34 thoughts on “Canadilingus the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam”
So far as the toilet issue itself goes – a compromise (assuming you have multiple) is that he is assigned one bathroom. He is solely responsible for it and may not use any other toilet in the house to poop in. See how long his method lasts when you aren’t cleaning up after him and he’s not allowed to inconvenience the rest of the family.
BUT. I am deeply concerned that he feels like you need to apologize for being “defiant”. You aren’t his child. You aren’t his subordinate. You aren’t his employee or servant or subject to his authority. You’re his spouse. His equal. Supposedly his partner. Him screaming at you is completely unacceptable.
Frankly I find his leaving toilets clogged in this manner beyond revolting and am astonished that you can online with such behavior for 20+ years regardless of his good qualities. It is a health hazard and beyond inconsiderate to the rest of the household. The fact that guests have been subjected to it … I have no words for his vile shamelessness.
He is displaying a complete lack of respect for everyone around him while throwing a tantrum that he is being treated with a lack of respect. His controlling and borderline abusive request that you and your family leave his vileness until such time as he determines would have me moving out.
You should not apologize further about this. At all. Ever. His level of unreasonableness is troubling and makes me wonder if this isn’t some type of fetish for him.
He's introverted and knows finding someone new will be difficult. You feel guilty because you feel like your choice to breakup has forced him to make decisions he wouldn't have otherwise. And you're not wrong.
That's some great advice. It's very easy to feel like everything is our own fault. Take this as an affirmative of maturing into an emotionally competent adult.
It is never ok to force a child on someone. She’s a grown adult and is capable of handling life and making her own decisions and dealing with the consequences of her own actions.
Having a kid is a huge deal, life changer. They both aren’t being respect of you or inclusive of you. This is showing you that they both don’t value or consider you or your opinions or your marriage an importance. That’s not ok.
You can’t force someone into something like this. Tbh he sounds like a hobosexual (dude just wanting a free ride in life) so of course he was happy to assist in a pregnancy and is refusing to get work. He gets two women, locked in now, you and her providing for the baby and he can chill. Nope. I’d be leaving.
She’s an adult, don’t stay out of guilt for how she will handle it. You’re mental and physical well-being is just as important as theirs. Considering they aren’t looking out for you, you need to. Have a moment away from them and think long and hot and if you aren’t ready for a baby/ aren’t going to be ok for taking up their financial responsibilities/ not having a voice in your future. As they will continue to make plans without you/ disregarding you and your feelings. (Completely ok not being ok with this) leave.
You really do have just one life. Don’t waste it in people who clearly don’t care or respect you. The kid will also grow up knowing you resent it and that’s not good for kid either. They can’t handle or afford kid without you? Not your problem. They can trap you to stay through guilt and if they are going to make life decisions without you they can deal with the consequences without out.
This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.
I(F19) and my boyfriend (M21) were talking about how his aunt married for a second time. She has a daughter with her new husband and her family is embarrassed. He says she should be killed to protect the honour of the family. They’re Afghan, i’m moroccan for context. He says he fully supports honour killings because it happened in his family generations ago. I told him he couldn’t possibly mean that and he told me he’d kill our future daughter if he needed to protect his family’s name. He said he’d kill me too if i tried to stop him or call the police. I’m genuinely terrified. I’m sorry if this is the wrong subreddit, but i didn’t know where to post this on. I don’t know what to do.
Edit: Hello everyone, i just had the courage to pick up my phone since yesterday. I have read some of your comments and realised i didn’t give enough info and some of you think this is a fake post. I online in Belgium, we are both muslim and i live with my mother. He knows where my mother lives, where my father lives and i have a health condition which makes me unable to stay alone or travel alone. Therefore, i cannot get a hotel by myself sadly. I asked what to do because i know people get killed for leaving a relationship. Sorry if my question didn’t appeal to you, but this post isn’t fake and i do need help. I guess i mostly need help trying to grab the reality of all this.
Edit 2: he has told me that if he sees me move on, he’ll kill me
She doesn’t want me to be muscular or anything, just tone down, I do admit I have put weight on but it’s not like I’m obese, it’s just belly and waist fat which I feel like within 5/6 months I can sort out with proper dieting
Yeah, that's a MASSIVE red flag, OP. Save the money in your own account, or a joint account that BOTH of you have to agree to take money from it. Otherwise, the BF could run off and take your half of the money with him, and you have no way of showing that it's yours.
A woman wouldn’t judge you over this. She is still far too immature to build a life with.
