Thank you alot for actually staying and responding to this thread still It makes me feel a lot better man. Ive been playing the new resident evil non stop, she broke up with me on release day of the game……
Are you not putting things into perspective here? You left all of this context out. You've now said that he's been communicating to you. You're here being overbearing.
You say this has happened to you before. At what point do you accept the fact that you're the problem and to relax when everything is perfectly fine?
Idk even if she says she won't do it again it's because you want to divorce not because she's sorry to hurt you. No matter how much i loved someone i would be done with such a bullshit
That’s awesome that you’re practicing self care and trying therapy. Keep at that! It’s okay to take another year to yourself—However long it takes to learn to love yourself. You’re going to be with you for the rest of your life and issues like this need to be addressed so you can not only find and attract your Mr. Right but keep him. Again, in your current state, you’re easy prey for all the wrong people. Please take that very seriously and keep at it with the self-love for as long as it takes. It’s better to feel lonely when you’re working on yourself than it is to feel crushed and hopeless when you inevitably attract manipulative men and scare away the good ones. Keep at the self-care! It’s not always easy, so props to you. 🙂
Dump in not for your career, that’s not really the reason, but because of the fact he is unable to support you and care for you while you allocate your energy into your profession, which happens to be not only your passion as well, but an extremely driven job too.
You can’t pour from an empty cup, someone told me once.
First off, this ehy you don't get engaged this soon into relationship. Second read the shit she has told on you, this is what she thinks about you. Third, this cheating and breach of trust.
Do not marry her, break up with her instead. It will be cheaper than divorce.
Wow, your husband and his brother treated you and other girls in high school as objects. Male entitlement, hey…. it would be enough to make my stomach turn. It's very much a form of abuse.
Having a right to it, sure I'm on board with that. You have the right to post that as well. But let's not pretend that either situation isn't a breach of trust. The fact that it needs to be hidden is proof of that. Both situations show you don't trust your partner, and when trust is gone like that, the relationship as a whole goes with it.
This is NOT NORMAL. My sister and I would never, ever have done this.
While I understand the rationale for the baby making part and using his sperm for IVF, absolutely not for “natural” baby making, and the rest? That's horrifying. Absolutely horrifying.
I'm so sorry that's happened to you. Work through what's happened to you before worrying about letting exes know. A good therapist can help.
Right? Dude she was content letting you sign a lease on your own knowing you had planned to pay for it together. But also, why did you only sign it? I thought the idea was to move in together?
As long as he isn't doing anything with the girl at work, then it's a bit of a non-issue. I would be more concerned about the fact that you two don't seem to fully agree on where your sexual boundaries and expectations lay. If you are monogamous, then don't let someone pressure you into threesomes etc just to keep them.
Neither of your careers or happiness should be given the spotlight. This thinking leads to resentment (and in your case it already has).
You need to work out what is best for your family – so sit down and crunch the numbers, and answer some difficult questions You say there are jobs in your home town that he could, but what do they pay? How long, if ever, would it take your husband to make the same money he is now? Why can’t you get a job where you are living now? Where is there better money and prospects for your career? Is there anywhere else you both could go (say somewhere between where you are now, and where you’re from) where you both could get jobs?
Why do you want to move back – list the reasons out, and then defend them yourself (so ask yourself why those reasons are important, and ask yourself how important are they) and alter your list of reasons appropriately based upon your defence. Same for him, ask him why he wants to stay, then he defends his reasons to himself, then he adjusts as well. This part is better done apart, as it is for you to personally understand why you are wanting it.
Then show each other your list of reasons (but not your defence) and then he has to defend your reasons to you, and you have to defend his to him.
So for example you want to be around your elderly parents. So when he gets your list, he has to argue that you should move, and one reason is because of your parents, and xyz is the reasons why it is important to do so.
This way hopefully you both will see the merits of each others points of view and hopefully be able to work together on a compromise, or move/stay based on mutual understanding and agreement.
I was in the same situation. Even if he broke up with his ex 4 years ago (and he caused breakup), he chose me to replace her. He was talking about getting married and having friends, but he told me “I don't love you”. He still loved his ex. I told him that I want to break up because he didn't love me and he told me “but I don't need love, you are a good wife material, so we still can make it work out”.
I am not saying that he should love you after 3 months, but he could saying something like “my feelings for you are growing”.
Its not the length of time that counts the most but the quality of the relationship. Don't just marry someone because of the duration of time you've been with them, focus on the relationship you have (and where that is at). Some people are ready to marry after 2 years, some people take 20.
You're blaming him for keeping you waiting for 8 years when in reality the time has been much shorter than that because in the early days of the relationship you wouldn't have been together long enough to properly consider marriage (and it sounds like it was only relatively recently since you overcome your depression and stabilized).
You mentioned early on the weight issues. Why not just lose weight? And tell him that now you're evidencing weight loss through healthy and sustainable lifestyle changes, he has no reasons not to marry you any longer. If he keeps on holding back after that, then give him an ultimatum.
Tell your gf, this wasn't “accidental cheating”, it was SA. If it's too uncomfortable write the events down and have her read it, she can read this reddit post even. Although you definitely should tell her asap just in case her “friend” tries to tell her a different story first. Beyond that, something needs to change with your living situation as this “friend” clearly can't be trusted, hopefully gf will believe you and kick her “friend” out, anything other than that, then you know your gf's true colors.
No, re read it, she had two “cheating” events, with known friends of hers, two times with one and once with the other one. That was during kinda break-ups so not knowing the exact scenario (I never asked so much into detail) might be cheating or not. But the counting I made is right
Her friends say they will not tell their boyfriends until after and that they would be OK with it in their relationships. I call BS. They are hiding it and have no intent to tell them. Otherwise, they would be upfront like your girlfriend. If they get caught, they will just hope for forgiveness. They sound like an incredibly immature group and a bad influence for your girlfriend. I hive your girlfriend credit for telling you about it and not doing it unless you approve. But she must be very naive not to understand why this is wrong. 1. It is hurtful to play with the feelings of others. Ask her if she is really like that. 2. It seems like a need for external validation, which is often a primary lead into infidelity. 3. Doing so would break boundaries you have set or will with her. Two used successfully by my wife and I for over 50 years are: A. If you would not do it directly in front of your SO(significant other) or without their full knowledge and approval… don't do it. B. Do not allow yourself to be in a situation or environment in which the slightest potential to inadvertently violate #1 has the opportunity to occur. Meaning, don't walk on a slippery slope. Your wife's girlfriends are violating both. In my opinion, they failed the trusted girlfriend test. Your girlfriend did not violate either. Show her these boundaries. Explain examples and agree on them. Thank her for coming forward to ask your feelings and respecting them to not pursue this foolishness. Tell her you want her to understand why this would be wrong, but coming to you as she did rates her high on the trust meter and an A on the girlfriend test. I would also talk to her about being cautious of the influence these shifty friends may try to have on her.
