Brihanatellez online sex cams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Brihanatellez online sex cams for YOU!

  1. To me that’s a bit high. You will find love just tell them what you are looking for it just that women lie about their body count these days so you can’t really tell. You will find love just but I’ll say stop stringing her along if you know you can’t get past her body count. I’ll say go on dates and have fun. You’ll find someone with less body count and you will connect better with them. You past leave it in the past. Yea it might still hunt you but you can’t project that on someone who has nothing to do with it.

  2. I didn’t even check if the door was locked or not it was closed, if the door was locked that would have been the end of that door if I did check.

  3. There’s some pretty fuckin rude comments on here… depression hits everyone differently you assholes…

    But OP- Some friendly advice if your going through it that bad please talk to your doctor about getting some meds, and maybe take a break with ur gf..

    Me and my bf were both super depressed and broke up, worked on ourselves for like a year then, when we had our shit together we got back together and it’s never been better..

    Don’t waste what little energy you have on trying to make someone happy who can’t handle you at your worst.

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  5. Completely agree with your point, feel bad for him and now I want a BLT. Only confusing part to me was the “doesn’t make sense” about sandwich then sex. Sex on a full stomach can be uncomfortable.

  6. so officer?

    Honestly, thoroughly enjoyed the idea that some guy convinced his girlfriend that his sentence was a job as an offender! : D

  7. Sounds shady. Why doesn’t she want you and this guy to meet? Have you brought up how disrespectful this whole thing is? What does she say?

  8. Honestly, to me, it does seem a little bit like he’s setting up a “look what you made me do” by framing it like he can’t win because you’re convinced he’s cheating anyway. I’m not a jealous person. I usually think people on this sub need to have a lot more trust in their partners. But not mentioning the workouts + the reaction is suspicious. You guys need to talk this out, with a professional if need be.

  9. Yeah, no shit. But from the story we HAVE here, OP said “smells like her perfume, was she here” and he went to cheating right away. He didn't even asked “are you asking me if I'm cheating” he blew up right away assuming she was accusing him of cheating rather than accusing her of theft. Theft is much more likely than cheating if you have a stranger in your house regularly.

  10. Don't think this is a duck and run situation. If this is the first time in that amount of time together I would talk to her about it and put some strategies for next time. Express how it was not okay to treat you like that. To everyone saying this leads to abuse, chill. Sometimes it can and I've seen this. I've also seen within myself someone who has gone through something similar to her, snapped and then reflected afterward and worked on it. It's more likely abuse if it happens repeatedly. For now, talk about it and see if she is sorry and does something about it. Everyone snaps once in a while and everyone is a jerk once in a while. What's important is wether they keep doing it or they work on it.


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