Cleopatra3101 on-line sex chats for YOU!

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61 thoughts on “Cleopatra3101 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. My first thought is to talk to him and explain this to him at a neutral time (so not in bed when he wants to cuddle). He may not understand it, so maybe there are some resources on the net to help.

    As it is affecting your relationship, a talk with a therapist might be a good step as well. There are many possible causes/reasons for it, so you really need someone who can work with you to figure it out.

    You are not alone. And there are treatments out there that can help you deal with touch in your life in a healthier way.

  2. It's really up to you and if you think this is a serious long-term relationship or not. I definitely would talk to her about your values and beliefs so you guys can know if you're compatible with each other. I would personally not waste my time on a woman who did not share the same values as me

  3. I was a child of a single mother and it sucked, I just want my daughter to have a normal life, one where she doesn't have to feel ashamed or possibly think it's her fault her parents aren't together. I am afraid I won't be able to provide her with a good life, I am a recently sober(6 weeks) and don't have much confidence in myself. Thank you so much for your advice. I really don't want to drink but I am feeling so helpless and alone but I know it won't help me.

  4. If it's not a strong yes, it's a no.

    Break up with her and save yourself the grief.

    This sounds like mental issues on her part. She's most likely re-imagining the past and changing details to fit her current feelings. I wouldn't worry about that.

  5. I’ve been on two dates that I was completely oblivious of. One with a former boss and another with a classmate. No idea.

  6. My thought is that it is her relationship – I get you don’t like the dude (and from what you have said I don’t blame you) but she gets the right of first refusal. Tell her that you love her and want her to be there and BF is included but maybe use this time away from him to decide if you want to continue relationship with someone that doesn’t seem to make you happy 100% of the time. Also if he comes he probably won’t spend anytime with you guys – he just will take advantage of the free vacay

  7. Please stop beating yourself up, it will not lead to happiness. It’s time to focus on relearning how to love yourself.

  8. Man if the sex is good then continue but yall will have to have a conversation about if its just sex or is one of yall expecting a relationship out of this.

  9. You tell her off, put her in her place, and put some distance between yourselves.. Actions have consequences, let her experience some of those consequences.

  10. Also, you did the right thing taking things slow. You didn’t want to be a rebound and with her still living with her ex and you both in long distance it was definitely that.

  11. People aren’t nearly as stupid and unintuitive as you’re imagining them to be right now. Are some? Sure…but most aren’t. Most people – like myself – are reasonably intelligent and observant people. We know the difference between friendly and ‘more than friendly’. It’s truly not that naked to discern. Assuming people are dumb is a fools errand.

  12. I’m asking for thoughts on how to handle this situation because I don’t play games. I already made my feelings clear and without going into the detail of “he didn’t handle it well”, IMO it was justified to block him.

    Especially if I was used to make another girl he had been dating previously jealous so she’d reach out (unconfirmed, but when I was there on the hometown trip one of his friends girlfriends called him out for just dropping this girl one day).

    I’m concerned that he is immature in relationships and I can’t handle games. I’ve already been clear once. If he isn’t making his intent known, that’s a bad sign to me.

  13. Why do you think she needs to agree to anything. All it takes to separate is one person. She has no say in the matter if you've made the decision already. Get a lawyer and start the process.

  14. He’s worried about his money. After telling him numerous times I’m not going back in he says if his money is gone he’s going to punch my teeth in.

    What in the actual fuck, as a guy I don't understand just casually threatening the woman you love. Or anyone for that matter. Time to pack and go next time won't just be a threat

  15. This and with the caveat that if his salary increases, his % goes up after a couple of months of new pay. Don't agree to his % going down as it could be perceived as an opportunity to give up his job and 'take a break' whilst looking for a new one. If he were to do this, you know his real intentions and it would be a headache to get him out. Put everything in writing

  16. It's naked to imagine life without him now but within a month of starting college you'll wonder WTH you were so hung up on this guy. You can say you'll be friends but in reality you'll both drift into your own IRL friend groups, dating lives and future planning. This will get easier once it's in the rearview mirror and at some point you'll stop thinking about him at all.

  17. Going to a guys house for a nice meal, watching a movie, and the whatever, sounds sorta like a date to me.

  18. Most studies show that pedophiles escalate. You sticking around would probably give him the confidence to go further.

  19. I understand you would be hurt but realize this is about them not about you. They are aholez to exclude you like that. But you can look at it two ways if you don't want to do no contact. Be hurt and sad, or place your focus elsewhere. Do something for yourself. Spoil yourself. Go out for coffee. Have a cupcake. Get your nails done. Let them spoil your family and you spoil yourself. I don't get many gifts as an adult now, but I spoil myself even if it's some good coffee beans.

  20. Stop comparing your fiance to you ex, for anything. Us women tend to be very different from each other sexually. What works for me doesn't work for so many other women, and your fiance is the same way.

