DANNY-TS live! sex cams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “DANNY-TS live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Okay, so a few thoughts;

    First of all, your wife needs serious therapy. To baby-trap someone into a life they didn't get to choose is a massive breach of trust, and she clearly knows it. It's the height of manipulation, and not something a healthy individual would do.

    Secondly, your wife sounds like she is very, very insecure. I'm not a therapist, and even if I was you can't diagnose someone live!, but my guess is that she either believed she wasn't good enough for someone to love, or that you were far too good for her. Then she's spent the last year and a half torturing herself with the idea that your life is a lie, and that the only reason you're with her is because she forced you to be.

    Thirdly, even though what she did would be a offense beyond repair for most people, as you've said you're happy with your life and love your family. You need to take a good amount of time to yourself, away from the situation, to process the fact that you were lied to and tricked, and figure out if what you have is worth keeping. If you decide that you still want to stay together, you need to make it a condition that you both go to counselling together. Even if you feel ambivalent about it now this is a major blow to your relationship, and it's going to cause problems down the road if you don't have a professional to help you through.

  2. It is going to be awkward. It could also be an amazing experience or not. Just kinda try it out and be aware of her cues. Also go with your gut.

  3. Yes. This is my first corporate job, and I don’t want to do anything that can be deemed unprofessional and put me in a position to lose my job, so thank you. I will see if HR has any procedures

  4. What made you agree when this person asked you to go to his room? I don't believe it was the alcohol. What would you have done if he had his room key (card) in his wallet and didn't leave your side? You're playing with fire to get some compliments from an obvious player. Sure, your intimate life may have suffered because of your children and what's left of your energy at the end of the day. Your twins obviously need your attention and time but they also need your love. Please give that to them as freely as possible even if you must put off other things. They are only young once.

    Keep in mind that if you did cheat you not only would have jeopardized your marriage but the lives and future of the twins. Is that worth an afternoon of inebriated sex? Idk, your call. I agree with the others who have commented here and would not tell your husband as it would badly hurt him. And never tell him you agreed to go to this person's room but chickened out.

  5. Incorrect. Actually I have zero problem with his spending time with his kids. I have a problem with him spending time alone with his ex that he has lied to about sleeping with. He lied to me about having lunch with her last week. I just don’t think it’s right to spend time with them with her constantly. He can have dinner with his kids without her.. pretty straight forward.

  6. LMAO thats not true at all. She has no obligation to disclose until she feels like the time is right/safe. A month in sounds fine to me.

  7. We're figuring that out quickly. We are trying to resist, but it's tempting to talk about it more and about having kids in general. Especially cause we wanted some soon. Like next year. But this was too soon, mostly because of her health. Yes we have other financial and career issues but we honestly could of made that work. But the health problems are inevitable.

  8. I didn’t say she was a terrible person, I, in fact, love her to this minute. Nor did I claim to be perfect. What I did write are facts though. The details are inconsequential and I am unable to provide them until the trial.

    I would love to move on but I’m forced to appear in front of a judge. It’s a legal battle, only playing defense ensures my best chance at this all going away is 50/50 at the trial. I prefer to go to the war (only if forced through this “draft”) aggressively on the offensive. She is the only one able to call a truce right now. If she doesn’t feel the pressure then she has zero motivation to drop the order. This is her way of keeping me in her life.

  9. My guess in reading this is he attempted or proposed a sexual relationship/act. Had they ever been alone b4? Id ask what specifically was said during those few mins. What was the reason u didnt go with? That wouldve made things more comfortable. Unless u want to do holidays seperate n the rest of ur relationship, I dont see how this could continue to work.

  10. Your carrier should be able to show how much they are texting.

    To record his side of phone conversations you can buy voice activated recorders and place them around the house and in his car.

    To track him, buy a burner phone and turn on the location. Sign up for a Google account and sign in. Hide the phone in his car and watch where he goes in real time on Google Maps from home.

  11. I didn't mean to imply that she might look worse. I focused on it because the boyfriend was asking her because he wanted to show her off, which sounds like he is implying she looks worse with glasses. Because of that I just wanted to say that it shouldn't matter if she wore her glasses or not from a physical attraction point of view because she also probably looks good with them. More to oppose what her boyfriend said than anything else. Your explanation of the baseline self being just as attractive is better worded. That's what I was trying to say.

    Also: I'm sorry your ex made you feel that way. It's such a sucky thing to make your partner feel like they should change what they look like.

  12. No it doesn't. All you're doing by staying is teaching your kids it's okay to be toxic or let others treat you this way.

    You can't just jump from relationship to relationship.

    You need to be single and figure out why you keep getting with toxic men and subjecting your children to a life of abuse.

    Abusers don't change, so you have to be the one to step up and be strong for your kids.

    Maybe this time be single for a while.

  13. I have told him to stay away. I block him then I unblock him wondering if he is reaching out. I do it to myself because I wish he was the one. It’s just hot.

  14. haha yea im the product of an interracial marriage between a white man and a native american+mexican woman. mex family ribbing and joking on the kids who went with white folks is pretty normal even if they like you


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