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22 thoughts on “Demonasweet live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Do not check his phone. If you don’t trust him to tell the truth, then don’t be with him in the first place.

  2. This man does not respect or appreciate you period. You helped him clean his whole place and he did not have a single nice thing to say to you? I'd reconsider that you might still be in an abusive relationship.

  3. The something you need to work on is…a new boyfriend. He’s not 14 and being little jerk, he’s a grown man with homophobic beliefs and sexist behavior and passes it all off as joking. I would be embarrassed to have him in my inner circle and never even fathom dating him. You’re nervous about what he’s talking about with his friends, why? What are you missing? You seem to want to know because you want to have a chance to defend yourself or who they are making “jokes” about, especially if they are about you. You can’t control that and WHY TF would you want to be apart of that? It’s gross immature and embarrassing.

  4. Set some boundaries with her and ask for pay at a minimum. My sister (same age as your daughter) just had a baby and my mom turned into granny-nanny but my sister is paying her the full amount of money that a daycare would be charging.

  5. Stop meeting up outside of work. You’ve moved the goalposts so that now she sees it as her right and your obligation to have you as her therapist.

    When she has a meltdown tell her you don’t know what to say to her and that maybe she should talk to her mentor or whoever is leading this training as you’re in the same position as her.

    Try not to always hang out with her at work. Start mixing with other people in your course.

  6. Why are you “asking” him?

    Because he's the one who actually has to do the test on himself and swab his cheek. She would need to ask him in order for him to get one.

  7. You sound like you're really sure that you don't want kids. If someone said that they were 1% sure that they wanted a child, would you encourage them to go through with it? I think you love your fiance very much and you've been holding on to the “I'm not sure” line so that you don't have to deal with the immediate reality that you're not compatible in this area.

    Could you change your mind? Sure but I doubt you're ever going to go from 1% I want kids to 99% I want kids or anything close to it. You might end up having kids a d regretting it and then what? Do you think your fiance will be happy with only one, even if you do decide to have a child? You also say that he seems to see kids as an achievement, do you think he's really going to be the 50/50 parent that you'll need him to be when his little checkbox wakes you puking at 1 am?

    I wanted my daughter and chose to have her whole heartedly but it's so very hot. I didn't have good parents and I never realised how much work, effort and care goes into raising a child when you try to do it right.

    I think you and fiance need to see a counsellor (not religious) to work on the issue. If you have family with kids, volunteer for babysitting with an overnight to really get a feel for what it's like.

    There's no compromise on this. One of you has to change and that can/will cause resentment. Don't make the decision based on current happiness, base it on how you see your life going and what you as a person can online with.

  8. He cites fake studies and sources and makes things up about minorities; what do you see in him? Is it worth the fact that he’s transphobic? At least 1.4-2% of the US population identifies as trans, though that number is often lower than accurate due to many people closeting themselves out of fear. The chances of meeting someone who is transgender is as common as meeting someone with red hair.

  9. You take some time to figure out what you want, then decide if it lines up with what she wants. You don’t have to stay friends with someone if you don’t think it’s the best thing for you.

  10. Sorry but thats gross AF. My husband and I have been together for years and for the sake of decency don't do anything like that infront of each other ever.

  11. This relationship is SOOO unhealthy!! And it is not you causing the issues. You should look into yourself and figure out why you are allowing this man to run your life. That's your only responsibility here – that you don't think you deserve better and that you are allowing this abuse to continue.

  12. That’s the sunk cost fallacy. At some point you just have to cut your losses. You’re young and have a full life ahead of you. There is no reason to spend it with someone who makes you feel less than for simple things.

    I’ve been married 24 years and my husband has 2 pillows that he calls his girlfriends. They are a naked mess and I’d like to replace them, but they are comfortable and the right flatness, with a satin outer layer so it’s not too very hot to put one between legs so knees don’t touch. I can’t find pillows with these same qualities.

    Anyways, I make comments sometimes about him cuddling with his girlfriends, but it’s all in jest. If I want to cuddle, I’ll ask him to move a pillow. If he’s sleeping, I don’t wake him and beg to cuddle. I let him sleep.

  13. Thanks, I actually have a Pura X litter robot but the entrance is not big enough for the brothers and they do not like it. I was looking into the litter robot 4 but it was back ordered. I will see what happens and maybe purchase one

  14. At 28, you are young and attractive not old ans unattractive. I am 29 and I know I am attractive. It's the attitude about it that matters. Embrace yourself and your beauty no matter what this shitty guy says.

    Also, he actively brings you down and is disrespectful, I think it's time to leave him and heal. And if it gives u any hope, my cousin met her husband when she was 31 and they got married at 33, had a baby at 34. They have been married for 6 years now and very happy. She had an abusive ex who was her bf since high school and she walked away from him at 27. She was never happy in that 10 year relationship like she is now. She glows, has minimal stress, she is running a home business.

  15. Aww this is really sad to read ? im so sorry OP. I think she found someone else :/ you sound like a great partner, you will be okay! You will find someone that values you.


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