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12 thoughts on “Devabraids live webcams for YOU!

  1. I watch porn and masturbate. My bf expressed that he doest want to hear about it, so we don't talk about it. I feel like going through someone else's search history is a whole other problem. That's also like reading a diary.. but it seems to me that neither of you trust the other. And maybe him going through your search history is in response to how hyper critical you are of his watching porn… who knows. But maybe you both need a couples therapist.

  2. You weren’t interested. He hung around a little while to see if you would become interested.

    You didn’t become interested.

    He found someone who is interested.

    He is being respectful to his girlfriend by not having a lady he has been interested in before around.

  3. Yes, you have reason to be afraid, your bf is an abusive bastard who is using his childhood to gaslight you into believing that he can't help it and shouldn't be blamed for it. He can and he should.

    The violence will only escalate, as he's learning that you will put up with it. He's not going to stop, and he's not going to get better, because he has no reason to stop, and doesn't think there is anything wrong with him.

    He may well have C-PTSD as a result of his upbringing, but that does NOT give him the right to abuse you! Asl him this; if he is so damaged from being abused as a child, why does he now think it's ok to damage you the same way? If it was wrong for others to hurt him, then it is wrong for him to hurt you.

    Get out. Get out now. You do NOT deserve this, and will be so much happier when you're no longer living in fear.

  4. If she refuses to acknowledge that she's wrong, I don't know what you can do.

    The logical thing would be to find every instance where this has happened, screenshot the original exchange and the disagreement later, and present them calmly to her. Explain that this has become a pattern and it needs to be addressed.

    I mean, it won't work, of course, because she isn't behaving logically. Logical people don't double-down on their mistakes.

    My only other advice is to re-read each of your exchanges just to make sure that you've truly communicated clearly. You know what you meant, but pretend like you're reading it for the first time and see if there's any ambiguity. Is it possible that you're not being definitive or concise with your communicated plans?

    If you're sure that you've stated your plans clearly and she refuses to acknowledge her constant mistakes, then you'll have to decide if this is something you can on-line with. If it is, then learn to be okay with having the same argument over and over. If not, find a girlfriend who can read.

  5. Amen. God I am so glad you came to reddit. Im so glad you picked up the clue. You needed that. Thats only step one. Leaving is hot. But YOU CAN DO IT and you DESERVE to on-line a life of peace without all these question marks.. I mean, youre a wife. Hes a son. There is no reason to be wondering where you stand with your husband/his dad. Its emotional abuse. Get out while you can.

  6. Yes, but if it is also your place of residence it is slightly different than just a landlord evicting a tenent. Also, would you rather wait a year before starting the year long process or start today?

    She is still not well if she is acting like this at her age. I wouldn't take her back, so start the process now.

  7. No I just want to tell them how I feel and that I wish they would be happier and that if nothing changes I would prefer to see just one of them at the same time. They seem stuck in their behavior

  8. A boundary is not something someone puts on you. It is something you set for yourself. He can ask you not to go – or say that he will not move forward in the relationship if you do, but please do not cave simply because you see this as a reasonable boundary.

    This is controlling behavior and that whole mindset is dripping with “I own her and don't want other men to see her unless I can show them she belongs to me” vibes. I've been in a LTR for years now, we go away for the weekend sometimes, separately.

    What are you going to do? Pass on a bachelorette trip when a close friend asks you to be at her wedding? Never go out to a crowded restaurant or bar without him because you'd have to tiptoe around something you are fully aware is a non-issue?

    He has misogynistic limiting beliefs. Having fun with your friends is not hoeish behavior. It's normal. You should tell him you are setting a boundary for yourself. If he goes out without you, he's acting sketchy and you will leave him for being disrespectful. If he thinks that's unreasonable then tell him if he wants you to lose your independence he has to be willing to give up his.

    I am mostly kidding about the above paragraph. Dump him sis. He wants to have control – I'd be pretty curious about whether or not he's insecure because his eye is wandering himself. People often project when they are thinking about cheating.

  9. Why don’t you just break up with him if you’re not feeling this relationship anymore? What’s the point?


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