Carol-Jhons online webcams for YOU!

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13 thoughts on “Carol-Jhons online webcams for YOU!

  1. Well, your standards are your standards… It's not for nobody to say if they're too high or not.

    You want what you want, just like any other man or woman… we all have standards and preferences and nothing is wrong with that. Yours are not unrealistic… and I'm a female! !

    Physical attraction is IMPORTANT… and to me, beauty and attraction is in the eye of the beholder… There's a bunch of beautiful super models who men might find attractive but still might not be romantically attracted to them! It's all about how YOU see someone. We're all ugly to someone. (REASONABLE STANDARD) SEX is definitely important in any relationship, especially among younger couples… I can understand sex stopping much later in life, like in your 70's lol… but even then they're still having it. SEX is important. (REASONABLE STANDARD) Now, only dating women who are childless, isn't too much of a high standard, but I think if you was to meet a woman that is everything you want out of a woman and she happen to have children, your views on this standard will lower… Cause if you love her, you will love her children to! (Kinda REASONABLE STANDARD) You being monogamous is a great quality, and not wanting open relationships and threesomes is also a good thing… Most men isn't monogamous and likes threesomes and shit… So I think a woman would appreciate that about you (REASONABLE STANDARD) You not caring about a woman career or how much she earns… sounds like you want to be the PROVIDER which is great… sounds like you want a stay at home mom…. you want to be the bread winner (NOT A HIGH STANDARD) And just cause you're a meat eater, doesn't mean a vegan wouldn't date you… (Not a high standard) Not wanting a bisexual woman is also okay (NOT A HIGH STANDARD)

    And you say you wouldn't look at other women while in a relationship… when you most definitely will. You don't stop being human because you're in a relationship. Now you can say you wouldn't cheat or disrespect your woman, but you will still be a man and be human… and that's okay!

    ALSO, although most of your standards are REASONABLE… just know you won't probably meet anyone that meet everyone, meaning you will have to lower your standards to some degree. EVERYBODY DOES! We're human beings, you're not perfect and neither will nobody else. However, it's nothing wrong with looking for these qualities in your future love.

  2. An appology doesn’t mean shit if it’s not backed up by action, and that’s what’s happening, so every time you let his apology placate you, with out him doing anything to improve, he learns all he has to do is SAY sorry. Next time, don’t accept his apology. Tell him his words don’t matter because he’s failed to back them up with action. So if he wants you to believe his appology, he now needs to either come up with a plan and act on it to fix the issue or ask for help with whatever is getting in the way if him actually fixing the problem.

  3. I am asking for a clarification on specific terms you used in your post as I fail to see how his actions are “appalling” and you accuse me of using a “cheap trick to reframe the discussion?”


  4. This is kinda disturbing I think your husband has a real mental illness. And I think you need to look into your options going forward.

  5. I was talking to my longtime friend about it and he’s going over his finances to make sure he could comfortably swing moving out of his parents house. He’s a nurse so I know it won’t be a problem for him but it would be his first time living “alone”. I would love to live! with him but part of me feels obligated to live with my ex because he has no where to go and his name Is technically on the lease but I am head of household

  6. Anybody, especially the nurses and midwives will usually be incredibly expert at removing people, especially unnecessary husbands, from any part of the process.

    Anyone who is willing to say these things about his wife and the mother of his children should definitely not have the privilege of being there, her comfort and well-being are the only priority.

    Op, if you feel that you can, before the birth is an ideal time to actually reach out to your mother, sister, or any person in your life you feel can be supportive. Because this man does not plan on being supportive. He doesn't plan on being a husband to you and he definitely doesn't plan on being a good father.

  7. You dont really need advice here, right? Any person that petty at 45 years old over something that happened 15 years ago doesn't deserve a shred of decency.

  8. OMG, she's exhausting. Just tell her to lay off the subject. Putting this much emphasis on meeting the parents and telling your entire town that you're dating is completely ridiculous.

  9. This is terrifying. I can’t believe there’s even one sliver of a thought of trying to make this work. Get out, stay safe. Take care OP.


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