He’s a cheater. This was a YEAR ago. He told you about it because he felt guilty… which is good… but he’s taken a year of your life in a relationship under the pretense that he wasn’t a cheater. You wouldn’t have continued if you knew, now you do… and now he wants your support for his “depression”? Depression doesn’t make a guy go get jacked off by a hooker. Tell him to go pay another woman for support since he is willing to pay another woman for sexual favors.
Lesson learned, next time respect someones wishes when they ask you to not divulge in your personal experiences when they know and tell you it will bother them.
And despite thinking you have to tell anyone about your past sexual relationships, you actually do not need to at all, like that is actually your own personal business and its not hiding anything at all by not telling someone about it.
Sounds like he just wants to break up and is blaming it on this allergy thing. Take a break, if he still gets the hives while you are apart then he will know it wasn’t you. Too much drama for my taste, I would let him go.
Let's put all the legal implications aside, gotcha. Let's look at what happened. She made the decision to on-line elsewhere, and then ALLOWED you to put yourself on the hook financially. She decided that putting off this uncomfortable conversation (a conversation she knew was inevitable) was worth all the debt and legal issues that you will now have to deal with. Stop worrying that this might affect the relationship, that ship has sailed. Would you do something like that to a person you cared about?
He is old enough to know the consequence to this type of behavior. Especially from me. I am supportive, but I also don’t take any shit and that’s never been a secret lol he knew how this would play out
Thanks, this is helpful. We mostly manage using a family calendar. Is there a way to show “potential” end times on a calendar appt?
Appreciate setting an alarm on the phone this is not a step I have taken, but it is possible. It will take some resetting for me to develop this into a habit.
No I don’t take any meds, and I have been meaning to see a specialist. My insurance doesn’t cover it but I know it’s important so I guess I’ll have to save for it
Why are you with someone who has such a crappy, unfunny sense of humor?? Just because it's 'a joke' doesn't mean you automatically have to put up with it you know. You can break up with someone because you don't like their sense of humor.
Honestly, I think that you two are lacking communication in this area, which is why I think it's important to speak with him.
What I understand is that you say that the ring is objectively pretty, but it's not “your” ring. It doesn't really fit your style, so to speak. And you also think that your partner knows your style and the like. But even after just reading your answer, I – keep in mind that I don't know you – have the following thoughts when reading it:
I really don’t think I gave him an overwhelming amount of information […] I think because he told me he spent so much time deciding on the ring leading up to the proposal I didn’t expect it to be the “easy” choice and I guess I got my hopes up.
Do you know why he spend so much time deciding? We know he considered several rings and, in the end, went with the “easy” choice, though “easy” could be swapped to “safe”. This means that for him, the choice wasn't that easy after all, so I wonder: Are you sure that the information wasn't overwhelming? It may not have been overwhelming for you, but you are the expert when it comes to the topic.
On top of that, listening to someone about a topic for years does definitely make you more knowledgeable, but it doesn't make you an expert, especially if it's not “your” topic. My father absolutely loves soccer and he talks about it every single time I see him. Because of that, I have gathered a lot of knowledge about players and rules and who is doing well in the competition and who is not… but that doesn't mean that I'm an expert like him. What I like when he talks about soccer isn't the topic, it's that he is happy to have someone who is listening to him. But because it's not “my” topic, I simply don't remember things like him. I don't watch games, I don't look things up. That leads to me recognizing names and remembering facts, but I often can't place names correctly – simply because to me, these things don't matter as much and my brain can't remember them as much. If something isn't “my” topic, I simply would be a lot more lost than someone who is deep into the matter when presented with information. If I would listen to you explaining cuts and stones to me, I might be able to recognize the type of a stone, for example, but I don't think I could tell which one of two stones is the more valuable one when you might be able to do so at first glance.
Also consider that maybe, he might have associated “different” with “special”. You said diamonds are okay and you seem to otherwise have mostly other stones in your jewelry, so in a way, your ring now is standing out from the crowd.
What I want to say: We're all just speculating here. Maybe there is a lot more to his thought process. Maybe he was terrified of picking something wrong. Maybe he went for “safe”. Maybe he got a fact wrong and thought that all the diamonds have super-interesting cuts. The thing is: You don't know. Because you haven't talked to him yet, you and all of us are just assuming things about why he chose the ring.
If you feel so torn about talking to him and letting him know what you feel, maybe start by just asking him about the other choices since he brought them up before. Take a look at them. If they are all not to your taste, you might feel better with the ring you now have and you could then openly ask about his thought process and what information he might have misunderstood. If there are some awesome rings in the lineup, you can express how pretty they are and, again, ask why he picked diamonds over those. None of that immediately says “I would prefer a different ring”. It's just satisfying your curiosity – it's about gathering information to then make a more informed choice. Once you know what thought went into his choice, you might either appreciate your current ring more – or feel like speaking up more.
I'm sorry if I get anything wrong, by the way (like I thought you meant “anguish” literally). I am not a native speaker and in my country, the engagement ring is also a different ring than the wedding ring, only worn until the wedding, when the couple then gets matching rings. That doesn't seem to be the case in your country, so I might be totally off the mark with many things.
Lack of maturity here. Marriage is a serious commitment, and it seems both of you aren't ready for it and are making bad decisions. Fortunately, you still have a lot of time to on-line, grow, and mature.
Sounds like she might be depressed. Talk to her about her. Don't think about or mention money. Find out whats bothering her and what really might solve it.
Sounds like she might be depressed. Talk to her about her. Don't think about or mention money. Find out whats bothering her and what really might solve it.
Divorce isn’t usually one horrifying moment that anyone will tell you is a reason for divorce.
You will almost never get that.
Divorce is caused by thousands of moments. Moments of disrespect, belittling, and disregard.
This is just one moment. Alone, most of us would be upset, but we could resolve the conflict. Along with a pattern of disregard and unreliable behavior, yes this can easily be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Only you can decide if this moment is the one where you walk away. No one here will say that you are wrong. No one will tell you to stay where you are unhappy. Most people here will tell you to just walk and get rid of the drama.
I understand why you equated a woman’s anger with a moment of fear. Anger is fear in action. Your husband made you feel afraid. The most common reaction to being afraid is to get angry.
Right now, you are angry. You are afraid that if you don’t do something, next time it won’t be a joke. The fact that he showed more care and regard for the dog probably left you feeling small and worthless.
At the very least, your relationship has SERIOUS communication failures. If you are on the fence about your relationship and believe that you are safe, try couples therapy to see if a third party can help you and your husband learn to communicate respectfully even when you disagree, or make mistakes.
I see a lot of these stories where a partner basically just tries to get the other person to take on the emotional load of ending the relationship. You should do him that favor.
