Christa-Key online sex cams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Christa-Key online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Just wanted to say you’re awesome for taking up where your sister left off it’s unfortunate but I think they are in the best hands they could be in. Wishing you nothing but the best.

  2. Yeah i think therapy might be good, thank you. In the meantime i just am not sure how to move forward and talk to my partner about this

  3. Maybe that's the issue, she has to deal w it 24/7 but you wanted to end yourself from just doing it for a little bit. So you can understand why she's miserable, she's done it for longer

  4. How about you not act like you know someone's intentions in a situation you've clearly never dealt with. I recently reached out to my ex wife who is now remarried to wish her well after 6 years, and I myself am getting remarried soon. It was my way of saying goodbye and getting closure and we're on good terms. No ulterior motives. I genuinely hope for the best for her.

  5. Have you and your BF had a true sit down for him to air more of his feelings about her and has he ever expressed any help in setting boundaries with her? I know it’ll be hot while he’s still living with her, but if he really puts in the effort and knows to truly choose you over her, it could be ok long-term.

  6. Your BF managed to 23 years without you managing his life.

    Maybe the problem here isn’t your BF, it’s you and your need to “manage” someone else’s life.

  7. I think meeting at a public place prior is first of all a safer option, and gives you an easy out if you aren’t interested in continuing with the plans.

    Sorry this happened. The whole continuing with sex despite not really being into it… this could be from something experienced where you felt you needed to put your boundaries aside for the sake of making others comfortable/avoid conflict maybe? I’m no mental health professional, but that’s my guess.

  8. She sounds exhausting. You need to tell her that this can’t continue.

    Sounds like she also needs to get a job so that she has something else to focus on. She might then also realise that if you are at work, you can’t constantly be texting/reading texts

  9. My husband has, at best, a 4-inch dick. But he's the best lover I've ever had.

    You KNOW if she's getting off.

    Don't worry about it.

  10. It’s not dumb. You just don’t agree. That’s fine you don’t have to, I have no desire to convince you. I will always choose to protect women from predatory men.

  11. 'Oh my God, look at your weird, tiny boobs! Why are they like that?!?'

    Bet your ass if the shoe was on the other foot, she'd be mortified.

  12. You have a problem I could never imagine having becuase I don't date trash men. The fact that you need a reddit post and advice about whether or not you should date a racist and a sexist, someone who says women deserve to be SA'd, is WILD.

    The fact that this man got past the first date with you with these beliefs that he has zero shame of, shows exactly how prefomative your political beliefs are. That you're willing to indulge a man who you admit in another comment that you would have to sneak away to get an abortion and lie about a miscarriage if it came to it.

    The fact that those words came out of your mouth and you were still defending him in the same breath? Get some self respect instead of coming at me because you didn't like to hear the truth.

  13. A great way to handle questions that feel open ended, or you're unsure of how to answer is to flip them around and ask back. It'll help you get clarity on what they're trying to ask, and why its important to them, possibly even making you feel more comfortable if they have to put themselves out there first. Examples:

    Is therapy something that's important to you or has helped you in the past? I don't have much experience there. Its been a few years, since I haven't felt like I was in a situation that warranted a re-check. Is that important to you? What is your definition of love? Are you looking to be exclusive? Is that something you want from me this early? I feel like trust and vulnerability are built and earned through time.

  14. You broke her trust. You say that she found out which means you didn't plan on telling her so not only you're a cheater, you're also a liar. Most likely she's not going to forgive you.


  15. In my personal opinion, he is an adult, and you are basically a child by comparison. Be very very careful and good luck op

  16. If you're not in good health Id trust moving here even less. Medical conditions can and DO bankrupt people in this country…even if you have insurance.


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