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24 thoughts on “Candy-Eroticx online webcams for YOU!

  1. they’ve never been aggressive or violent towards me at all , also confessed to hurting animal when they were younger it’s a lot to take in.

  2. Believe us all when we tell you that they are insane.

    So let's expand this issue of yours out and put it to like this.

    So say you find yourself unable to reconcile her past with your present and you break up with her. You are now in her position to the person you are looking for. You have been with her and now your body count is one.

    So by your logic, why would the person you are looking for – someone who is chaste like you were prior to you dating – want to be with you? You are by your own standards no longer chaste. You are no longer a virgin.

    You now have a body count of your own.

    So imagine the girl you want – someone who has never been with someone prior to you – is supposed to think? She wants someone special to be her first, but for you it will be your second. To her that is not “special”. You have been there and done that and OMG you have done it multiple times! How gross will that be to her?

    You have had your special moment so it – whatever you do with some new chaste girl – will not be special to you. Only her.

    See where the logical fallacy is in your thinking.

  3. Hello /u/LImbotU,

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  5. Exactly the issue, since you brought up the vaccine. Plenty of people haven't received the HPV vaccination.

    While condoms aren't as reliable at preventing HPV in comparison to other STDs (all of which also present a perfectly good reasons to wear a condom), they lower your chances of contracting it a fuck ton compared to having sex without any barrier contraceptive.

    Just wear a damn condom ya nasty

  6. As I said elsewhere, it shows we view love and intimacy differently. I dont think she will cheat but she will remain monogamous because I asked her to rather than because she wants to. I dont want that, she would be happier with someone in that lifestyle and I will be happier with someone whose 1st preference and choice is monogamy.

  7. I mean she’s a whole ass adult at 27, pretty sure can choose who she wants to be with at this point lol she’s not a young adult she’s nearly 30.

  8. You literally said that you've been exclusive for 3 months. And now you want to change the definition of the word exclusive? If you didn't have an explicit conversation at that exact moment about what the word exclusive means then you don't get to claim explicit communication. I think you know damn well that you are trying to work all of this out on a technicality.

  9. Some advice without the emotional weight, my biggest fear in life is getting pregnant by a man who is pro life, I would need an abortion for all sorts of reasons but he would genuinely be traumatised thinking I just murdered his kid, even though I don’t see it that way at all.

    You’d have to go through that with him if you got pregnant, should you choose abortion you’d have someone in grief with absolutely no support, it would be a NIGHTMARE.

    If I’m having sex with someone, I always ask before the first time if they are okay with me aborting (I’m very safe with sex but I know my family is super fertile) because of these situations, I suggest you do the same in future to avoid situations like this because regardless of how much I disagree with your boyfriend, break ups are always shitty 🙁

  10. >I am aware that at this point of our lives, a lot of us have had a fair share of intimate and sexual experiences, relationships, and flings. I’ve had my fair share.

    Break things off. It's not fair for your partner for her to be stuck dating a hypocrite.

  11. Yeah I see your point. Thing is, we have very different tastes in style. I like modern homes while she completely dislikes them. She likes more traditional houses. There is no way to have a house that is both, so one of these styles needs to be picked. That’s pretty much the dilemma. And as you can imagine, I’m not going to pick something that I dislike just because she says so and pay for it too

  12. So you want from a “loving mother us against the world” to dropping your son for a shag with his friend. Nice one.

    In all honesty you shut the hell up and listen to him. Don't give him a pity party of you being lonely and was happy someone was finally interested in you. You hurt your son. You knew you'd hurt your son. You lied to his face and missed important things in his life and rather then trying to make it up to your son you moved on with your life. He lost his friend and his mother. “me and my son against the world” until someone is interest in you and you drop him.

    You seriously need to deal with whatever he has to say to you. Take the criticism, take the anger he may still hold for you and his friend.

  13. Yeah, I've been threatened with that so many times I've grown cold to that really.

    It's pure manipulation. People experience these emotions and thoughts and they try to cling on to something like it's their property. Say whatever they can to mislead you.

    If someone tells me they'll kill themselves I would actually just walk away sooner.

  14. breakups are always naked. i don't think there is a way of doing it without breaking the other person's heart. but at the end of the day, its better to do it now instead of staying with him longer and ending up resenting him in the future.

    you are obviously not compatible. its okay to have differences as long as you accept each other but it seems it bothers you a lot. its good that you're choosing to end it now. good luck OP! hope it doesn't get too messy.

  15. He threatened to kill you. Why did you even get back in the car? Why didn't you immediately call the police? Why aren't you calling them now? There is no way for him to make this right, he isnt sorry. He will only make you dead.

  16. Op you are either the side chick, he’s embarrassed of you & sees no future so it’s why you do not get brought into his world, or he’s actively cheating on you when he hangs out with his friends.

    Either way, this guy is hiding a part of his life the last six years ON PURPOSE!

    No guy withholds you meeting his friends on the first two years, he actually introduces you when he wants you in his life longterm.

    This is the biggest red flag and can’t believe you stuck around for SIX YEARS and blindly took him at face value all his bullsh-t!

  17. ask him “will you date me if look like this when we first met?” if the answer is no then you have to be ready to move on.

    cos what he saw when he first met you is not your normal weight. he's attracted to that version of you and he has pretty strict standard. in this situation you have to be someone else for him all the time considering he keeps asking you to lose weight.


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