The thing is though, I don't want to get back together with her. Because it's generally wrong to think like that. all I really want to do is create a sense of reconciliation. I'd say that absolution was already delivered from a sense of forgiveness as well. But even if so, I guess I was just hoping for a sense of mutual friendship, because I feel like I owe her and her family a lot. It's really fair to say it's not my place either, but it feels like an obligation to be there for those I hurt in the past.
The only reason I want her to acknowledge me as someone different than before, is because I'm aware that I linger inside of her head as well. I was more-so hoping that the extensive changes towards myself would give a sense of ease. The past doesn't slip away that easily, I overall get that. But with reconciliation, I was hoping for us both to heal, and move on.
Maybe I am contradicting myself, I'm sorry. And no, especially right now– it isn't okay at all. There still needs to be time for the both of us.
I just felt as if maybe if she saw that I've changed, maybe she'd have a sense of relief. But from what you say, and the fact it's naked to really describe, maybe it is wrong. I was hoping to be more selfless and have more wishful thinking, but thinking of this the wrong way is very selfish.
Your dad is an adult. You are not his parent. You are not his spouse. You are not his owner. You are not his god. You are his daughter. You need to woman up and support your father. It has been 5 years.
The man has every right to move on with HIS life.
Oh, and your husband did nothing wrong (at least in hindsight). I suggest you get therapy for yourself.
(To be honest, I'm hoping to god that this post is fake)
Not blocking her is only going to make shit worse for you. Gotta remove anything of her from your life so you can start to move on. You’re young, you’ll find someone else, but you gotta move on first and work on yourself
This is why Polly relationships are great for sexual experimentation. But when you want an intimate, long-term relationship and to settle down they do not work. You’re happy your significant other is not. Good luck to you.
It's in case you end up looking like Michael Jackson. Cosmetic surgery is addictive. He probably thinks the girl he fell in love with will die and a plastic monster will be born.
He said it because it's factually correct. I think it would be a bigger question if he didn't.
Men are very utilitarian. It was a task related to the circumstance, and nothing more. The why of him being single might be me complex, but the fact itself… Very straight forward and easy to understand. A status off but single when he in fact is was a problem. He fixed it, because that's what men do. We see a nail sticking up, we hit it with a hammer. We don't overthink it. We don't call our friends to discuss the emotional impact. We don't ponder what it must feel like to be an unseated nail. We just fix it. Then we never think about it again.
This is him fixing a problem so he doesn't have to think about it anymore.
Reading through everything it seems like yup, your partner is just hugely, massively struggling with the titanic chip on his shoulder.
You've lost weight, do well in your career, financially are doing well for yourself, are organised and know what you want to do (and if not find out how) and generally “have your proverbial shit together”. You do so much that, if you'll forgive me saying so, could remove him from it and while there'd be a dent, your habits don't seem like they'd really change much.
So first of all: congrats on being awesome and grabbing life by the horns and doing hip-thrusts at it! You clearly have “got this”.
In terms of how to fix it, well you do realise here that you're already doing more than your fair share, you've also tackled these conversations with him like a pro already, being totally fair and reasonable as well as showing his arguments haven't even got a participation award, much less merit.
In short: The only singular way things will improve is if he wants to. If he can't accept criticism, this won't be a good start. The only avenue you have is to either have him listen to you, one of your mutual friends, or a professional you need to pay.
His complaints, grumbles and moans are nothing but naked air and is a reflection of his inadequacy vs you and attacking any criticism he receives as a personal attack which is unfair – he doesn't appear to have self awareness here in that he'll pitch fights against women who “do nothing” or “very little” in his eyes, while also not exactly being a shining example of better himself.
To summarise – you're doing all the right things, you're even seeking help for him but the bigger issue is does he want to be helped, or is he in a crater of his own making, refusing to come out? You can lead a horse to water, but I'm unsure if this horse will even allow itself to be seen as thirsty, much less accept it needs a drink.
You can want this to work, you seem like you really really want it to and gods above you really seem like a fantastic and passionate woman whose resolve I praise and can only envy your efforts to keep things working – but you will need that professional help or someone he'll listen to. If he won't, things are, I suspect strongly, not going to change or improve.
Was he cheating on you with his ex and got you both pregnant at the same time? He shouldn't be having any contact with his ex that he was cheating with frankly
Why are you wasting your time with someone who doesn't even have respect for you or whatever this so called relationship is about? My wife has a sarcastic humor and jokes all the time, me, I am more serious with a dark humor streak here and there and let me tell you this, I would never make a joke like that to my lady and any guy who knows better wouldn't pull that crap on his lady and this douche does not know any better and you young lady should be happier with someone who is into you 100%. Do you want to feel miserable with Capt. Douche and his imaginary type or happy with a man who values you for you? Toss his ass to the curb and enjoy life kiddo.
I'm just noticing that a lot of people who are having a bad time with it haven't had children. It's making me wonder if that recommendation was for a good reason. Perhaps IUDs should be given more selectively to women who have never given birth. It seems like the risks are higher for them and that needs to be considered when you're comparing it to the benefits.
You are 18 and only been seeing this guy for 6 months? Do you on-line in the US? If so you should absolutely not be trying for a baby and frankly a 37 year old who wants a baby with an 18 year old is absolutely a red flag.
And it sounds like he doesn't respect your sexual boundaries. You've told him clearly that you would prefer sex to not last as long and he has ignored that. That is another big read flag.
You are young and will have plenty of time to meet people who are better suited for you. This is does not sound like a healthy relationship at all. And I'm begging you as much as a stranger on the internet can, DO NOT HAVE A BABY WITH THIS GUY.
I’m comparing it to my experience having a baby (which can be the result of failing birth control). I think it’s fair to compare the side effect of birth control to the side effects of pregnancy and childbirth.
Tbh complaining to HR will actually give you more power in the workplace if people know you did it. Everyone will think twice about bothering you and honestly that guy deserves it. If you say no once and he didn’t listen how many times are you willing to say no until it stops?
You're talking about shitty men who you don't know (as a man, none of the men I would know would ever do something like that), and yet you are ignoring the real man who loves you just the way you are, and is mourning the loss of the you he fell in love with. You're only 24, I'm sure you're very cute. Believe us when we say the problems are in your head, and if you don't fix those, you're gonna ruin the perfectly fine and beautiful face you have. He LOVES YOU AS YOU ARE. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AS YOU ARE. Take some time, don't let your mind ruin your life, there are ways out of this.
I do ask him to stop, but he wouldn’t listen so now I ask for breaks. Seems to help a bit.
The problem is I love him too much, but I don’t think he loves me enough. Yet if I can’t meet with him for one day, he will show up to wherever he knows I’m at. So it makes me feel like he loves me, but in the end I just feel hurt again.
