Coco-09 live webcams for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “Coco-09 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Don’t reach out. What are you really hoping to gain from communicating with him after 3 years of no contact?

    There’s really no reason at this point to try and have a conversation about a relationship that ended 3 years ago. What if the conversation goes horribly and you’re then stuck with even less closure then you felt before ? It’s great you’ve matured but there’s no need to seek validation on that from your ex.

  2. After 4 years if she doesn't love and trust you enough, she will never be ready. You don't have a girlfriend, you have a roommate. I am amazed at the wild disrespect she is showing you by not having any explanation other than a pregnancy fear. You are wasting your prime years on a frigid woman. What do you want in life? Do you want a wife and children? Are you prepared to sacrifice the things you want in life for a partner that won't love you back?

  3. You and him are not compatible. He broke up with you and holding on to you as his safety net.

    He knows you wont leave him. In fact he is counting on it. He is trying his luck to find someone else.

    How many times does he nerf to break up with you before you find your self worth and start saying Enough I deserve a man who is going to love me and accept me for who I am. Who is going to be certain about you and only you.

    He isn't your boyfriend he is your EX start moving on and loving yourself..

  4. She is seeing someone else, does not want you to move closer and won't talk about your future together.

    Looks like she has closed down the relationship but wants to leave a “book mark” just in case.

    I think it's time to do what's best for you rather than both of you together.

  5. You know what I'm impressed with how accurately you summarized our entire argument based on the limited information provided. That is pretty much exactly what we argued about that night.

    She said she already feels insecure about herself because I haven't been able to get it up sometimes (it's happened a handful of times but it goes back up eventually), how she feels like she's always initiating intimacy, and now when she was “literally talking about having sex” with me I “snapped out of nowhere.”

    I don't think either of us are communicating well either in general. I told her sometimes it feels like I'm talking to a wall or sometimes I'm afraid to bring things up because usually the response is “well compared to what you do to me what I did isn't that big.” I'm sure she feels the same.

    We've had big arguments like this one a few times before, which has caused my girlfriend to tell me she feels emotionally unstable. I asked her what I can do to fix that and her answer is that these types of arguments should never happen to begin with. I don't know what to do because I can control what I say or do but not how she feels. She also says that I've changed because I don't seem as happy with her anymore, which isn't true either.

  6. If they cheat to get with you, it's only a matter of time until they trade up again. You reap what you sow

  7. You guys never officially stated that you were exclusive? Why not? If you have to put “boyfriend” in quotation marks, then I'm guessing neither of you sat down and actually talked, let alone boundaries, let alone expectations.

    You have to talk with him. If you guys never talked about being devoted, then you never talked about being devoted. I know it sucks. But this is pretty standard in dating and is only going to get more blurry as you get older. If you don't advocate for yourself, then nobody else is going to.

    As for the situation. He blocked this girl everywhere, so clearly you are the one who he chose. She could be saying things that will make you upset with the hopes that he comes crawling back to her after the drama. Maybe he had sex with her, maybe he didn't. I don't know if you can fully trust what he says on that, but you can trust his actions and he's blocked her everywhere so he clearly wasn't running around trying to find more options than you, he's telling you that you are the option he wants. It's the same as any post talking about people's pasts, if you focus on their past and can't get over it, then you shouldn't date them. But unfortunately this is part of dating people and the good and the bad are all part of it. She's in his past, is he worth being with, or does this sour you to the whole thing.

  8. what I still cant understand in this sub..and really only in this sub, is how many blank accounts there are. year/2 year old accounts with virtually no history..just so odd..

    Thank you! I point this out on posts all the time when the most insane posts always seem to come from 1-2 year old accounts with zero karma and zero other Reddit engagement. It's naked to believe these are real posts when the OP's never respond and their accounts are empty.

  9. Hubby and had only started dating. He was late 15-20 mi each time. He asked me to the movies and I love watching the previews. He was late so I left, told my roommate to let him know if he still wanted to watch the movie with me, that I’d save him a seat. He arrived just as the movie started. Asked me what happened and why I didn’t wait. I said “shh… wait till after the movie”. After, I told him if I’m not worth showing up for on time, then don’t waste my time. He wasn’t late after that. Later found out he has ADHD. But dang- 30 yrs later he still always shows up for me in any capacity. I may remind him time to time that we leave in 30 min. And he knows I’ll leave the house without him and he’ll have to drive alone ( he hates that). I love that man.

  10. Sexting is cheating. You should not be talking to other people in that way when you’re in a relationship. On top of that, it wasn’t even one guy, it was multiple.

  11. Is this kindergarten?

    You said to each other I love you. You obviously don't love him. He probably doesn't know where he is.

    Imo you're both aholes. I think you two should stay together.

  12. Why is this such a problem for him? Does he think you're still in love with your ex because you haven't taken the time and effort to change your name back?

    A friend of mine kept her last name after she got divorced and her and her new husband both hyphenated their last names together so they all share a last name with their respective children.

    My point is, he's being disrespectful and thinking of any little tiny thing he can think of to put off marrying you and that should be a massive red flag. He's not the one.

  13. How about you think of the experience difference instead of the age. If you two relate and are at the same level, then sure why not; but you're 32. Shouldn't you be established and seeking the same in a partner? The average 23 year old in this economy isn't ready for a 32-year old relationship.


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