C A T A , ♥ M E N D O Z A the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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C A T A , ♥ M E N D O Z A, 23 y.o.


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C A T A , ♥ M E N D O Z A on-line sex chat

37 thoughts on “C A T A , ♥ M E N D O Z A the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. So the money that he gives you, is that just for household items? Or do you get money just for you, to enable you to save for yourself and spend on items just for you?

    Your son is a teenager, have you considered trying to rejoin the workforce? Even part-time work would be a good start.

    I get the impression this is about more than just pizza.

    This is the real problem here, isn't it?

    I do so much for our family as a stay at home mom so for him to say that especially in front of our teenage son hurt me so much. I sacrificed my whole career for our family since he wanted me to be a stay at home mother. I haven't worked in 20+ years so I rely on him for everything including money.

    Honestly, I am really concerned that you're completely reliant on him for money and would urge you to change that if possible.

  2. Honestly, you can dislike something that happened to her because it happened. It doesn't matter if the guy was gay or not, he was all over her and everyone else. The question you asked her was completely fair.

    However, this situation got blown up a little too much. You both, while not necessarily toxic, contributed to the situation as it is currently. She came out and told you right away, which means that she obviously doesn't care and thought it was fun. At that point, you could have noticed that and toned down your response. When you communicated your dislike, she did not seem to care, and disingenuously apologized. When you turned it around and asked how she would feel in your place, she couldn't even answer you. Because she knows how it looks, and she knows how you must feel.

    Neither of you did anything hugely wrong here. She just didn't stop a dude when he put his balls in her face. You didn't stop yourself from a slight overreaction. This can be worked out and fixed. Both of you need to open up to the other with understanding.

  3. Imagine destroyin the bond of your kids n there dad cause u see things otherwise..NEXT n NEXT n NEXT oh n they are right ALWAYS

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  5. As someone who was on and off in a toxic relationship a lot like yours…just stick to your guns.

    Neither of you can grow if you don’t give each other the space to do it. The fact that he’s stringing you along while also chatting up another woman isn’t good, either.

    You sound like his back up plan.

  6. If they ended amicably, why should she delete them? They are memories of good times she had with someone in the past. As long as she isn't hung up on him now (talking about him constantly, for example, or still trying to hang out with him 1v1) I don't see the issue.

  7. Well. That shit is for him to deal with, he shouldn't have put it on you. You'd probably be none the wiser if you didn't know, most people won't be critical to your face.

    However, if they are, that'll be good to know, it means your potential in-laws are an impediment to your future together. Sadly, family is a consideration when it comes to staying with a partner.

    I will say I understand your boyfriend's position to some extent, it's a lot of pressure if he's witnessed a lot of criticism of people that don't conform to his family's standards. Doesn't make what he did right, but it does provide some context.

  8. Disagree. Sex work is work and I don’t know that you owe anyone an explanation about your past work

    You can disagree all you lime. The reality is that if you engaged in aex work the vast majority of men won't want you.

    anyone an explanation about your past work. Ultimately OP is going to have to find a way to overcome this bc she did absolutely nothing wrong.

    If there's no kids involved, then divorce is probsnly his best option.

  9. You don't have to be polite to people who are being rude to you and disrespectful to your relationship.

    Very simply shut them down when they bring it up.

    This is none of your business.

    I am talking to this about you.

    You are being very rude and unprofessional

    I don't need nor appreciate your opinion.

    If you don't drop this highly inappropriate subject I will be taking this to HR or management whatever you have.

  10. I have a border mix, so I understand why you felt rehoming him was the right thing to do and he is probably living his best life BUT after all her reasons why your dog couldn't move in and then she brings in a dog who plays into all her fears about what a dog would do and coddled the dog…. That doesn't sit with me. The two of you don't live! together. She has no say over any animal you choose to bring into your home. She decided (the right thing) to let that family adopt her foster dog. She doesn't then get to guilt trip you for bringing a dog into your home. It sounds like she has control /boundary issues.

  11. I have probably been through a shit ton more and accomplished more than the average 30 year old

    You only feel that you are experienced. In reality, because you have given birth to two kids before you were 19 and are living at home with your parents, you don't really have any true life experience. You have a nice comfy roof over your head, and your parents are right there with you in case things get rough. What you are is a teenager with a safe place to live!, who got knocked up twice before you were even 19, and now can't figure out why the child you married has grown into such a man baby.