Let her lose you. You cried because you care so much about her. She’ll date plenty of losers who won’t cry, but don’t care about her. Don’t know what you got til it’s gone. Her loss.
I don't think you're overreacting. I think he's gaslighting you. I think he has anger issues. The reason I phrased my questions to you in my post in the way I did is because you're the one in the relationship so you would know him and the situation better. I think if you can reflect on the questions I posed and see what your thoughts are and listen to yourself then you might find the answers you're looking for.
Not rude, i completely understand how that came off as confusing. I think i meant it like i dont love him anymore but i want to see if he can start cleaning and keeping up his end of the chores as a roommate if that makes sense. I have confronted him about our many issues before, but he just says “okay” or “im sorry” and goes back to his game.
I have never thought him not helping and/or “participating” in the relationship was out of malice, i know hes going through mental shit right now. I discussed our sexual issues, and same as above- “im sorry” then back to dnd or wow.
I recently came to realize i fell in love with the version of him in my head, which has honestly never happened before, which is probably why it took the entire relationship (like not even a year) to realize. Thank you for your help.
I think you read it right unfortunately. A guy who is interested would have accepted the invite, or been eager to make alternative plans if he genuinely couldn’t make it work.
Too drunk to consent is rape. He does not sound drunk enough to claim that he didn't know what he was doing so he was pressing an advantage on a drunk woman. He sounds like a total shit.
I'd believe her. I'd be unhappy that she allowed herself to get so drunk that she's blacking out because this could have gone much much worse for her. At least this guy stopped.
She was a bad friend and bad girlfriend and you fucking sucked here. Making out with a girl who's taken. Grow up. Don't go back, move on and do better and find better people.
I appreciate the comment, believe it or not (I’ve posted this question before), you’re the first to advocate for sticking around. I completely understand and appreciate that in marriage this would be the sort of issue to stay together through and workout almost no matter what. Part of the struggle for me has been how much to treat this like a marriage and to work through hot times and suboptimal dynamics for the sake of itself vs acknowledging that we’re both young and maybe this is a sign that we have different needs and motivations at this point that may be worth exploring, at the very least to gain understanding of ourselves prior to reconsidering marriage individually. I realize that ultimately it’s a values call – do I consider this a “pre marriage” or a “tryout for potential marriage that is souring over the course of the last few years”. I’m not sure.
The company we keep speaks volumes about who we are. The fact that your bf says nothing – in defense or protestation – when his friend spews racist comments shows that he doesn’t mind the language.
And he’s poured time and money into a property that’s not his AND pays a high rent??? He doesn’t seem too bright, either. Why are you staying with him???
When someone doesn't have much to say you kind of have to consider that maybe they're either not that smart or just don't have much in common with you. So maybe first try to figure out what it is you like about this person. If it's not her personality, wit and intellect the issue might be that there's just not a lot of *there* there to begin with. But if you're a decisive, responsible person you're within your rights to tell her you need a firm answer. Then if she says no at least you won't be wasting your time anymore.
Damn being dinged for being too polite tells you everything you need to know. These woman just want you to disprect them, fuck them, and give them a good slap after you nut in them to drive the point home. Something tells me her long terms were shitheads and she is attracted to garbage. So you being a slow moving gentleman terrified her. It is a shame though alcohol hurts your performance. I become a rabid fuck machine after some nice whiskey.
The problem is you chose to ignore the warning signs. You hoped things would get better but you let it fester to the point where you're married and unhappy. Don't have children. You will love your kids but yes. You will be more miserable.
There is a lot to unpack here. If you're done. You're done. Make it quick and as painless as possible for her. You both could use the therapy as individuals and as a couple, should you give your wife a chance.
So what do you do moving forward? You have to accept that your wife has always been this person and you hoped she would change. You guilt yourself into staying into this relationship because she would be devastated. In this relationship, it sounds like one is content and the other is dissatisfied. That is not likely to change unless both people work at it. Relationships are give and takes. Compromises and working together. Sure, there are conflicts and disagreements along the way. But this is unhealthy for both of you. Especially with how you communicate and stay in an unfilling relationship for so long.
Sex is important but on the scale of most to least, it varies per person . Your situation is you've been patient and don't see it getting better. Your patience is worn thin. So you're done.
To your wife, this will hurt her. She will feel blinded sided and unfair because you didn't end the relationship sooner for the mismatching sex drive and have bottled up your frustrations. You've been going with the flow and got comfortable despite being unhappy.
Sounds like you may also have some boundary issues and settled for her. In a twisted way, convinced yourself that she needs you. So you have to stay. That's a very limited view and you've got essentially shackled yourself.