    It sounds like she's willing to meet you halfway to satisfy your sexual cravings. You need to do the same for her without all these questions.

    The only thing I really find odd is the casual conversation. That can definitely kill the mood and is worth bringing up in an open and honest conversation. Obviously, this should happen at a time when you're not having sex or even involved in foreplay or aftercare. Also, make sure you don't use an accusatory tone. I would also suggest you encourage her to play on her own more to learn what she likes. For alit of us, our sex drive increases the more we use it.

  21. Dude you have to tell the wife, ignore the fact that it's your gf, he's married and has two kids, the wife deserves to know.

  22. What is so special about this guy that you are willing to do so much work for him?

    He's not interested in your life, not curious about your thoughts. Doesn't that hurt you? Isn't that a giant red flag?

    This is the first month. Imagine a year from now, 2 years from now when all the new relationship energy has dissipated and he's still so self involved. Why put up with it?

  23. What is so special about this guy that you are willing to do so much work for him?

    He's not interested in your life, not curious about your thoughts. Doesn't that hurt you? Isn't that a giant red flag?

    This is the first month. Imagine a year from now, 2 years from now when all the new relationship energy has dissipated and he's still so self involved. Why put up with it?

  24. That is rough, my heart goes out to you. Focus on your exams as best you can, don’t forget that you’re still looking to the future.

    When your exams are done take the time to figure out all the details of what you’re going to do; where are you going to on-line, can you stay with a friend, where can you store your stuff.

    Sounds like you have a plan of confrontation, someone else said get copies of bills etc now and I’d say that’s very smart. Do the same with bank records and look out for hotels or train tickets, or changes in the location of where she refuels her car or gets lunch.

    Don’t get in to a position where you have to face this unknown partner, as anger and rage can make you overreact and if you end up with an assault charge then court will be ten times harder for you.

  25. I agree with this. I think it’s important.

    I’d like to add two things. Even if they didn’t already have a history it’s natural (& common) that a bond or connection would developed between a person in distress and her “saviour”. If ex does get help from your fiancé’s family it needs to be without his communication. Taking in her dog doesn’t just add stress and work for you but also tethers their relationship. It’s better imo, not give any reason for communication or interaction between them.

  26. My fiancé and I got the flu in December. It was really bad for both of us. He was sick as a dog and climbed out of bed, barely able to breathe, to take me to the ER because I had passed out (and have Lupus) so I needed medical care. A man who’s that sick and still selfless is what you should aim for. Not this clown!!

  27. Honey, you are looking for magic words, and there are none.

    He knows. He understands. He fathoms. He comprehends. Any other synonym you'd like to find for “has he grasped this concept” and you can use it.

    He just doesn't care.

    He doesn't care that it distresses you, screws up your house, or causes you more work.

    He does not care.

    If this was just one area of housework – just cleaning or cooking or wood prep or laundry – or even two, you could outsource it and fix the problem like that, but with all of it?

    It exposes two drastically different but relationship ending problems.

    That you have differing standards for comfort and he is unwilling to voice his true viewpoint, so you can never find a compromise.

    And he disrespects you so much that not only will he not be truthful, he's willing to dump you with 95% of the work while swearing to your face that he'll handle his “share” (which is still less than half).

    This is who he is. He will not change. He may have sworn to you that he will, but his actions show he's lying, and you need to stop believing him.

    Given that you now know this is who he is you then have to make a decision; can you on-line like this or do you need to leave? And I say need because I know what a massive impact living in squalor or working yourself to the bone to avoid said squalor can have on your health, mental or otherwise.

    I would like you to imagine for a minute that your friend had come to you with this predicament. That she told you about how she had worked herself to the bone for her bf's dream, despite the fact she wasn't all that interested in it, and as a result, has been left with doing all the work at home. About how her bf had sworn he would get better, multiple times, and then never lifted a finger. How she swore he was kind and considerate and lovely, yet she ends each day exhausted, depressed, unappreciated and years have gone by without her achieving so much as a clean house, never mind her dreams.

    Would you agree her bf is actually kind, considerate and lovely? Or would you tell her that he's using her and talks a good game only as long as he's getting what he wants? That if she put her foot down and decided she was cooking only for herself, working only on her own career and dreams and only bothering to handle her own laundry, he'd get pretty fucking angry and nasty, pretty fucking quickly?

    I think you know what you'd say to her.

    I think you know what you need to do. I think this post is one last plea to the universe to find a way of having to avoid facing the reality that the man you married, even if in isolation is a good man, is a shitty, shitty husband and you need to leave him. And all the pain and disruption and upset that comes with it.

    I'm really sorry. We can't fix your husband – no one can – but we can tell you that you are worth more than you are being treated as, and validate that you sound so very unhappy staying where you are.