He agreed to cut her out, when you asked him to, it also seems he tried to be completely platonic with her, and he was fooling his own mind it was possible. Obviously this a stupid thought process, but he hasn't betrayed you, plus the moment she expressed her inteteredt in him, he told you about it and put their “friendship” to permanent grave.
He doesn't seem like someone who would cheat on you.
Yeah idk. The only time I've ever had the older generation of my husband's extended family on a message string was in a group text regarding someone's surprise birthday. There is literally no reason I want to have private conversations with any of his uncles. I'm struggling to understand because I can never see them asking me for my private contact info, let alone messaging me like that.
Most women profoundly underestimate how much men judge themselves for being able to make $$.
Engineers are especially prone to this due to personality types attracted to the field.
What you can do is be up front: ” I do not thin you are a failure. Let us scale back our marriage ceremony expectations and do it sooner.”
Another tak is to look into engineering career coaches for his field or subfield. It's a big and unique discipline, so reddit should be able to help too!
Loyalty “tests” are toxic and will inevitably end your relationship. The fact that you’re plotting and scheming makes me doubt your ability to be in a healthy relationship.
Why do you feel that you need to ask Reddit vs. talking to your boyfriend about it?
Also the bit that you both cheated on your previous partners with each other… well…
Anyway, either you communicate or let it go. Both of you sound emotionally immature and poor communicators.
I feel like you use your autism as an excuse or crutch per se. Being autistic has nothing to do with why she cheated on you. She would’ve done it regardless. Going through messages is a dangerous game. I don’t know what’s better, not knowing for sure or getting your feelings hurt. For me, I’d rather not know. It’s easier said than done but uh I think you should cut contact with this girl. She seems to use you as a door mat and doesn’t even treat you like a person.
Well, there's still pretty strong emotional reaction to her. All you see is him saying he hates her and for you it means she's nothing to him but nobody hates someone that much if they don't feel something for them. Let's say he wanted to be with her forever and she left him, what's left for him than turning that love for her into hate.
Nobody focuses that much on insignificant people. She's very important to him still, even if he portrays it as something negative.
You’re young and you deserve to on-line as much as he does, I know that 5 years is a lot of time invested, but you’re still at the dawn of your life, there’s a lot more out there for you if you let yourself experience it.
It can be scary but worth it in the end, because it’ll allow you to grow ans learn to know yourself better, what you want what you need …. grow even more confident….
We can’t make a decision for you, but whatever choice you make, make sure it’s the one that won’t hold you back !
You don’t need to put yourself around those people, and your boyfriend needs to get his financial house in order so that he can walk away. Sounds like his parents are shit if they allow their son to be so rude and abusive to not only the partner of a family member, but also a guest. Sounds like a trashy family.
You really ought to take some more time to process this. You're rushing into a decision to forgive him because losing the one you think is the love of your life is extremely difficult. It's understandable, but foolish. This is an insane level of cheating. He lied for almost 7 years. There is no way you can ever truly trust him again. These high school sweetheart relationships seem to rarely work out in the long run. You're still so young, go find someone that truly loves and respects you.
I always take so much responsability in everything.
Don't pay taxes on a house you don't own. Or, don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.
There are lots of sayings about this, but making someone feel better and taking on guilt for shit you didn't do is not only enabling someone else to not make themselves better, but it also comes at a very high cost to you.
If he's not happy about this, that's on him. He says he recognizes on one hand that it's his problem, but then keeps bringing it up and is blaming his ED on it. That puts his issues on you.
Not fair.
I don't care if you had 50 more naked, sweaty, sexy bodies than he does. It's not his business. The next time someone asks you what your body count is, don't answer. What matters is your STI status – that's it.
My college roommate did the number sharing thing, and she had one higher than her bf. Every time they got in a fight, he brought it up. I haven't shared it since. A confident man won't ask.
He's manipulating you. It doesn't feel right because it isn't.
Just commenting to add that even if your child’s speech delay wasn’t physiological, it STILL wouldn’t be a moral failing. Neurodivergence is a thing. If your mother can’t see that, she is the one with a moral failing (and maybe also an intelligence failing because this is just common sense).
I never implied op was a bad partner. It seems most comments have decided that ops gf is cheating, but we don't have information on this ex, this relationship, or any of it to determine whether or not it's normal for them to be friends.
I'm saying, if a person feels that their partner should not have happiness without them being the direct cause, that is unhealthy.
If the concern is that your partner will cheat on someone they chose not to be with? I mean, I guess that is a concern, but it would be helpful to have a framework for why.
My parents wouldn't necessarily welcome an ex. Sounds like everyone involved seems happy this person is in their life. The only one who doesn't seems to be op. So, what, this ex is charming enough to turn your whole world against you, but not charming enough to be the husband?
I think you are right, and my comment was too reductive, but I don't think there is enough information in the post for any real advice.
You obviously don't respect my philosophy because you're attacking me. You feel the only way is your way, and you're not open to seeing anything from another perspective. I've never excused my behavior, but it is helpful for me to have reasoning for it so I can change. Change IS possible for people who genuinely want it. I'm sorry you're not familiar with this concept. People handle trials and tribulations differently. Just because you disagree doesn't mean you can't be respectful, and it also doesn't mean that someone else's way is wrong. Now, I am going to block you if you're going to be disrespectful and assume things. Read both posts. Come back constructively or get blocked.
He's blaming poor people for being poor.
Dont stay with him. He slept with another woman only 2 weeks of breaking up?
How long is someone supposed to wait before having sex after a breakup?
They tried to under the basis of friends wanting to hang out but they were with another friend too
Thank you alot for actually staying and responding to this thread still It makes me feel a lot better man. Ive been playing the new resident evil non stop, she broke up with me on release day of the game……
Are you not putting things into perspective here? You left all of this context out. You've now said that he's been communicating to you. You're here being overbearing.
You say this has happened to you before. At what point do you accept the fact that you're the problem and to relax when everything is perfectly fine?
Idk even if she says she won't do it again it's because you want to divorce not because she's sorry to hurt you. No matter how much i loved someone i would be done with such a bullshit
That’s awesome that you’re practicing self care and trying therapy. Keep at that! It’s okay to take another year to yourself—However long it takes to learn to love yourself. You’re going to be with you for the rest of your life and issues like this need to be addressed so you can not only find and attract your Mr. Right but keep him. Again, in your current state, you’re easy prey for all the wrong people. Please take that very seriously and keep at it with the self-love for as long as it takes. It’s better to feel lonely when you’re working on yourself than it is to feel crushed and hopeless when you inevitably attract manipulative men and scare away the good ones. Keep at the self-care! It’s not always easy, so props to you. 🙂
So… His brother SA'd you…? And they think this is normal thinking or behavior?
I wouldn't even want kids with people like that wtf
Dump him.
Dump in not for your career, that’s not really the reason, but because of the fact he is unable to support you and care for you while you allocate your energy into your profession, which happens to be not only your passion as well, but an extremely driven job too.