That's why I encourage you to seek individual therapy. Regardless of who you date in the future, there will be differences in values. Next time, don't commit to someone and continually progress life building with them if those differences are deal breakers.
It's okay to grow apart and want different things in life. What's not okay is staying in a relationship where you are unhappy and leading your partner on. You both deserve to be happy and with more compatible partners.
Also, hold yourself accountable to take action sooner. Don't be afraid to hurt someone over compatibility issues sooner. It's a horrible situation for both of you. But I put the onus on you because you shouldn't compromised to these extreme levels. And ignored the problem to the point of marriage.
It sounds like he's relapsed. If I were in your position I'd leave. I wouldn't wanna go through the emotional and mental turmoil of being with someone who is addicted to drugs and alcohol again. As long as he has other users in his life, he will never be clean and will always be sucked back in.
One where she hurts you by telling you how there is someone better out there for both of you. You call it out, she doubles down by waffling in some lame world population excuse for her words.
When her single friends tell her she’s lucky, her response is to disagree with them, then go on to basically explain that you are a “practical choice” rather than her one true love.
Both of these situations, she is essentially making it clear she settled for you because you are a comfortable practical choice. A good catch, but not someone she is head over heels with or ever has been. Is this who you want to spend a life with? Someone that found you as the comfortable choice who disagrees and corrects others when they tell her she is lucky to have you?? And what will happen in the future when suddenly she runs into a guy she feels is that better person and true love?
The world is full of women. Plenty who will think you are their one true love who would agree with others when they tell her she’s lucky to have you. You can either raise your bar, forget about sunk cost fallacies and go find her, or stick around with this one who has made her opinion clear about just settling til something better comes along, and if not, just staying settled. Sounds boring and sad to me.
So far as the toilet issue itself goes – a compromise (assuming you have multiple) is that he is assigned one bathroom. He is solely responsible for it and may not use any other toilet in the house to poop in. See how long his method lasts when you aren’t cleaning up after him and he’s not allowed to inconvenience the rest of the family.
BUT. I am deeply concerned that he feels like you need to apologize for being “defiant”. You aren’t his child. You aren’t his subordinate. You aren’t his employee or servant or subject to his authority. You’re his spouse. His equal. Supposedly his partner. Him screaming at you is completely unacceptable.
Frankly I find his leaving toilets clogged in this manner beyond revolting and am astonished that you can online with such behavior for 20+ years regardless of his good qualities. It is a health hazard and beyond inconsiderate to the rest of the household. The fact that guests have been subjected to it … I have no words for his vile shamelessness.
He is displaying a complete lack of respect for everyone around him while throwing a tantrum that he is being treated with a lack of respect. His controlling and borderline abusive request that you and your family leave his vileness until such time as he determines would have me moving out.
You should not apologize further about this. At all. Ever. His level of unreasonableness is troubling and makes me wonder if this isn’t some type of fetish for him.
Ohhh I remember your post! I felt so bad for you what a twisted thing to do. Sorry this happened to you.
My boy was BUSY
He's introverted and knows finding someone new will be difficult. You feel guilty because you feel like your choice to breakup has forced him to make decisions he wouldn't have otherwise. And you're not wrong.
How do you figure that out? Eat her out? ?.
Communication for the win.
I’m glad that you were able to talk and find compromise that took some pressure off of you which in turn will help you support him.
Love sometimes doesn’t conquer all. But trust and communication will get you most of the way.
That's some great advice. It's very easy to feel like everything is our own fault. Take this as an affirmative of maturing into an emotionally competent adult.
It is never ok to force a child on someone. She’s a grown adult and is capable of handling life and making her own decisions and dealing with the consequences of her own actions.
Having a kid is a huge deal, life changer. They both aren’t being respect of you or inclusive of you. This is showing you that they both don’t value or consider you or your opinions or your marriage an importance. That’s not ok.
You can’t force someone into something like this. Tbh he sounds like a hobosexual (dude just wanting a free ride in life) so of course he was happy to assist in a pregnancy and is refusing to get work. He gets two women, locked in now, you and her providing for the baby and he can chill. Nope. I’d be leaving.
She’s an adult, don’t stay out of guilt for how she will handle it. You’re mental and physical well-being is just as important as theirs. Considering they aren’t looking out for you, you need to. Have a moment away from them and think long and hot and if you aren’t ready for a baby/ aren’t going to be ok for taking up their financial responsibilities/ not having a voice in your future. As they will continue to make plans without you/ disregarding you and your feelings. (Completely ok not being ok with this) leave.