  12. Unfortunately if you want continued 24/7 access then she pretty much has you over a barrel and she obviously knows it. Does she know you're at the point of leaving now? I know it's gonna hurt like he'll but consider your child witnessing really toxic behaviour over the coming months and years. It seems to me that a lesser amount of pure loving quality time has naked to be a better way to influence and educated your son.

  13. So their plan is to live! with you forever? If so, you have a decision to make eventually.

    This isolation mentality is a them problem. Moving countries requires adaption and integration.

    Emotionally guilting you both has a time limit before you both want your own lives and choices.

  14. Other couples absolutely ask that of each other. Sometimes people feel lazy, and that’s fine. And sometimes people will have the “fuck it let’s have kinda-gross quick sex anyway” times. But not as the damn standard! For instance my SO and I communicate on Friday afternoon what state we’ll be in for that night…bc some nights are no-shave/not-fresh lay on sofa nights, and some are freshly shaved and ready to go maybe/probably get busy nights, and it’s important to be on the same page with that. But a fresh shower certainly doesn’t guarantee sex.

  15. Sorry this happened to you. Her behavior was unacceptable. Please get tested. This was a violation of trust. I don’t think I’d be able to be intimate with a person who would do this.

  16. Reading your post and comments and Ik just going to reply to the specific part where you question whether you have an unhealthy relationship with dating – yes, it sounds like you do. I think if you’re able to talk with a therapist I would recommend you trying to work through this with them. It sounds like there is a level of desperation coming from you, despite the two of you wanting two different things. Your desires are not compatible, and trying to force commitment from someone who want to explore is just not going to end well in the long run.

  17. The bathroom for example i always clean on a regular basis. It's easy, because it's 95% my stuff in there and I always put it away. But in the kitchen there is so much stuff out because he just never puts anything away even though there is enough space. He takes something out of a cupboard, uses it, and leaves it on the counter. He does not put any packaging or dishes away either. Makes it really very hot for me to keep up. We talked about it a lot of times, made some rules and stuff, but he only did it for a week and then forgot about it.

  18. She's not yours anymore. She's found someone's she's interested in and wants to either guilt you into agreeing with her plan or making you break up with her. There's truly no point in moving forward even if she changes her mind.

    If we're being honest, the average guy loses if they agree to an open relationship. Women have a way easier time finding someone than men do. It's not even gonna be close to “I get to sleep with other women, too” deal. Most threads here end up in the guy just ending up frustrated or regret that they agreed to an open relationship.

  19. I would just tell her honestly what you just told us.

    Hey I'm interested in you, but you said that you dated a woman in the past. I don't want to make you uncomfortable if you are only dating girls or if you don't have the same feelings.

  20. She sounds completely nuts and manipulative. You're well rid of her OP! I'm so sorry about your dad. I hope you're getting all the love and support you need at this difficult time.

  21. Oh no, that wouldn't stand with me. He's very likely hiding something (or someone). As someone else said, I'd go over with some flowers or something and introduce yourself, or you can put your foot down with your boyfriend. But something is definitely amiss.

  22. I appreciate your honesty. And it is very hot for someone on Reddit to know the whole picture by me just posting a snippet of my life or thoughts on the internet. However I don’t think it’s bad to talk about how one is feeling with their partner. It is good to have open honest communication instead of letting things stew. Jealousy unfortunately is a human emotion and is natural. It’s how we express it that matters. I don’t care if women talk to him it’s normal. What I was trying to clarify is that the woman who was going after him knew about me and had met me before. I didn’t like this and told him. I don’t feel tile that is unreasonable. Respectfully, I don’t think you know enough about me to determine whether or not I’m mature enough for an “adult relationship”.

  23. I agree. On the flip side because many women and men aren't focused on maximizing arousal before PIV those that could be in that category might be living life not knowing until it happens. Since anything over 8 inches is extremely rare, many will never know.

  24. What would your health insurance situation be if you go without a job? I’d be terrified of not having the NHS and even the nightmare that is the DWP , as a safety net.

  25. What a huge piece of absolute trash.

    He's literally head over heels for her and she does this. How can people do such evil things to other people, I don't understand.


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