You can’t pour from an empty cup, someone told me once.
First off, this ehy you don't get engaged this soon into relationship. Second read the shit she has told on you, this is what she thinks about you. Third, this cheating and breach of trust.
Do not marry her, break up with her instead. It will be cheaper than divorce.
Wow, your husband and his brother treated you and other girls in high school as objects. Male entitlement, hey…. it would be enough to make my stomach turn. It's very much a form of abuse.
Having a right to it, sure I'm on board with that. You have the right to post that as well. But let's not pretend that either situation isn't a breach of trust. The fact that it needs to be hidden is proof of that. Both situations show you don't trust your partner, and when trust is gone like that, the relationship as a whole goes with it.
Hi – late to this, but identical twin here.
This is NOT NORMAL. My sister and I would never, ever have done this.
While I understand the rationale for the baby making part and using his sperm for IVF, absolutely not for “natural” baby making, and the rest? That's horrifying. Absolutely horrifying.
I'm so sorry that's happened to you. Work through what's happened to you before worrying about letting exes know. A good therapist can help.
Right? Dude she was content letting you sign a lease on your own knowing you had planned to pay for it together. But also, why did you only sign it? I thought the idea was to move in together?
As long as he isn't doing anything with the girl at work, then it's a bit of a non-issue. I would be more concerned about the fact that you two don't seem to fully agree on where your sexual boundaries and expectations lay. If you are monogamous, then don't let someone pressure you into threesomes etc just to keep them.
The answer to your question is neither.
Neither of your careers or happiness should be given the spotlight. This thinking leads to resentment (and in your case it already has).
You need to work out what is best for your family – so sit down and crunch the numbers, and answer some difficult questions You say there are jobs in your home town that he could, but what do they pay? How long, if ever, would it take your husband to make the same money he is now? Why can’t you get a job where you are living now? Where is there better money and prospects for your career? Is there anywhere else you both could go (say somewhere between where you are now, and where you’re from) where you both could get jobs?
Why do you want to move back – list the reasons out, and then defend them yourself (so ask yourself why those reasons are important, and ask yourself how important are they) and alter your list of reasons appropriately based upon your defence. Same for him, ask him why he wants to stay, then he defends his reasons to himself, then he adjusts as well. This part is better done apart, as it is for you to personally understand why you are wanting it.
Then show each other your list of reasons (but not your defence) and then he has to defend your reasons to you, and you have to defend his to him.
So for example you want to be around your elderly parents. So when he gets your list, he has to argue that you should move, and one reason is because of your parents, and xyz is the reasons why it is important to do so.
This way hopefully you both will see the merits of each others points of view and hopefully be able to work together on a compromise, or move/stay based on mutual understanding and agreement.
I was in the same situation. Even if he broke up with his ex 4 years ago (and he caused breakup), he chose me to replace her. He was talking about getting married and having friends, but he told me “I don't love you”. He still loved his ex. I told him that I want to break up because he didn't love me and he told me “but I don't need love, you are a good wife material, so we still can make it work out”.
I am not saying that he should love you after 3 months, but he could saying something like “my feelings for you are growing”.
We deserve to be loved.
Its not the length of time that counts the most but the quality of the relationship. Don't just marry someone because of the duration of time you've been with them, focus on the relationship you have (and where that is at). Some people are ready to marry after 2 years, some people take 20.
You're blaming him for keeping you waiting for 8 years when in reality the time has been much shorter than that because in the early days of the relationship you wouldn't have been together long enough to properly consider marriage (and it sounds like it was only relatively recently since you overcome your depression and stabilized).
You mentioned early on the weight issues. Why not just lose weight? And tell him that now you're evidencing weight loss through healthy and sustainable lifestyle changes, he has no reasons not to marry you any longer. If he keeps on holding back after that, then give him an ultimatum.
Get you and your babies out of that relationship!
Also post idiot
I put his age in wrong. He is 30 and it was college
Tell your gf, this wasn't “accidental cheating”, it was SA. If it's too uncomfortable write the events down and have her read it, she can read this reddit post even. Although you definitely should tell her asap just in case her “friend” tries to tell her a different story first. Beyond that, something needs to change with your living situation as this “friend” clearly can't be trusted, hopefully gf will believe you and kick her “friend” out, anything other than that, then you know your gf's true colors.
You might truly love her but she's done with you. So move on. She's allowed to decide she doesn't want to be with you any more.
No, re read it, she had two “cheating” events, with known friends of hers, two times with one and once with the other one. That was during kinda break-ups so not knowing the exact scenario (I never asked so much into detail) might be cheating or not. But the counting I made is right
Her friends say they will not tell their boyfriends until after and that they would be OK with it in their relationships. I call BS. They are hiding it and have no intent to tell them. Otherwise, they would be upfront like your girlfriend. If they get caught, they will just hope for forgiveness. They sound like an incredibly immature group and a bad influence for your girlfriend. I hive your girlfriend credit for telling you about it and not doing it unless you approve. But she must be very naive not to understand why this is wrong. 1. It is hurtful to play with the feelings of others. Ask her if she is really like that. 2. It seems like a need for external validation, which is often a primary lead into infidelity. 3. Doing so would break boundaries you have set or will with her. Two used successfully by my wife and I for over 50 years are: A. If you would not do it directly in front of your SO(significant other) or without their full knowledge and approval… don't do it. B. Do not allow yourself to be in a situation or environment in which the slightest potential to inadvertently violate #1 has the opportunity to occur. Meaning, don't walk on a slippery slope. Your wife's girlfriends are violating both. In my opinion, they failed the trusted girlfriend test. Your girlfriend did not violate either. Show her these boundaries. Explain examples and agree on them. Thank her for coming forward to ask your feelings and respecting them to not pursue this foolishness. Tell her you want her to understand why this would be wrong, but coming to you as she did rates her high on the trust meter and an A on the girlfriend test. I would also talk to her about being cautious of the influence these shifty friends may try to have on her.
My brother in Christ, you are the victim of rape
He’s a cheater. This was a YEAR ago. He told you about it because he felt guilty… which is good… but he’s taken a year of your life in a relationship under the pretense that he wasn’t a cheater. You wouldn’t have continued if you knew, now you do… and now he wants your support for his “depression”? Depression doesn’t make a guy go get jacked off by a hooker. Tell him to go pay another woman for support since he is willing to pay another woman for sexual favors.
You don’t love her. Not a bit.
Lesson learned, next time respect someones wishes when they ask you to not divulge in your personal experiences when they know and tell you it will bother them.
And despite thinking you have to tell anyone about your past sexual relationships, you actually do not need to at all, like that is actually your own personal business and its not hiding anything at all by not telling someone about it.
You basically shot yourself in the foot.
Next step is to consult with a divorce attorney. Make sure you and the kids are protected financially.
