Emi1y live! sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Emi1y live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Oh, I see? Are you saying it’s unfair to assign thoughts and motivations when there is no way I could see what’s in your head?

    What a coincidence, you and I agree after all.

  2. He's manipulating you emotionally. He doesn't want to leave because he's too comfortable and he knows you'll let him stay.

  3. I would've left you over the kissing but that's just me. I love kissing and I'm not okay with pecks from my lover for the rest of my life. Nope.

    Y'all are straight up not compatible.

  4. I know you have been down voted, but I wondered sort of the same thing. Why tell him? Why does your partner need to know your sexual preferences, when you are already with him and want to stay with him? I'm confused.

  5. u/LordZeppy hey kid it’s not a fucking reach its my boyfriend making fun of me about constantly and thinking it’s not a big deal when it literally is. Not even the sensitive snowflake type I’m just tired man

  6. Losing weight does not a tighter vagina make. If anything, I’ve heard men say weight loss makes their penis appear bigger so maybe tell him to lose his own fucking weight.

  7. Your ex boyfriend is doing you a gigantic favor by ending the relationship. He's an emotional abuser. His accusations are absolutely unhinged and he has no business being in a relationship with anyone. Please read Why Does He Do That by Lundy Bancroft (there are free PDFs live). This book will help you see that you've been with an abuser for 3 years.

  8. This is complete bullshit. Your girlfriend & her girl friends are trying to see how many guys they can pull? And these girls are not going to tell their boyfriends until after the contest ends because they know their boyfriends aren’t going to like it and will try to stop them.

    This is just totally shitty behavior. It’s disrespectful to the boyfriends and you. This isn’t the way that 2; year olds should behave. You’re sure these girls aren’t still in high school?

    Ask your girlfriend would feel if the situation were reversed. Would she like it if you and your friends were trying to do the same thing?

    I’ve read an old post on one of the infidelity subs about a woman who was married and a nurse who ended up cheating on her husband with a janitor at the hospital. It turned out the janitor and two other janitors were competing to see who could bed the most nurses. She threw away her marriage and was duped into sleeping with a POS. She regretted that decision.

  9. This is complete bullshit. Your girlfriend & her girl friends are trying to see how many guys they can pull? And these girls are not going to tell their boyfriends until after the contest ends because they know their boyfriends aren’t going to like it and will try to stop them.

    This is just totally shitty behavior. It’s disrespectful to the boyfriends and you. This isn’t the way that 2; year olds should behave. You’re sure these girls aren’t still in high school?

    Ask your girlfriend would feel if the situation were reversed. Would she like it if you and your friends were trying to do the same thing?

    I’ve read an old post on one of the infidelity subs about a woman who was married and a nurse who ended up cheating on her husband with a janitor at the hospital. It turned out the janitor and two other janitors were competing to see who could bed the most nurses. She threw away her marriage and was duped into sleeping with a POS. She regretted that decision.

  10. Yes, your text was disrespectful and out of line. In fact, your entire attitude regarding this is petulant and immature. You owe him an apology, and you need to do some self reflection. He did absolutely nothing wrong. Maybe you don't realize this yet since you're so young, but for a lot of us over 30, it doesn't actually matter what we drink, getting up to pee at night is just something that is going to happen. He was even thoughtful and considerate of you, going to the garage to prepare his snack quietly. Sorry about your exam, but this is the fault of your own medical conditions, not your boyfriend.

  11. Troll post?

    Clear evidence of abusive because someone wanted to honor a promise? If this was real, OP needs some serious introspection.

  12. You're being ridiculous. He made a mistake. Sure it's a bit upsetting, but all this drama? No. Ridiculous.

    Either get over it or get on with leaving the poor guy.

  13. I don’t want that at all honestly. I’ve spent every second of my life with him accommodating for everything to do with his OCD, I’d never dream of pushing for him to get better, or forcing anything on him. Hence why I’ve stuck around hoping he would get help by his own choice, but I think I’ve realised that isn’t happening any time soon. I don’t think I can help him at all. When he told me everything could ‘stop’ I felt sick that he thought that that was the way to win me back

  14. Thanks, I'm really going to try to be more secure in my position. Is it common for this stress/anger misplacement at our age? I'm not sure if this is just like the growing pains of adulthood or something deeper I should be worried about


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