You really do have just one life. Don’t waste it in people who clearly don’t care or respect you. The kid will also grow up knowing you resent it and that’s not good for kid either. They can’t handle or afford kid without you? Not your problem. They can trap you to stay through guilt and if they are going to make life decisions without you they can deal with the consequences without out.
When did you last see her?
Let him keep your stuff instead of repeatedly using it as an excuse to talk to and see him.
This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.
I(F19) and my boyfriend (M21) were talking about how his aunt married for a second time. She has a daughter with her new husband and her family is embarrassed. He says she should be killed to protect the honour of the family. They’re Afghan, i’m moroccan for context. He says he fully supports honour killings because it happened in his family generations ago. I told him he couldn’t possibly mean that and he told me he’d kill our future daughter if he needed to protect his family’s name. He said he’d kill me too if i tried to stop him or call the police. I’m genuinely terrified. I’m sorry if this is the wrong subreddit, but i didn’t know where to post this on. I don’t know what to do.
Edit: Hello everyone, i just had the courage to pick up my phone since yesterday. I have read some of your comments and realised i didn’t give enough info and some of you think this is a fake post. I online in Belgium, we are both muslim and i live with my mother. He knows where my mother lives, where my father lives and i have a health condition which makes me unable to stay alone or travel alone. Therefore, i cannot get a hotel by myself sadly. I asked what to do because i know people get killed for leaving a relationship. Sorry if my question didn’t appeal to you, but this post isn’t fake and i do need help. I guess i mostly need help trying to grab the reality of all this.
Edit 2: he has told me that if he sees me move on, he’ll kill me
She doesn’t want me to be muscular or anything, just tone down, I do admit I have put weight on but it’s not like I’m obese, it’s just belly and waist fat which I feel like within 5/6 months I can sort out with proper dieting
Yeah, that's a MASSIVE red flag, OP. Save the money in your own account, or a joint account that BOTH of you have to agree to take money from it. Otherwise, the BF could run off and take your half of the money with him, and you have no way of showing that it's yours.
Courts aren’t open 24/7. I’d be lucky to be on someone’s couch within five days, let alone be “in the middle of divorce proceedings”
This girl ain’t the one, brother.
A woman wouldn’t judge you over this. She is still far too immature to build a life with.
Let her lose you. You cried because you care so much about her. She’ll date plenty of losers who won’t cry, but don’t care about her. Don’t know what you got til it’s gone. Her loss.
Then she doesn’t want to marry you, she wants a wedding
Fair. Not saying he’s a stalker. Just harder to explain
I don't think you're overreacting. I think he's gaslighting you. I think he has anger issues. The reason I phrased my questions to you in my post in the way I did is because you're the one in the relationship so you would know him and the situation better. I think if you can reflect on the questions I posed and see what your thoughts are and listen to yourself then you might find the answers you're looking for.
Not rude, i completely understand how that came off as confusing. I think i meant it like i dont love him anymore but i want to see if he can start cleaning and keeping up his end of the chores as a roommate if that makes sense. I have confronted him about our many issues before, but he just says “okay” or “im sorry” and goes back to his game.
I have never thought him not helping and/or “participating” in the relationship was out of malice, i know hes going through mental shit right now. I discussed our sexual issues, and same as above- “im sorry” then back to dnd or wow.
I recently came to realize i fell in love with the version of him in my head, which has honestly never happened before, which is probably why it took the entire relationship (like not even a year) to realize. Thank you for your help.
I think you read it right unfortunately. A guy who is interested would have accepted the invite, or been eager to make alternative plans if he genuinely couldn’t make it work.
…. thats the thing with 'trust' : you have to work for it, not just say that you want it.
Too drunk to consent is rape. He does not sound drunk enough to claim that he didn't know what he was doing so he was pressing an advantage on a drunk woman. He sounds like a total shit.
I'd believe her. I'd be unhappy that she allowed herself to get so drunk that she's blacking out because this could have gone much much worse for her. At least this guy stopped.
Love this, thank you!
I think if you post this one more time, you might get the response you’re looking for.
She was a bad friend and bad girlfriend and you fucking sucked here. Making out with a girl who's taken. Grow up. Don't go back, move on and do better and find better people.
Stop using mental health as an excuse for being shitty and controlling.