Sounds like he just wants to break up and is blaming it on this allergy thing. Take a break, if he still gets the hives while you are apart then he will know it wasn’t you. Too much drama for my taste, I would let him go.
Let's put all the legal implications aside, gotcha. Let's look at what happened. She made the decision to on-line elsewhere, and then ALLOWED you to put yourself on the hook financially. She decided that putting off this uncomfortable conversation (a conversation she knew was inevitable) was worth all the debt and legal issues that you will now have to deal with. Stop worrying that this might affect the relationship, that ship has sailed. Would you do something like that to a person you cared about?
He is old enough to know the consequence to this type of behavior. Especially from me. I am supportive, but I also don’t take any shit and that’s never been a secret lol he knew how this would play out
Thanks, this is helpful. We mostly manage using a family calendar. Is there a way to show “potential” end times on a calendar appt?
Appreciate setting an alarm on the phone this is not a step I have taken, but it is possible. It will take some resetting for me to develop this into a habit.
Don’t stick your peepee in crazy
No I don’t take any meds, and I have been meaning to see a specialist. My insurance doesn’t cover it but I know it’s important so I guess I’ll have to save for it
Why are you with someone who has such a crappy, unfunny sense of humor?? Just because it's 'a joke' doesn't mean you automatically have to put up with it you know. You can break up with someone because you don't like their sense of humor.
During those 2 weeks, you were easily forgotten
Seems safe to assume this middle-aged man doesn’t want his friends and family to know he’s dating someone half his age.
Also, most people in their 40s don’t care about it think about social media. Like at all.
There is no justification for physical abuse.
There is no justification for physical abuse.
There is no justification for physical abuse.
In what context would a naked slap in the face be lovingly?
Your gut instinct is your subconscious sending alarms to your brain that something isn’t right.
Honestly, I think that you two are lacking communication in this area, which is why I think it's important to speak with him.
What I understand is that you say that the ring is objectively pretty, but it's not “your” ring. It doesn't really fit your style, so to speak. And you also think that your partner knows your style and the like. But even after just reading your answer, I – keep in mind that I don't know you – have the following thoughts when reading it:
I really don’t think I gave him an overwhelming amount of information […] I think because he told me he spent so much time deciding on the ring leading up to the proposal I didn’t expect it to be the “easy” choice and I guess I got my hopes up.
Do you know why he spend so much time deciding? We know he considered several rings and, in the end, went with the “easy” choice, though “easy” could be swapped to “safe”. This means that for him, the choice wasn't that easy after all, so I wonder: Are you sure that the information wasn't overwhelming? It may not have been overwhelming for you, but you are the expert when it comes to the topic.
On top of that, listening to someone about a topic for years does definitely make you more knowledgeable, but it doesn't make you an expert, especially if it's not “your” topic. My father absolutely loves soccer and he talks about it every single time I see him. Because of that, I have gathered a lot of knowledge about players and rules and who is doing well in the competition and who is not… but that doesn't mean that I'm an expert like him. What I like when he talks about soccer isn't the topic, it's that he is happy to have someone who is listening to him. But because it's not “my” topic, I simply don't remember things like him. I don't watch games, I don't look things up. That leads to me recognizing names and remembering facts, but I often can't place names correctly – simply because to me, these things don't matter as much and my brain can't remember them as much. If something isn't “my” topic, I simply would be a lot more lost than someone who is deep into the matter when presented with information. If I would listen to you explaining cuts and stones to me, I might be able to recognize the type of a stone, for example, but I don't think I could tell which one of two stones is the more valuable one when you might be able to do so at first glance.
Also consider that maybe, he might have associated “different” with “special”. You said diamonds are okay and you seem to otherwise have mostly other stones in your jewelry, so in a way, your ring now is standing out from the crowd.
What I want to say: We're all just speculating here. Maybe there is a lot more to his thought process. Maybe he was terrified of picking something wrong. Maybe he went for “safe”. Maybe he got a fact wrong and thought that all the diamonds have super-interesting cuts. The thing is: You don't know. Because you haven't talked to him yet, you and all of us are just assuming things about why he chose the ring.
If you feel so torn about talking to him and letting him know what you feel, maybe start by just asking him about the other choices since he brought them up before. Take a look at them. If they are all not to your taste, you might feel better with the ring you now have and you could then openly ask about his thought process and what information he might have misunderstood. If there are some awesome rings in the lineup, you can express how pretty they are and, again, ask why he picked diamonds over those. None of that immediately says “I would prefer a different ring”. It's just satisfying your curiosity – it's about gathering information to then make a more informed choice. Once you know what thought went into his choice, you might either appreciate your current ring more – or feel like speaking up more.
I'm sorry if I get anything wrong, by the way (like I thought you meant “anguish” literally). I am not a native speaker and in my country, the engagement ring is also a different ring than the wedding ring, only worn until the wedding, when the couple then gets matching rings. That doesn't seem to be the case in your country, so I might be totally off the mark with many things.
Lack of maturity here. Marriage is a serious commitment, and it seems both of you aren't ready for it and are making bad decisions. Fortunately, you still have a lot of time to on-line, grow, and mature.
Sounds like she might be depressed. Talk to her about her. Don't think about or mention money. Find out whats bothering her and what really might solve it.
Sounds like she might be depressed. Talk to her about her. Don't think about or mention money. Find out whats bothering her and what really might solve it.
I don't know that I would trust a condom she had been around unsupervised.
Divorce isn’t usually one horrifying moment that anyone will tell you is a reason for divorce.
You will almost never get that.
Divorce is caused by thousands of moments. Moments of disrespect, belittling, and disregard.
This is just one moment. Alone, most of us would be upset, but we could resolve the conflict. Along with a pattern of disregard and unreliable behavior, yes this can easily be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Only you can decide if this moment is the one where you walk away. No one here will say that you are wrong. No one will tell you to stay where you are unhappy. Most people here will tell you to just walk and get rid of the drama.
I understand why you equated a woman’s anger with a moment of fear. Anger is fear in action. Your husband made you feel afraid. The most common reaction to being afraid is to get angry.
Right now, you are angry. You are afraid that if you don’t do something, next time it won’t be a joke. The fact that he showed more care and regard for the dog probably left you feeling small and worthless.
At the very least, your relationship has SERIOUS communication failures. If you are on the fence about your relationship and believe that you are safe, try couples therapy to see if a third party can help you and your husband learn to communicate respectfully even when you disagree, or make mistakes.
I see a lot of these stories where a partner basically just tries to get the other person to take on the emotional load of ending the relationship. You should do him that favor.
The thing is though, I don't want to get back together with her. Because it's generally wrong to think like that. all I really want to do is create a sense of reconciliation. I'd say that absolution was already delivered from a sense of forgiveness as well. But even if so, I guess I was just hoping for a sense of mutual friendship, because I feel like I owe her and her family a lot. It's really fair to say it's not my place either, but it feels like an obligation to be there for those I hurt in the past.
