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20 thoughts on “CANDY-SISUK20 online webcams for YOU!

  1. It’s not really withholding, you wouldn’t be obligated to share with your friends every messed up thing that you ever did. Albeit at my worst I never violated someone but I wouldn’t want my friends except the ones I’m very close to to know what I was like at my lowest points in life.

  2. I think she's looking for comfort from him

    You're right, but she's doing it in the wrong way. Fishing for compliments through guilt tripping by bringing up a past resolved issue in a self-deprecating way is a recipe for disaster and further hurt.

    It wouldn't kill him to take 10 mins to think of something that he could say to assure her it's just a superficial attraction and point out that she's actually already famous for being hard

    I agree. However, OP's title is very misleading to what actually happened. OP was the one who made the claim about this other woman being more attractive than her, and bf said the wrong thing probably in attempts to try and not fight about it anymore. Bf simply agreed with what OP said. OP playing games like this is very manipulative.

    Or even just tell her how attractive he finds her on a regular basis, not naked to give a compliment when u know someone can really use one

    I'm not even going to begin to comment on this because idk what they're relationship is like beyond the two highlighted incidents from OP's post.

  3. I guess I really do need to be less of a pushover with this. But it doesn't change the fact that he still feels attraction to older ladies

  4. A lot of people who are generally closed off to the world do that a lot. We push people away because we're scared to open up or to be hurt by others.

    Sounds to me you made him believe he could be vulnerable and open and believe in love. I wouldn't look to deep into it. Yeah sure it's not the textbook/romantic novel answer, but that's how life is; it can be ugly, abrasive, and very unromantic sounding, but you finding the diamond in the rough is always worth it.

  5. Thanks for your input. I am the type to cut anyone like this, but I make exceptions for her as we’ve known each other for 9 years and have always clicked/had chemistry.

  6. I'm glad you decided to stay single. Your first ex deserves better and you are not it. Hopefully you take this time to self reflect and you become a better person for yourself.

  7. Yea! Completely agree about just ignoring it (of course, i typically do and it would be really weird if I did not hahah). In fact, it reminds me of the James Baldwin quote I heard one time “If you continue to view me as Black then I have no choice but to see you as White”.

    I just met all his coworkers the other day and it triggered me to think about it, since they were talking about shared experiences. 🙂 I'll be okay, just curious for people's insights and shared experiences!

  8. Stop giving this guy money. People are gonna talk regardless but at this rate he’s gonna demand payment for the rest of your life. Block him everywhere and tell the police that he’s threatening to distribute your photographs. You can’t save everything at this point but you have to put a foot down

  9. Did he meet someone on his new work team? It sounds like that was about the time his attitude started changing. Whatever it is, something clearly happened to upset his apple cart. Not that it matters, really. Sorry you're going through this, OP. It's small comfort to you now, but time will heal you, and you'll find someone else that makes your heart sing.

  10. I know she loves me and I love her too she’s just a lot a times, she’s unaware of how emotionally abusive her behaviour can be and I’m just scared to jab at anything in case she decides she doesn’t like me after one argument. What you’ve expressed makes sense and is worth a shot I appreciate it

  11. Yeah. OP you won't see that money and your mum is fucked up, likely too messed up at 40 to change or improve in any way. Go no contact. If your dad fucks up again, make it clear he'll be the next family member you stop talking to as well.

    If there's drugs involved, remove yourself completely and become independent. It sounds like you have a job and could afford to live with flatmates. Sorry if it's nothing to do with drugs, it's just common that addict parents steal money for meth off their kids.

    My aunt is an addict and stole my entire paycheck once, lol, but oh well. Just don't let them have the chance to do it again.

  12. You two are clearly incompatible.

    For you, your career is more important than a relationship and he wants more of your attention. Neither of you are in the wrong. He's allowed to feel neglected when he's being neglected ?, and you're allowed to focus on your professional life. Idk why you're still together tho, it doesn't sound like you even want to be together with him. And the way you talk it sounds like it won't be a big loss for you since you've made sure to not depend on him for anything.

    You said he understood two years ago, but that was also two years ago. People can change a lot in a short span of time, and he sounds like he's at a point where he wants a more active relationship. Since you've stated that's not something you're willing to give him then you two need to break it off and move on. Otherwise it'll only breed more resentment and petty drama.


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