    First practical step would be to visit a couple of local divorce lawyers. Don't listen to anyone on the Internet about what, where and how to go forward, laws vary hugely from region to region. Go see a couple of specialists – many offer free initial consults – and see what your options are.

    I'm sorry.

  28. Same at the top- it also re-emphasizes the experience of being on the same page. It gives good egg to me.

  29. In non marital relationships the only thing that being “official” means is that you're agreeing to not date other people. So maybe just tell her you're not seeing anyone else and you wonder if she'd like to stop dating others and be exclusive to you. In any relationship the terms and expectations have to be negotiated up front. So in making it clear like this you'll be avoiding misunderstandings later.

  30. It kind of sounds like you’ve been telling yourself and others a story about your relationship that you really invested a lot of time and energy into. This is a formative time in your life-do you want the rest of it to be spent trying to chase a “fairytale”, or would you rather have a partner who you can trust to be honest with you and not spend his time getting his rocks off on the internet?

  31. The problem with self declared “orientations” is that there's no real metric for measuring whether they're someone's hardwired personality type or something phase related that can change throughout a lifetime. So you just can't know if her being “poly” just means she still has some wild oats to sow or if she'll never be able to commit to just one person. Either way you play this it's a gamble.

  32. Seriously. As someone with kids, I would NEVER randomly allow someone Ive only dated a month to meet them. Unless you see a true future with someone, don’t bring them around. Because kids can get attached and it will be difficult to constantly have people move in and out of their lives.

    It sounds like OP wants an instant family with this man and he is doing what is right by his kids.

    Also, it doesn’t sound like OP and bf are compatible in parenting and outlook on the relationship. OP, you are getting a glimpse of what life will be like if you stay with this man. Honestly, it’s probably best to end it now and move on, before you get more invested.

    I think for you, it would be best not date single dads.

  33. You don’t respect yourself enough to break up with a disgusting, abusive partner. You want to mould him , by force , into the partner that you dream of. Aren’t you too old to be playing these games. Therapy is your best option.

  34. It seems like you hate male that don’t like girls going out ? I have reasons to rethink our relationship because relationship is based on respect and she knows I’m mot comfortable with it, I have done sacrifice for her too like not talking to any girl only guys, helped her with her depression , loved her more than anyone ever did, etc only thing I’m asking for is respect for our relationship

  35. I understand where you are coming from. I feel the need to plan and organise every part of my life, including when other people are involved, because the organisation helps to feel in control of my environment. For me it's an anxiety thing because I catastrophise every situation. Slowly learning to let go of control and go with flow of other people's wishes is difficult but necessary as I don't want to be a control freak. Maybe ask yourself why you feel the need it to be done your way?

  36. Every time I mention going to a doctor, he brushes it off. There’s been other situations where I’ve suggested getting things looked at. He says he’ll look into it, but never does.

  37. I appreciate the advice. Trying to think of him as a platonic friend will definitely help me out and it makes a lot of sense. I didn't realize I am not necessarily doing that yet until you said it. This is all really fresh so it's a weird transition I guess. Thanks!

  38. So, as you finish up your education and start to apply for jobs, do you plan to put “doormat” under Special Skills?

    Seriously, if you’re paying your own HALF, why isn’t he cleaning his HALF?

    And, if he’d rather go do an activity without you knowing that you aren’t there because you cannot afford it, WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM??

    Go find someone who wants actual equity between you, not even splits where he benefits, and uneven splits where he REALLY benefits on everything else.

  39. i didnt know that it comes off as narcissism. sorry.

    i dont expect anything honestly, i was just thinking that birthdays are special for everyone.

    sorry if birthdays are too old for some people

  40. LOL you didn't make it sound like you lived together- that makes the whole scenario that much weirder as to why he would be so naked pressed for you to pay when he is already going with or without you. He is being irrational and you should call him out on it.

  41. If she leaves and abandons her waens, she's worse than a cheater. She would knowingly placing her children in a neglectful home

  42. Why don’t you invite some friends and go?

    I think it would be even weirder to invite yourself along on a 1:1.

    I dunno. Sometime later I have a naked time understanding these kinds of posts because I (44F) have a secure attachment style and I have plenty things to do if my partner wants afternoon, night, or weekend with friends. I honestly enjoy having the “me” time where I can do whatever I want to or nothing at all.

    In your follow up comments you keep saying that you allow her to go but you tell her how uncomfortable it makes you, then leave it up to her to choose, then are upset, then she calls you controlling.

    This isn’t a healthy dynamic. She shouldn’t have to get your permission or buy in to go out with friends and she shouldn’t have to feel guilty about it either.

    This may be a fundamental incompatibility for you two.

  43. Alone time is so important! She’s very insecure, I hope you find someone who’s more mature and secure in the relationship to allow you your freedom. Your desire to travel alone once in awhile is not unreasonable at all.


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