forced you into birthing children as well. I’m sure you love your kids but YOU get to decide when you want to reproduce, not just “I guess I’m having a baby because I was raped.” Where does this stop? When he actually hurts you? What if he’s in a shitty mood and he decides you were trying to deny him his “right” to sex and that a beating will put you right? You are NOT safe with this man.

    Please get out.

  10. If he's having issues crop up it can sadly be a sign that he's been unfaithful or has those thoughts. Abusers push their issues onto their partners.

    I would very strongly suggest couples and solo therapy for grief and to process your husbands issues. If he doesn't trust you around any man in your line of work that will cause issues.

    When I was a teen my first boyfriend did this. Eventually made me hate him and I left. Suffocated is exactly how I felt and that's not what you need right now while youre grieving. Or ever.

  11. “He let his feelings get in the way of respect for you.” that sentence put my feelings into words, thank you

  12. ?? This.

    He is a terrible “partner.” Is this the kind of man you want your son to grow up to be?

  13. A few things, for starters you don't have to put your dream job on hold for anyone. This was a new relationship and you absolutely did not need to do that. You made a very irresponsible decision.

    Secondly, I can see how not having almost anything in common can actually push someone to be acesexual. A lot of people need good chemistry but sometimes that happens when you both have some things in common. It doesn't have to be everything, at least some things. You don't really need to become friends to date. Part of dating means getting to know person over time, but also it means it's ok to pull the plug when it's not working out.

    This really isn't working out and it doesn't have to be anyone's fault. Have the big talk with him and end it. You guys can still stay decent/friends while finding other, more suitable partners.

  14. I want you to know that you’re a scumbag. You coerced & bullied him into doing something he didn’t want to do and you’re shocked it’s affecting him? I hope he wakes up and leaves you.

  15. honey dear – so sorry that you are hurting because of this jackass!

    I think its time to take over the control of your mind, body, soul & life. you mentioned he is using you for money? so I guess you are working? then thats good.

    Maybe its time to let him taste his own medicine:

    – start dressing up, go to salon do your hair & mani & pedi

    – separate all billings – pay only yours

    – withdraw all your money form any joint accounts

    – cancel any share credit cards, share mobile plans, network plans etc

    -lawyer up, get a postnup if you don't have any prenup (if you still wanna be together BUT if its me I dump him) OR divorce papers

    – ignore him

    – pleasure yourself – dont even care if he is around of not. if he comes to you for sex say NO & tell him exactly what he said to you – “he should just be happy with what he has and not expect anything like sex”.

    – dress up, wear that heels & go out with your GFs on your off days/weekend. let him fend himself with him making his own food, do your own laundry.

    Lets see how he feels about it.

    you see NO MAN IN LOVE will be doing all the crap he is doing to + its abuse. & I have a feeling he is cheating. I don't know why you married him & how long have you been married BUT its time to take that control back.

    At the end of it make your decision because THIS IS ABUSE. My suggestion – divorce him.

  16. It’s crazy how many people came here to bash this guy and try to pick a story apart to try to blame him for something. Getting blamed for the divorce by everyone with ZERO evidence he did anything wrong to be divorced, ASSUMING he’s done things in the past to warrant her divorcing him, BLAMING HIM FOR “Not fighting the divorce”

    The bias here never gets old

  17. Yes, but, the person I responded to was mentioning the military on infidelity. The issue is their punishment is on soldiers who are unfaithful not their spouses. The issue is OP is in the military and knows the stats on military marriages that have issues and wants to bring up a prenup.

  18. She’s sorry she got caught and is panicking…. Ergo, the suggestion of couples therapy…. When all along – any challenges and her own mental/physical health issues she’s NEVER wanted to “get help” …. She still doesn’t want help – she wants a bailout.

    She thinks she can bullshit you into believing her …. I’m sorry to say it that way.

    Smell her later, man. Rip the bad aid off and do what you’d tell your Dad or Brother to do if this happened to them.

    If you do go to any kind of therapy go and learn how healthy relationships work and how to make your boundaries CRYSTAL clear from the get go. So this while you’re single and practice with your family, friends and even strangers.


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