Chinaloo live webcams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Chinaloo live webcams for YOU!

  1. I didn't suspect anything, no. I understand everything you are saying and I want to thank you for taking the time to give your input. I'm going to do what I can to make this work and if it doesn't I'll at least know I did everything I could. 🙂

  2. Your telling me you don’t know a single girl in your friend group who won’t go home with a guy from a club. So many girls will sleep with a guy they just met that night. Not every girl maybe not even the majority but there’s enough that will. Just take them out of the club and put them in a different scenario you think something changes maybe there is less alcohol in them but they are still the same person at the end of the day.

  3. Hello /u/throwra67999,

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  4. What happens to who? Why does OP need to accept anything that isn't his behavior or behavior that falls outside a boundary he set?

  5. This is a major major major red flag. The way people consider others (to be above or beneath them) and then treat them accordingly says a huge amount about who they are as people.

  6. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So for a little background. My partner and I had been seeing each other for a few months but we weren’t exclusive because we lived in different countries. Because of this I made it clear that if he was going to sleep with other people he would tell me and get tested before we would be together.

    I’m a very cautious person and I have trust issues so I still get tested once I get back home from seeing him even though he tells me he’s negative.

    Anyways, last time I got tested was in November and all my results were negative and when I saw him in December his results were negative as well. So we were together during that time. I eventually left the country but I was coming back in two weeks times. During that two weeks I didn’t get tested because I figured I would see him soon and I would get tested once I leave again in a week.

    I trusted him to tell me if he’s been with someone else because he has before in the past and he has always gotten tested after he was with others. But when I got back home I got tested and my doctor called me the next day saying that I tested positive for chlamydia. I automatically assumed that he was lying to me so I broke it off and cut contact with him.

    Obviously when I got the news I was devastated because my partner was the only person that I have been with in a few years. But yesterday we got in contact and he told me that he tested negative for everything. Now I’m confused because he’s the only person who I have been with and he swears to me he wasn’t with anybody else.

    Now I don’t know what to do because I feel bad for the way I acted towards him when I got my results. The relationship we have is over and I don’t necessarily want it back because it was going downhill before this but I don’t understand how I got chlamydia from him when he doesn’t even have it.

  7. There’s a reason she “wanted to be single during college” what did you think that meant if not that she wanted to sleep with other people?

  8. Then effing read your title. You work in healthcare then you should be able to understand on women who gave birth. Or are you too busy with someone else's care you just judge your wife on by what you see?

    This post reeks of me, me, me and what I think. Did you even ask your wife? If you encouraged her clearly your ways is not working.

  9. I really hope it works but I have a STRONG suspicion that it won't, because what he's really upset about is that you have independence away from him for a weekend monthly. He'd prefer for you to not have that.

  10. Yeah I felt like it before when he was doing that with friends and social media, but then when family got brought into it I had to draw a lime. And when he started telling me that hanging out with my family is unhealthy I knew it wasn't ever going to work. My family means the world to me and I will never apologize for the relationship I have with them. They are the only ones ever there for me when things go bad and will always be there for me. I would never put anyone above them. And someone who asks me to do that is not worth my time.

  11. Sorry if I’ve got this wrong but you like you would have been okay with him going to a strip club had you discussed it.

    To me it sounds more like the lap dance. Guys don't “hand touch” the girls in that (I've been told, seriously I don't know who is nuts enough to go into one of those “private” mirror rooms with the cameras behind them), but it is the girl rubbing her bits over their clothed erection.

    As a guy, if there were such a thing in reverse for women strip shows, there's no way in hell I'd be ok with it. My girl does not do that, or else she's not my girl 10 seconds later.

  12. He is trying to run your friends off so you that you won’t have any. You would become more dependent on him.


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