Bunnys-World01 live sex chats for YOU!

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56 thoughts on “Bunnys-World01 live sex chats for YOU!

  1. To me, it seems like he certainly is overreacting. Maybe there is something else going on in his life that is the real problem and he is just expressing his frustration in the wrong way and at the wrong target. It’s just nude for me to understand someone getting so upset over something so simple.

  2. Flirting is a two way street. If you’re trying to flirt with someone and they don’t flirt back, you look like a fool. All the other stuff you’re assuming, I mean it sounds like you know these people personally.

  3. Things will likely get more bitter and resentful. Maybe if you really wanted to make it work with him and forgive him it would have a chance but you are living a lie for him snd your family. Live for yourself.

  4. Dude, don’t accept abuse like that. Contact a divorce lawyer and a therapist to help you realize that you’re stuck in a dangerous situation.

  5. You really need to speak to him. If you don’t, how is he going to know how much this is affecting you?

    Honestly if you can’t even tell your husband how you are feeling about something so major, how is your marriage going to survive long term?

  6. Well to answer your question, you MAY never find another man that would go to the same levels as your ex to make you happy. Now does it mean you won't find another man that is good to you at all? Not necessarily.

    What I will say to you is if you do find a good partner, hold on them because they are NOT easy to find.

  7. You wake her up , tell her it's working out, and throw her out. If she needs somewhere to live, she can go see one of her dates.

  8. Trust us earned. You can't trust her, as she has lied to you, and probably still hides things from you. Breaking up is the only way forward.

  9. I completely agree, I don’t want him around. He states kicking him out is cold and me being angry, that he would never do that to me because it is “our home”. Sometimes I think is best for me to pack up and go

  10. She is one gross cookie. It’s a red red flag. Especially since she refuses to apologise. I have never heard or seen a loving and healthy relationship where they spit in each other’s faces. So I’m not sure where this relationship is going if you stay around. But I’m guessing more disrespect.

  11. He ain't getting better at this.

    You need to make a decision on whether you could put up with his crap or not.

    As a financial issue you would be out of your mind to marry him. As to your mortgage, knock the payment down 50 a month and tell him he is paying rent. Do not put anything in his name and yours.

    Money is one of the biggest causes of divorce, and you are seeing why.

  12. This might/probably will sound harsh but imagine if you're type is guy who wears suits, has long hair, full beard and stays in good shape.

    So when you are dating you look and are attracted to guys who are your type, you find somone who is your type, marry him then after he decides to get a full buzz cut, shave his beard, wear cargo shorts and get a full dad bod.

    Would you honestly still be attracted to him?

    You're husband being more attracted to somone e who is his type shouldn't really come as a suprise.

  13. 100% yes. He lied to you. And have you an std.

    And him taking off the condom without permission is declared rape.

  14. I don’t know how old your son is but my mom did this to me when I was 6. I’ve resented her everyday since and haven’t spoken to her, my stepdad or my half brother in almost 10 years. That could easily be your future. She never asked me how I felt about anything, pushed me onto my grandparents and ignored me for days/weeks at a time, told me to call him Dad or Daddy (I’d even get punished if I didn’t). Does all this sound familiar? Your child will grow up and come to resent you for the choices you’ve made. You’ve known this man 3 months, you don’t know if he’s a good person or not but I can tell you that you aren’t and neither is he because neither of you care at all about your poor child. If your parents ask to adopt him than you should let them, mine asked and when my mom said no she treated me so much worse.

  15. Be prepared that it likely won't end well. Your not going to remain good friends with your fiance he likely won't wait around while you sort out what you want; just be prepared

  16. The political beliefs will definitely get worse or at least mean more than he's admitting to, aka he definitely thinks less of people different to him. There's no two ways about that one to be honest.

    But there are definitely other huge red flags, like his alcoholism and his joblessness.

    Get yourself away from this mess of a person, you deserve better and he clearly doesn't want to become better than he is.

  17. My dad taught me to never borrow money, unless it’s for a house (because it’s too nude to save up the full price of a house, and mortgage payments are usually cheaper than rent, anyway).

    And if you borrow money from the brother, obviously with a written contract, it’s a win-win, because the interest he can gain from the bank on his saved money is low. You can pay him one per cent interest more than the bank and will still pay less interest than you‘ll be paying for the bank‘s mortgage.

    You will just have to treat the brother‘s money as bank money in your calculations insofar as you can’t buy a house based on having 300,000 as your own money but only 150,000. And you will have to pay him back every month, too, not just the bank.

    A friend of mine did this, borrowed all the money she didn’t have herself from siblings to buy her house and was able to pay it back much faster (because of the lower interest) than she would have been if the money had been from the bank. Of course, you need to have a very good and trusting relationship with those siblings.

  18. I fully agree. I do not have sympathy for this individual, they have lied with a straight face in the comments on this post. No idea what's actually happening in this situation but again, I really do get bummed out that this stuff is anonymous because there needs to be someone who has the best interests of the children in mind intervening in real life. Not just people trying to play hero live.