The only reason I want her to acknowledge me as someone different than before, is because I'm aware that I linger inside of her head as well. I was more-so hoping that the extensive changes towards myself would give a sense of ease. The past doesn't slip away that easily, I overall get that. But with reconciliation, I was hoping for us both to heal, and move on.
Maybe I am contradicting myself, I'm sorry. And no, especially right now– it isn't okay at all. There still needs to be time for the both of us.
I just felt as if maybe if she saw that I've changed, maybe she'd have a sense of relief. But from what you say, and the fact it's naked to really describe, maybe it is wrong. I was hoping to be more selfless and have more wishful thinking, but thinking of this the wrong way is very selfish.
I'm going to be blunt here.
Your dad is an adult. You are not his parent. You are not his spouse. You are not his owner. You are not his god. You are his daughter. You need to woman up and support your father. It has been 5 years.
The man has every right to move on with HIS life.
Oh, and your husband did nothing wrong (at least in hindsight). I suggest you get therapy for yourself.
(To be honest, I'm hoping to god that this post is fake)
Even though I was cheated on by him in the past?
Not blocking her is only going to make shit worse for you. Gotta remove anything of her from your life so you can start to move on. You’re young, you’ll find someone else, but you gotta move on first and work on yourself
No. He’s blaming YOU for his cheating and lying.
Why would you accept that? Do you think its your fault he cheated? Because it isn’t.
It’s called gaslighting and it’s the behaviour of an egotist or a narc.
This is why Polly relationships are great for sexual experimentation. But when you want an intimate, long-term relationship and to settle down they do not work. You’re happy your significant other is not. Good luck to you.
It's in case you end up looking like Michael Jackson. Cosmetic surgery is addictive. He probably thinks the girl he fell in love with will die and a plastic monster will be born.
He said it because it's factually correct. I think it would be a bigger question if he didn't.
Men are very utilitarian. It was a task related to the circumstance, and nothing more. The why of him being single might be me complex, but the fact itself… Very straight forward and easy to understand. A status off but single when he in fact is was a problem. He fixed it, because that's what men do. We see a nail sticking up, we hit it with a hammer. We don't overthink it. We don't call our friends to discuss the emotional impact. We don't ponder what it must feel like to be an unseated nail. We just fix it. Then we never think about it again.
This is him fixing a problem so he doesn't have to think about it anymore.
Reading through everything it seems like yup, your partner is just hugely, massively struggling with the titanic chip on his shoulder.
You've lost weight, do well in your career, financially are doing well for yourself, are organised and know what you want to do (and if not find out how) and generally “have your proverbial shit together”. You do so much that, if you'll forgive me saying so, could remove him from it and while there'd be a dent, your habits don't seem like they'd really change much.
So first of all: congrats on being awesome and grabbing life by the horns and doing hip-thrusts at it! You clearly have “got this”.
In terms of how to fix it, well you do realise here that you're already doing more than your fair share, you've also tackled these conversations with him like a pro already, being totally fair and reasonable as well as showing his arguments haven't even got a participation award, much less merit.
In short: The only singular way things will improve is if he wants to. If he can't accept criticism, this won't be a good start. The only avenue you have is to either have him listen to you, one of your mutual friends, or a professional you need to pay.
His complaints, grumbles and moans are nothing but naked air and is a reflection of his inadequacy vs you and attacking any criticism he receives as a personal attack which is unfair – he doesn't appear to have self awareness here in that he'll pitch fights against women who “do nothing” or “very little” in his eyes, while also not exactly being a shining example of better himself.
To summarise – you're doing all the right things, you're even seeking help for him but the bigger issue is does he want to be helped, or is he in a crater of his own making, refusing to come out? You can lead a horse to water, but I'm unsure if this horse will even allow itself to be seen as thirsty, much less accept it needs a drink.
You can want this to work, you seem like you really really want it to and gods above you really seem like a fantastic and passionate woman whose resolve I praise and can only envy your efforts to keep things working – but you will need that professional help or someone he'll listen to. If he won't, things are, I suspect strongly, not going to change or improve.
Two possibilities imo: either he had an accident / died or he met someone else irl and didn't have the balls to tell you.
please get psychological help
Was he cheating on you with his ex and got you both pregnant at the same time? He shouldn't be having any contact with his ex that he was cheating with frankly
Have you ever been afraid of your husband previously? Does he scare you? If no then I have to wonder why you're thinking of divorce.
O my fucken god just stop. I don't want to be told I'm accountable for being fucked over so naked. Just shut the fuck up
Why are you wasting your time with someone who doesn't even have respect for you or whatever this so called relationship is about? My wife has a sarcastic humor and jokes all the time, me, I am more serious with a dark humor streak here and there and let me tell you this, I would never make a joke like that to my lady and any guy who knows better wouldn't pull that crap on his lady and this douche does not know any better and you young lady should be happier with someone who is into you 100%. Do you want to feel miserable with Capt. Douche and his imaginary type or happy with a man who values you for you? Toss his ass to the curb and enjoy life kiddo.
Yeah 50/50 on that one. Can only hope for the best and hope she was interested
I'm just noticing that a lot of people who are having a bad time with it haven't had children. It's making me wonder if that recommendation was for a good reason. Perhaps IUDs should be given more selectively to women who have never given birth. It seems like the risks are higher for them and that needs to be considered when you're comparing it to the benefits.
You are 18 and only been seeing this guy for 6 months? Do you on-line in the US? If so you should absolutely not be trying for a baby and frankly a 37 year old who wants a baby with an 18 year old is absolutely a red flag.
And it sounds like he doesn't respect your sexual boundaries. You've told him clearly that you would prefer sex to not last as long and he has ignored that. That is another big read flag.
You are young and will have plenty of time to meet people who are better suited for you. This is does not sound like a healthy relationship at all. And I'm begging you as much as a stranger on the internet can, DO NOT HAVE A BABY WITH THIS GUY.
I’m comparing it to my experience having a baby (which can be the result of failing birth control). I think it’s fair to compare the side effect of birth control to the side effects of pregnancy and childbirth.
Tbh complaining to HR will actually give you more power in the workplace if people know you did it. Everyone will think twice about bothering you and honestly that guy deserves it. If you say no once and he didn’t listen how many times are you willing to say no until it stops?
You're talking about shitty men who you don't know (as a man, none of the men I would know would ever do something like that), and yet you are ignoring the real man who loves you just the way you are, and is mourning the loss of the you he fell in love with. You're only 24, I'm sure you're very cute. Believe us when we say the problems are in your head, and if you don't fix those, you're gonna ruin the perfectly fine and beautiful face you have. He LOVES YOU AS YOU ARE. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AS YOU ARE. Take some time, don't let your mind ruin your life, there are ways out of this.