I appreciate the comment, believe it or not (I’ve posted this question before), you’re the first to advocate for sticking around. I completely understand and appreciate that in marriage this would be the sort of issue to stay together through and workout almost no matter what. Part of the struggle for me has been how much to treat this like a marriage and to work through hot times and suboptimal dynamics for the sake of itself vs acknowledging that we’re both young and maybe this is a sign that we have different needs and motivations at this point that may be worth exploring, at the very least to gain understanding of ourselves prior to reconsidering marriage individually. I realize that ultimately it’s a values call – do I consider this a “pre marriage” or a “tryout for potential marriage that is souring over the course of the last few years”. I’m not sure.
You sure he’s the best guy you can find? He sounds like he’s going to break your heart. And the dating the 18 is creepy
The company we keep speaks volumes about who we are. The fact that your bf says nothing – in defense or protestation – when his friend spews racist comments shows that he doesn’t mind the language.
And he’s poured time and money into a property that’s not his AND pays a high rent??? He doesn’t seem too bright, either. Why are you staying with him???
When someone doesn't have much to say you kind of have to consider that maybe they're either not that smart or just don't have much in common with you. So maybe first try to figure out what it is you like about this person. If it's not her personality, wit and intellect the issue might be that there's just not a lot of *there* there to begin with. But if you're a decisive, responsible person you're within your rights to tell her you need a firm answer. Then if she says no at least you won't be wasting your time anymore.
Damn being dinged for being too polite tells you everything you need to know. These woman just want you to disprect them, fuck them, and give them a good slap after you nut in them to drive the point home. Something tells me her long terms were shitheads and she is attracted to garbage. So you being a slow moving gentleman terrified her. It is a shame though alcohol hurts your performance. I become a rabid fuck machine after some nice whiskey.
The problem is you chose to ignore the warning signs. You hoped things would get better but you let it fester to the point where you're married and unhappy. Don't have children. You will love your kids but yes. You will be more miserable.
There is a lot to unpack here. If you're done. You're done. Make it quick and as painless as possible for her. You both could use the therapy as individuals and as a couple, should you give your wife a chance.
So what do you do moving forward? You have to accept that your wife has always been this person and you hoped she would change. You guilt yourself into staying into this relationship because she would be devastated. In this relationship, it sounds like one is content and the other is dissatisfied. That is not likely to change unless both people work at it. Relationships are give and takes. Compromises and working together. Sure, there are conflicts and disagreements along the way. But this is unhealthy for both of you. Especially with how you communicate and stay in an unfilling relationship for so long.
Sex is important but on the scale of most to least, it varies per person . Your situation is you've been patient and don't see it getting better. Your patience is worn thin. So you're done.
To your wife, this will hurt her. She will feel blinded sided and unfair because you didn't end the relationship sooner for the mismatching sex drive and have bottled up your frustrations. You've been going with the flow and got comfortable despite being unhappy.
Sounds like you may also have some boundary issues and settled for her. In a twisted way, convinced yourself that she needs you. So you have to stay. That's a very limited view and you've got essentially shackled yourself.
That's why I encourage you to seek individual therapy. Regardless of who you date in the future, there will be differences in values. Next time, don't commit to someone and continually progress life building with them if those differences are deal breakers.
It's okay to grow apart and want different things in life. What's not okay is staying in a relationship where you are unhappy and leading your partner on. You both deserve to be happy and with more compatible partners.
Also, hold yourself accountable to take action sooner. Don't be afraid to hurt someone over compatibility issues sooner. It's a horrible situation for both of you. But I put the onus on you because you shouldn't compromised to these extreme levels. And ignored the problem to the point of marriage.
It sounds like he's relapsed. If I were in your position I'd leave. I wouldn't wanna go through the emotional and mental turmoil of being with someone who is addicted to drugs and alcohol again. As long as he has other users in his life, he will never be clean and will always be sucked back in.
These facts stand out.
One where she hurts you by telling you how there is someone better out there for both of you. You call it out, she doubles down by waffling in some lame world population excuse for her words.
When her single friends tell her she’s lucky, her response is to disagree with them, then go on to basically explain that you are a “practical choice” rather than her one true love.
Both of these situations, she is essentially making it clear she settled for you because you are a comfortable practical choice. A good catch, but not someone she is head over heels with or ever has been. Is this who you want to spend a life with? Someone that found you as the comfortable choice who disagrees and corrects others when they tell her she is lucky to have you?? And what will happen in the future when suddenly she runs into a guy she feels is that better person and true love?
The world is full of women. Plenty who will think you are their one true love who would agree with others when they tell her she’s lucky to have you. You can either raise your bar, forget about sunk cost fallacies and go find her, or stick around with this one who has made her opinion clear about just settling til something better comes along, and if not, just staying settled. Sounds boring and sad to me.