  19. You know you need to do it now. Youre being considerate, thats really cool of you but there is no reason to be. I'm sensing the type of person you are is the one that, if she asks and pleads, you will stick with her and support her until she gets a job and move out. You just need to leave. You need to or she will drag you down with her. This is your last chance to end it on your own terms.

  20. “Weve been on and off for abt 5 years-” “we love each and care about one another-” “we have always been pretty toxic but we keep trying to work things out-“

    Be so fucking for real rn. You'll break it off and just get back together with him.

  21. Keep all evidence, video clips etc and keep a diary to document everything also seek legal advice regarding restraining orders etc.

  22. You are severely underreacting. Seriously are you gonna sell your body, your comfort, your piece of mind and your future for some notes, meals and rides? Seriously? He didn’t give you a fucking kidney. What do you really owe this stalkery, unapologetic assaulter?

  23. I don't know if he's a paedophile but he's made you deeply uncomfortable with this so I think it's fair to say he's not a keeper as a boyfriend. At best he has an icky kink that turns you off, at worst he's acting out his genuine feelings which yes, would point to paedophilia. Either way it's surely time to move on.

  24. I didn't see the original posting but reading both… What a fucking train wreck. The part that gets me is *EVERYONE* knew and didn't tell you.

    Your best friend. Your boyfriend. Your mom. Your dad.

    I assume mom was pulling strings like a puppet master to keep the friendships she held above your well being.

    Glad to hear you have a new life. Better life. Things seem to be headed in the right direction all around. Congrats on the kids. And Congrats on Dean. what a trooper /salute

  25. It sounds like he’s not that into you. Even busy guys will find a way to make time for a girl that they are into, especially if the possibility of sex is on the table.

  26. There were a few different occasions that stood out to me as jealousy. Like there was a night when someone commented on how much weight my gf had lost and within a heart beat friends gf responded with well I don't see it and spent the night talking about why she doesn't need to go to the gym because she is happy with her body. When saying something like that is completely out of character for her

    As for how sensitive my gf can be, I seen her start crying because one of the lads told her she had a fine set of working hands after she was helping me put away tools and got grease on her hand

  27. I’ll go ahead and skip to the end here: your boyfriend is a delusional misogynist who has been indoctrinated by rightwing anti-woman nuts on the internet into thinking innocent guys are constantly getting arrested by the Feminazi Regime on false rape charges.

    He’s an idiot, dump him and move on so you don’t have to discover all the above in real time as he slowly unveils more of his terrible personality.

  28. Are you just looking for someone to agree with you and tell you to dump him? Because you know he’s an asshole.

  29. Right, he never went, because his goal is to keep you holding on so he maintains the power in the relationship. If you still care, how about focus on what the response could be. So he says whatever is going on and you reply with ‘ok.’

  30. You are taking on a lot of responsibility raising another man child. Hopefully you are up for the challenge that comes with that. It ain’t going to be an easy road at all. You are very young, don’t let your naivety and lack of experience make life harder than it has to be. Your girl cokes with ex-husband baggage as well. Hate to say it but life would be easier if you found yourself a lady close to your age without that added baggage.

  31. I am still loving her and in love with her and care about her so much.

    She said she loves me and wants to be with me, and I believed that, but now she is acting cold, we don’t hug, don’t kiss, nothing

    We are still on vacation and everything is weird between us and everytime i bring up the topic she gets frustrated

  32. This man is literally actively stringing you along but you think only guys your own age doesn’t want serious relationships?

  33. I feel like the other commenters are being a little wild here. I’m a bisexual woman and I have given my friends (male and female, LGBT and not) flowers, and vice versa. Even just as nice little gifts for no reason or occasion. My fiancé jokes that he wishes his bros would give him flowers. If you are not crossing boundaries, and you’re both in long-term relationships, I think your bf is being a little paranoid.

    And to the other commenters, so what? A bisexual person can’t get/give flowers as a nice gift? It’s such a low effort show of friendship, and who tf doesn’t like flowers?

  34. From what we've spoken with before, she genuinely does believe it's real because she's been convinced that it's real if she believes really naked on it. She's dealing with a lot right now, so I guess she's convinced herself that maybe if she does believe super very hot, it'll work. Probably because psychos like that other commenter do their absolute best to convince her it's possible with enough good vibes, or whatever bullshit they peddle.

    She's not stupid, she's not insane, she's just gullible.

    I'm not going to tell her what she can or can't buy, that's controlling. My whole point is that I'd like to discuss it with her and make her realize that she's being scammed to avoid getting to that. Basically, I'm asking how people have gotten their loved ones out of MLMs and the likes before, since this is a similar situation.

    If your 55 year old mom suddenly got deep into essential oil MLM scams, we wouldn't call her stupid or say she's having a mental health crisis. She's just gullible and was tricked by assholes, and we'd want to talk to her to get her out of it.

    I have absolutely nothing against positive mental health, I'm the one that pushed her to seek help live professionally to begin with. But this isn't positive mental health, this is a scam she's gotten tricked into.

  35. What is “deadnamed” you mean?

    All you can do is give him the space he’s requesting. You could try writing a letter or something too but I’m not sure how you’d give it to him.


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