Yikes, you're really telling on yourself here lol. I hope this is an anonymous account for you.
It's one of those things you should mention if you're into it, but shouldn't have to if you're not.
I do ask him to stop, but he wouldn’t listen so now I ask for breaks. Seems to help a bit.
The problem is I love him too much, but I don’t think he loves me enough. Yet if I can’t meet with him for one day, he will show up to wherever he knows I’m at. So it makes me feel like he loves me, but in the end I just feel hurt again.
this is a nice way to bring it up to her
He agreed to cut her out, when you asked him to, it also seems he tried to be completely platonic with her, and he was fooling his own mind it was possible. Obviously this a stupid thought process, but he hasn't betrayed you, plus the moment she expressed her inteteredt in him, he told you about it and put their “friendship” to permanent grave.
He doesn't seem like someone who would cheat on you.
Yeah idk. The only time I've ever had the older generation of my husband's extended family on a message string was in a group text regarding someone's surprise birthday. There is literally no reason I want to have private conversations with any of his uncles. I'm struggling to understand because I can never see them asking me for my private contact info, let alone messaging me like that.
Fair enough, wasn't really paying attention to the timeline.
You already know what to do.
You are past advice. The pain from desperation is lower than the pain you think about when leaving.
Why don't they all go camping together sometimes?
i agree with your bf … COMMUNICATION IS KEY ? simple as that .
Most women profoundly underestimate how much men judge themselves for being able to make $$.
Engineers are especially prone to this due to personality types attracted to the field.
What you can do is be up front: ” I do not thin you are a failure. Let us scale back our marriage ceremony expectations and do it sooner.”
Another tak is to look into engineering career coaches for his field or subfield. It's a big and unique discipline, so reddit should be able to help too!
This covers what I was going to say! Heart conditions, tipes of siezers and so many more. This is medical intervention asap.
Loyalty “tests” are toxic and will inevitably end your relationship. The fact that you’re plotting and scheming makes me doubt your ability to be in a healthy relationship.
Why do you feel that you need to ask Reddit vs. talking to your boyfriend about it?
Also the bit that you both cheated on your previous partners with each other… well…
Anyway, either you communicate or let it go. Both of you sound emotionally immature and poor communicators.
I feel like you use your autism as an excuse or crutch per se. Being autistic has nothing to do with why she cheated on you. She would’ve done it regardless. Going through messages is a dangerous game. I don’t know what’s better, not knowing for sure or getting your feelings hurt. For me, I’d rather not know. It’s easier said than done but uh I think you should cut contact with this girl. She seems to use you as a door mat and doesn’t even treat you like a person.
Why put up with that? I had in the past and it just burned me.
Well, there's still pretty strong emotional reaction to her. All you see is him saying he hates her and for you it means she's nothing to him but nobody hates someone that much if they don't feel something for them. Let's say he wanted to be with her forever and she left him, what's left for him than turning that love for her into hate.
Nobody focuses that much on insignificant people. She's very important to him still, even if he portrays it as something negative.
You’re young and you deserve to on-line as much as he does, I know that 5 years is a lot of time invested, but you’re still at the dawn of your life, there’s a lot more out there for you if you let yourself experience it.
It can be scary but worth it in the end, because it’ll allow you to grow ans learn to know yourself better, what you want what you need …. grow even more confident….
We can’t make a decision for you, but whatever choice you make, make sure it’s the one that won’t hold you back !
You don’t need to put yourself around those people, and your boyfriend needs to get his financial house in order so that he can walk away. Sounds like his parents are shit if they allow their son to be so rude and abusive to not only the partner of a family member, but also a guest. Sounds like a trashy family.
I totally get these urges (I’m also 200 yrs old and crawl around on my castle walls)
Yeah I'm more curious how he's gonna deal w it. not his “promises”
You really ought to take some more time to process this. You're rushing into a decision to forgive him because losing the one you think is the love of your life is extremely difficult. It's understandable, but foolish. This is an insane level of cheating. He lied for almost 7 years. There is no way you can ever truly trust him again. These high school sweetheart relationships seem to rarely work out in the long run. You're still so young, go find someone that truly loves and respects you.
I always take so much responsability in everything.
Don't pay taxes on a house you don't own. Or, don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.
There are lots of sayings about this, but making someone feel better and taking on guilt for shit you didn't do is not only enabling someone else to not make themselves better, but it also comes at a very high cost to you.
If he's not happy about this, that's on him. He says he recognizes on one hand that it's his problem, but then keeps bringing it up and is blaming his ED on it. That puts his issues on you.
Not fair.
I don't care if you had 50 more naked, sweaty, sexy bodies than he does. It's not his business. The next time someone asks you what your body count is, don't answer. What matters is your STI status – that's it.
My college roommate did the number sharing thing, and she had one higher than her bf. Every time they got in a fight, he brought it up. I haven't shared it since. A confident man won't ask.
He's manipulating you. It doesn't feel right because it isn't.
Take care of you. ❤️
Break up with him. Save yourself.
Just commenting to add that even if your child’s speech delay wasn’t physiological, it STILL wouldn’t be a moral failing. Neurodivergence is a thing. If your mother can’t see that, she is the one with a moral failing (and maybe also an intelligence failing because this is just common sense).
Youre the one stalking their comments. Creep
I never implied op was a bad partner. It seems most comments have decided that ops gf is cheating, but we don't have information on this ex, this relationship, or any of it to determine whether or not it's normal for them to be friends.
I'm saying, if a person feels that their partner should not have happiness without them being the direct cause, that is unhealthy.
If the concern is that your partner will cheat on someone they chose not to be with? I mean, I guess that is a concern, but it would be helpful to have a framework for why.
My parents wouldn't necessarily welcome an ex. Sounds like everyone involved seems happy this person is in their life. The only one who doesn't seems to be op. So, what, this ex is charming enough to turn your whole world against you, but not charming enough to be the husband?
I think you are right, and my comment was too reductive, but I don't think there is enough information in the post for any real advice.
Good for you for not putting up with him
But for future reference, you never need a “valid” reason to break up with anyone. If you want to be done, be done.
You don’t have to JADE: Justify. Argue. Defend. Explain.
This! And he can't commit to OP who says he's nt gna wanna be a part time dad too?
You obviously don't respect my philosophy because you're attacking me. You feel the only way is your way, and you're not open to seeing anything from another perspective. I've never excused my behavior, but it is helpful for me to have reasoning for it so I can change. Change IS possible for people who genuinely want it. I'm sorry you're not familiar with this concept. People handle trials and tribulations differently. Just because you disagree doesn't mean you can't be respectful, and it also doesn't mean that someone else's way is wrong. Now, I am going to block you if you're going to be disrespectful and assume things. Read both posts. Come back constructively or get blocked.