Charlotte-harris on-line sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Charlotte-harris on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I wouldn't say I'm stupid but I don't get things as quickly as him or my knowledge isn't up to his par. He says he thinks I'm acting dumb on purpose to piss him off but I'm not acting dumb or anything. I guess I'm just not as smart as he is and it frustrates him when he's already mad about other things.

  2. It seems like there is a culture of inequality between men and women when it comes to household work. Your husband is expecting you to do all of the household chores while he pays for rent, electricity, etc. However, it is not fair for him to expect you to take on all of these responsibilities without offering to help. Household chores are important for marital harmony and can't be done by just one person. It would be beneficial for the both of you to come to an agreement about how to divide up the household work so that neither of you feels overwhelmed or taken advantage of. Additionally, it would be helpful for your husband to recognize the value of your financial contribution and not make it seem inferior to him helping out with the household chores.

  3. Thank you for your answers.

    To be honest, I can't remember when she last made a serious gift or gesture. Maybe two years ago, before we moved together. Even then , it was “only” three PS4 games. One for each occasion ( birthday, x-mas & anniversary day)

    She also complains about she is not fully happy anymore since we moved together. she needs more passion, emotions and love, we talked about it and I explained her I'm not a very emotional person, but I do show my appreciation with gifts, my attention and time. I thought it was all said and done but since then, I kinda feel our relationship stagnates and somehow I feel like, she uses me because of my money, since she is really not good in money management. And the recent event kinda flashed it. I don't know if I overacting. Maybe it is best to stop spending so much money on her for the moment?

  4. Thank you for your answers.

    To be honest, I can't remember when she last made a serious gift or gesture. Maybe two years ago, before we moved together. Even then , it was “only” three PS4 games. One for each occasion ( birthday, x-mas & anniversary day)

    She also complains about she is not fully happy anymore since we moved together. she needs more passion, emotions and love, we talked about it and I explained her I'm not a very emotional person, but I do show my appreciation with gifts, my attention and time. I thought it was all said and done but since then, I kinda feel our relationship stagnates and somehow I feel like, she uses me because of my money, since she is really not good in money management. And the recent event kinda flashed it. I don't know if I overacting. Maybe it is best to stop spending so much money on her for the moment?

  5. It doesn’t mean she is going to cheat or that she is ok with it. It means she goes to work every day working in an environment where people are allowed to say those things and no one calls them out on it. Kitchens are notoriously sexist and women just have to deal with it.

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  7. Does it matter? She dumped you – whatever her reasoning, it's over. Move on. Any repeated attempts to reconnect is gonna seem stalkerish. Sometimes there just isn't closure, and you have to live with it.

  8. Good God this guy is a grub. Leave him and go to college, do not drastically alter the course of your life for some guy nearly twice your age that's obviously using you for childcare and sex.

    Also, hes fucking outsourcing the childcare when he has custody? Gross.

  9. If the boyfriend didn’t want to drive you there, he should have gone with you at the minimum. This shows a lack of concern and compassion and then he minimizes it by saying you ended up ok. You could have DIED. Major red flags. Do not ignore them.

  10. If he was a good man he wouldn't depreciate your dream and then excusing it as a joke. He has no interest in discussing your feelings and tells you “to get over it.” I don't see a good man but an AH

  11. Is he really amazing as in personable and creative and present, or is he performing porn activities he has seen live?

  12. this seems like a rake scenario made up in OPs head. bMom found out about her an hour ago and then just had to call her and scold her? He's a 27 year old male this is such bullshit and no way this happened.

    OP is an insecure 23 year old making up hypotheticals in her head and creating fake drama for herself

  13. He wants a middle name passed down AND for them to have only his last name, and is not willing to budge on either? That’s not great. This is just one of many difficult things you guys will have to sort out if you’re going to marry and have kids.

    I would sit down with him and make a list of all the possible combos of inherited names. Then see how you can meet in the middle. Ex: your last name becomes their middle name and his is the last name. OR he gets to pass down his important middle name and kids have both last names. Etc.

    If you guys aren’t able to come to an agreement that you’re both ok with, then I would be worried.

  14. Look. Yes. In a healthy one. Are you aware that couples counselling is generally not recommended for relationships where there is abuse?

    Like, I am telling you that if you went to a counsellor and they got to read this reddit post before you went in, they would know that they cannot fully help you. These are people trained in facilitating communication and even they cannot help you and your boyfriend. Why do you think you have the tools to deal with your boyfriend's awful treatment when a professionally trained, neutral third party probably couldn't? This isn't a comment on you, it is a comment on the helplessness of your situation because of your bf. He assaulted you. What about that makes you think he will change for you?

    Reason being is abusive people use counselling to fuel their behaviour. He might use something you said against you or lash out at you for sharing something, or pick up on the language the therapist uses to manipulate you. He's already done this by fobbing his behaviour off on his past.

    I'm 30, I've seen this so many times. I hope you leave, but I'm not gonna hold my breath. If you stay his violence will escalate. Stay long enough and you will become completely downtrodden. You will become increasingly isolated from your friends and family, he will become more violent and he might even put his hands around your throat. This is the number 1 risk factor for him killing you. I have seen this play out so many times. Your boyfriend is dangerous, like he couldn't even control himself to not physically assault you. This will escalate if you stay. I hope you don't.

  15. although it may be a common occurrence, it’s still a choice they are making knowing they have the (safer, smarter) option to not drink. there are people that don’t drink at all if they are the DD that night and people that won’t get in the car with them if they do have even one drink. I actually do know people that do this and I wish more people would.

  16. Bud, I seriously doubt she was keeping things from you purposefully since she’s been incredibly forward about everything else. It may have been a slip of the mind or something. My wife and I have both had sex with PLENTY of other people before we were married, and like… that’s something we talked about. Both of us were fine with it, because that’s just how people are.

    Just… shit man, talk about it. If you feel upset, state it in a healthy way, but I don’t think she’s been dishonest with you. I can’t find a reason to paint her in any sort of bad light.

  17. My second child was the result of an accidental pregnancy with someone I had not been seeing long. Unfortunately he ended the relationship before I found out I was pregnant. The difference was that he was/is friends with my sister’s husband, so I had known him for 15 years. I decided to keep the baby and told him that he could be as involved as he liked… or not. His choice. He chose to be involved but we didn’t get back together. In fact he met his now wife not long after that.

    In all honesty, the only reason I kept the pregnancy was because I had known him for many years prior so he was a family friend. If I had only known him 3 months I probably would have aborted without a second thought.


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