Cathleen the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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18 thoughts on “Cathleen the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You are stepping into a relationship with a man with children. These children are not that much younger than you. They are closer in age to you than your boyfriend. If were expecting the kids to never make comments about it you are delusional.

    You and him are not a “normal” two parent household. And you are not entitled to her respect. Respect has to be earned. If you can’t handle her now, you are gonna have a really difficult time when she’s 15.

    This is the reality of dating a man with kids. Those kids will always be his family and so long as he doesn’t mess up his relationship with them they will always be in his life.

    If you want a good relationship with her I would suggest doing some reading on being a step parent. It requires a completely different approach than a parent relationship. You could also talk to a counselor or therapist about how to connect with them and handle these kinds of comments bc you will likely deal with them for a while.

  2. …….. you think the only reason nipples get nude is sexually?

    Like you really believe that?

    Damn, I hope you get chosen cause you need it bad

  3. It sounds like you don't trust him, and probably with good reason. “Bad Luck” can happen to anyone, but when it becomes a pattern it normally means someone is either lying or inviting drama into their life. You're young, learn to trust your gut feelings. If something sounds wrong over and over its because it generally is. And on the off chance all of this is somehow a string of amazing coincidences, how happy are you going to be if they keep on happening? Once someone has broken your trust in them its almost impossible to get it back, and even more so if they're not being honest still

  4. You had to work and pay for your own tuition? She didn't have a dad because your parents are horrible people. I would never throw away a child like garbage so my X-husband would have to sneak around. He had every right to see her. I shouldn't need to explain that. As far as your mom's $ he should have been paying for this girl every month. A lump sum doesn't make up for years of neglect and doesn't account for your dad's income increases over 20 plus years. I can't believe the mom was talked into such a horrible deal. It's gross.

  5. I personally think it's a red flag because it shouldn't matter at all imo. Plus you're only 22. It's really up to you if you want to follow someone's rules for the rest of your life. We don't do that in my marriage.

  6. So he gaslights you and negs you and tells you no one else will love you or support you because you can be in a bad mood sometimes?

    He sounds like a real charmer. Love is not enough and don't get stuck in the sunk cost fallacy of spending time with him somehow outweighing all the bad.

  7. I guess experience says that anyone this distrustful is probably one who cheats regularly, so assumes everyone else does the same.

  8. How do I support him now?

    You support him by understanding that the 2 of your are incompatible. He shouldn't give up what he wants to do for his career just so you can see him more than you would on a cop's schedule.

  9. I love this comment. All car seats have to pass the same standard of safety just to make it to retailers. A $60 cosco car seat is just as safe as a $400 britax car seat when you buy them new. I hate it when people compare car seats like it was a social requirement or something.

  10. She was wrong for not telling you before hand and she should have. SHe isn’t having an outbreak so your chances are pretty limited for getting it. I wouldn’t stop dating because of the herpes but I would have a problem that she wasn’t honest with me… She took away your choice. If you really like her (and I’m guessing she really likes you) then I would probably give her another chance especially as this is someone you’ve been crushing on for awhile.

  11. First, he sounds like an AH, so I hope you don’t take this the wrong way when I say this is probably for the best. It sounds like he likes jerking you around, making you feel small, and then swooping in like a hero at the end even though he caused the anguish to begin with. It also sounds like he doesn’t care about how you feel, or is taking you into account at all when it comes to the future.

    Second, on the off chance he’s not a total D-bag, you talk about how he lives half a world away. Is he by any chance from a culture where arrange marriages are normalized? Is there a chance his family decided they wanted to choose a partner for him? This kind of sounded like something a friend of mine went through with their partner from India. They went home on vacation from school one summer and their parents decided they were to be married during that vacation to someone of their choosing.

    Third, I hope you are considering therapy, regardless of the outcome – if he talks to you or not. I think having someone to talk to who is a professional and can help you navigate this hurt is important for you.

  12. Then you just need to bite the bullet and communicate that with him. Especially if y’all are being intimate. ?

  13. I've been ready for a secure life with a partner.

    Strikes me that he has worked out this is what you want and how to exploit that. By constantly alluding to the vague notion of 'saving for the future' he can avoid putting in any effort and the reality there are obviously plenty of things you could do that won't bust the bank. I somehow doubt he is too hesitant to spend money on luxuries for himself but that's just me being cynical.

    And yeah, between that and the reality that even basic communication of needs he responds to with tantrums is a real worry. He has worked out very effectively how to shut you down and as a result you've been kept in limbo this whole year. Quite the opposite to pursuing a secure life you are now living one where increasingly you have to tiptoe around him because you're aware that any discussion of your needs may set him off.


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