Devi-black13 on-line sex chats for YOU!

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13 thoughts on “Devi-black13 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I agree and we are all probably going to get downvoted to hell for not sympathizing with a victim.

    It could be that she is self medicating with destructive habits. My gut tells me something is off with this scenario.

  2. Every time you feel the jealousy which makes you a bad friend, reach out to this woman who lost her mum with kindness, like a good friend. She had to lose her mum, man, geez.

  3. She’s got someone in mind that she wants to sleep with, if she hasn’t already. Sorry, seen this movie before.

  4. Do you not know how to read?

    If the breakup was that big a deal 4 years ago, I think it’s really unhealthy if she’s still watching his social media. Doesn’t sound like they’ve been friends for 4 years.

    it's weird to assume that she's “watching” his social media. They might not have been friends since the breakup. but its not unrealistic that she is still facebook friends with him, or at the very least, still friends with mutual friends of his. It's like you've never interacted with people before?

  5. Him working full time while going to school isn't the problem.

    Him prioritizing three different amateur hobby bands that will likely never get out of mom's garage when his girlfriend is begging to spend time with him is the problem.

  6. Dude, you weren’t even her second choice. (When she broke up with her ex the second time, she didn’t seek you out.) Not even second place.

    The best I would ever put this relationship is fuk buddies. Not even friends. That’s just me.

    Good luck

  7. I work in child protection and come across this. I know someone personally who was 12 when he raped his 8 year old sister. He said “I didn’t exactly knew why it was wrong, but I knew it was wrong as soon as I started.”

    This guy claimed he hadn’t been a victim of sexual violence but he was a victim of physical abuse from his parents at times.

    Anyway, this family sounds like a mess and it’s time to get away from it. Imagine having kids with a person who sexually groomed and molested their sister. You would never feel safe leaving your kids with him. You will also never get this information out of your head. Who else knows? Who’s safe to talk to in the family? Which adults are hiding abusive skeletons that you will become entrenched with?

  8. Mmm I dunno because if its true and he has shared her with his brother there's already a weird dynamic (unbeknownst to her). If they shot down donation fr the start or the Dr was confident they eventually they would get there, then that's another thing to consider. We didn't have a donation conversation with my Dr's at all because they felt confident we could get pregnant with our own eggs and sperm. We did privately though as in would we consider it should this not work. Not everyone is willing to have that Conversation

    It seems plausible to me that she means 7 transfers, they have now run out of embryos and thinking what next hence her jump to adoption etc. He might have been against unknown donation and shot it down. Now in desperation he's leaning back on his old “habits” and thinks his brother can do a solid. I don't think it's obvious it's seems Very last resort desperation to me. I know I would t want to have my husbands brothers baby. I'd rather use a sperm bank.

    It's a horrible situation and would be better if it was fake for her sake but all in all nothing she's said makes me think this Has to be fake. There's so many variables that it could be true just fucking out there.

  9. It doesn't sound like he wants to change. His definition of a good husband is one who isn't a drunk or abusive. You need to let him know what you need in a husband. You may end up needeling couple's counseling because he doesn't seem very open minded. He may need help seeing that there is more to being a husband than what he thinks.

  10. When someone asks you for space, your only course of action is to give it to them. You don’t go against that wish. If you “lose feelings” so be it. I don’t really think you have some strange case where you lose feelings easily, I think you’re 19 and that’s the way it goes when you’re very young and figuring out what relationships look like and what you want. Give her space and let whatever happens happen, which will likely be a break up if she needs space from an entire relationship for her mental health. Smothering her with statements of love when she asks for space won’t fix anything. Go do your own thing.


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