Elegance online webcams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Elegance online webcams for YOU!

  1. Maybe I didnt word it the right way but I dont think I am determining how attractive, wanted or desirable I am off if him being about to orgasm. I think it is more of feeling that I am not good enough at sex because I am not as experienced or making it enjoyable enough for him to be able to finish. I think that is a valid concern to have. I was wondering if it was common to not be able to orgasm or something that can be worked on. I agree though, sex should be pleasurable for both of us and something to experience together but right now it feels like it is something that leaves me feeling like I need more. I guess bringing up ways to work on how long he lasts the first round is where we should start.

  2. You know your own feelings and boundaries in your relationship so I can't really speak to that but I can tell you what I did when I was your age in a 5 yr relationship and discovered this. I left. It just isn't worth it.

  3. I've known a guy like this. Things are never “perfect enough” for a proposal, but it's coming any day now .. except things are never perfect enough.

  4. I’m only 24 but I was in a 5 year relationship since 18 and I had to end it because of emotional abuse. We will find our people

  5. Pressuring you like that is coercive, and if a person is coerced into sex, it is not consensual, and if not consensual, is rape.

  6. Sex would be the least of my worries with this guy. He clearly hasn't developed enough to care for his baby. I believe that should be instictual of a man to do. To care and protect his baby. You're clearly not happy, is this the type of man you seen your future with?

  7. So many are saying the age, screw the age. I'll be 33(f) married to a 47(m). I couldn't date, let alone marry a man my age. Now, to further issues. You allowed all of this. You yourself said you did. He's grown comfortable with life. Comfortable with what you allowed. Make that dude uncomfortable. Tell him everything you said here. Tell him it's time for him to find somewhere to stay until you see him improve and not momentarily. If he doesn't improve and stay improved, tell him you gave him a chance to make you “want” him. Best advice i can give, and i say to my husband, “i want you, i dont need you. Never make that want go away”. If he doesn't it's time to part ways, your love won't fix his issues, and neither will enabling his shit.


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