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18 thoughts on “Breestaarrs online sex cams for YOU!

  1. You were very brave! Congrats It's a nerve-wracking thing to do, but all you can do now is wait. She is thinking about it, after all that's news to her.

    A few recommendations:

    If she doesn't respond in a couple of days, and you wish to preserve the friendship I would send a second text with something like: I appreciate our friendship and if you're comfortable with it, I would like for us to put that behind us and move on.

    (the most important and difficult one) this girl's response, whatever it may be, has nothing to do with your worth, nor should affect how you see yourself. Sometimes things just don't work out, and that's OK! It may hurt a little, but please don't take this as a sign to not put yourself out there again.

    Good luck, I'm rooting for you!

  2. Unfortunately this is just another hill youll have to trek yet again to get things how they need to be. There needs to be a balance where you can spend time together and tackle your own hobbies.

    Maybe you can encourage her to find some of her own, or hang out with some friends. Or find ways to do your hobby close by. But a healthy relationship just has individuality. Spending every waking moment together sounds fine on paper as far as good relationships go but it's not. There needs to be time with her and time with yourself.

    Letting your partner follow their dreams and interests is an important step that may need more counseling for. Or atleast a bigger conversation. If she can't do that then more work needs to be done.

  3. What if it was you who was left with a permanent injury?

    I could never answer this question 100% truthfully. At first glance, my response would be that I would encourage my partner to move on to something better, if she didn't feel happy staying in a relationship with me. I would want my partner to be happy, and not be limited by my health. Of course, this is so, so easy for me to say, because right now, that's not the case. She's the one with a permanent injury, and I'm the one almost powerless to help her.

    If she were my spouse, I think I'd still be feeling the same way, but would be more reluctant to leaving.

  4. You can't address this kindly. You need to be straight with him and be like “clean your ass or no relationship cause that's disgusting and unsanitary” because it is and if he only lasted a week last time you kindly told him, you need to be meaner about it.

  5. This is exactly why I felt so bad about saying what I said. I never intended on giving him an ultimatum, and I don't want to force him or threaten him into marriage. I only said it in a moment of anger, and I've left him him dozens of texts and voicemails explaining to him that I didn't mean it. I told him I wouldn't be leaving him even if he didn't propose.

  6. I'm a guy and I'd also say I have a weight limit, but I wouldn't say it to a partner if I was also piling on the kegs. Keep living the way you see fit, and if you get fatter again in the future, just point to his gut. He can't be a hypocrite. I think the people telling you to leave are being a tad premtaure, as relationships have survived scenarios far more precarious than this, but ultimately it's up to you. If you love him and are comfortable enough with your body image that it doesn't constantly infiltrate your thoughts, keep it up. If you feel hurt by what he said and think it'll be a constant niggling thing, break it off

  7. Yeah I was thinking more about the insurance. I got lucky with my counselor, she's wonderful. Its a pain in the ass with insurance ? However, it's no excuse. Again I keep thinking lazy and has become comfortable with things the way it is and doesn't want a change. That's my thought process though. In the end, what really matters is your smile. I'm assuming you haven't shown a true one in awhile now due to frustration, and unfortunately probably falling into depression yourself. How long are you willing to “wait” before it's enough? When does your happiness see the sunshine? Honestly he sounds more like a roommate to me. A partner will do anything for that smile! Yeah I have my bad days, but I'll still go out of my way to do those small things from years ago to show I adore her.

  8. You’re still a teenager, how much could you have gone through together? It sounds like he puts your through a lot though

  9. She's got some major issues and she's projecting on to you. She's going to escalate the abuse. Don't stay in this relationship. You've already wasted two years on it.

  10. so funnily enough, we started dating long before I realized I think I am bi. otherwise, I would’ve explored that side of me when I was single.

    I wouldn’t be into a threesome as I don’t want to have sex with a woman due to my loyalty to my partner. i want to kiss one woman and touch her breasts & be done with it

  11. Unless you're crying to an excessive amount like every week, then if she's turned off by you crying then you find someone else. Best not to be with someone who doesn't let you be vulnerable in your times of need.

  12. Break up with this woman and let her find somebody who values her. All your woe is me in this post is ridiculous. If you actually do care about this woman start showing it and prioritise her, at least occasionally. Bloody hell. No idea why she's still with you tbh. Selfish and keep cornering her into situations she doesn't want to be in.

  13. The slim thick and even beyond that, just thick, curvy and more women are having a moment right now. They spent decades being considered unattractive and now the floodgates are open.

    That said, there is absolutely still a ton of guys into thin women. Tons and tons. Quite a few top celebrities, quite a few of the biggest porn stars, musicians.

    I think it's possible you are attributing the attention other women are getting solely to their bodies. It's most likely those women are bringing more than just a curvy body. It's also possible your insecurities are magnifying the difference in attention you are actually getting – our insecurities have a way of making us miss things like people hitting on us. I used to think I was pretty unattractive and it turns out that is not the case.


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