Eter-And-rosse online sex cams for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Eter-And-rosse online sex cams for YOU!

  1. It sounds like you and your girlfriend have a very serious conversation inhead of you. You need to be honest with her about where you stand. In a relationship, it is important to respect each other’s beliefs or lack of and come to an understanding. If she can't understand that then there is a problem. You should be able to talk openly and honestly about your beliefs without feeling pressured.

    You should explain to her why you are uncomfortable and that you still respect her beliefs and want to be supportive of her journey.

    But if she makes it an ultimatum then it may be the beginning of the end.

  2. Ofc that'd be amazing that the parents opinion would just miraculously change but there is still a bigger chance that they're not going to be as lucky as you were.

  3. Hello /u/Agile_Attorney9855,

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  4. You are so young. You will feel that again. It will be okay. You’ll be surprised how quick you get over it after you don’t see anything from that person anymore.

  5. I think you should consider asking her about attending one of her therapy sessions. It could be extremely helpful for both of you.

    1) It will give you an opportunity to air these concerns with a professional present who can best steer the conversation in the most productive way

    2) It will provide valuable insight for the therapist about the person in treatment, increasing the chances of successful progression in your girlfriend's treatment.

    3) Your girlfriend will benefit from hearing about how you're processing things through the interpretation of the therapist.

    Whatever you decide, I wish you good luck.

  6. Using absolutes in this scenario is inappropriate. Not everyone is bothered by sex work. Additionally, OPs arrangement may not include sex at all.

  7. So I'm 30, a homeowner and have a career, it took me a long time to get where I am

    30 years?

    Anyway, she is someone driven and with a plan. Nothing wrong with that.

  8. Absolutely not, I am far too insecure for such a thing!

    I, like all humans, have insecurities.

    Good lord, the idea of my wife with another man fires up powerful insecurities within me. Insecurities I'm happy with admitting and living with and have zero desire to combat.

    It would be very healthy for people to admit their insecurities. An insecurity isn't a bad thing, it just means something you feel vulnerable and unconfident about.

  9. You can be as honest as you want. Sounds like you’re close still. You could preface with telling her you still want a future with her but understand that can never happen. So you need to do whats best for you and try and move on. That means no contact.

    It will suck for a few months but I promise it will suck less than remaining in contact, tricking yourself into thinking she’ll come around, and get dumped when she eventually finds her better match.

    To be a little harsh, she is using you now for emotional support until she finds the person she actually wants to be with. Don’t let yourself be used, it will only make it all more painful.

  10. You know it and I know it. Look, if this was your own best friend it would be a no brainer but you need to look out for yourself here. As I said, this is almost certainly going to backfire on you. And when it does you are going to cling to the idea that you did a good deed?

  11. You sounds like every entitled rich asshole I've ever known. You got rich from inheriting it and being lucky and then turn around and wag your finger at your poor gf who gets paid shit for actually working a full time job that contributes to the betterment of society (being a teacher).

    Fuck you, she deserves better than a stingy wet blanket like you.

  12. Thank you for the comments and advice bit some clarification I got married at 18 and divorced at 20 she is the one that begged me to ask her to marry her and I said no a couple times but she is the one who pushed for marriage even tho I didn't want to in the beginning since my last Marge and divorce ended so nasty

  13. When you learn to value yourself and your time others will learn to value it too

    People respect those who people who prioratise themseelves and thank them when they do give even a little. Those who give all the time recieve a backlash the one time they try to say no.

    Its never too late to learn this lesson and fall in love with yourself 🙂 Good luck OP

  14. You don’t have a single bit of information to support the fact that she isn’t doing anything to help herself. Why do you default to thinking that she’s just a big fat lazy slob who’s sitting around doing nothing?

  15. As far as I’m aware Type 2 diabetes can be managed with diet, it’s reversible. She’s either not following the diet properly or at all. I’m not sure diabetes can be misdiagnosed either. Sit her down & have a discussion about it.

  16. He’s not your problem, his sobriety and wellness are not your problem. You will never be able to help him if he doesn’t want it, which he clearly has no interest in, and worse he’s now dragging you down with him. Meth is not something to fuck around with, and you’d be far better off away from him.

  17. You might be asking too much out of this relationship and this guy.

    Sweet and comfy and caring and all that is great! But maybe that's not enough for you. If you want an adventuresome soul who is as enthusiastic about new experiences as you are, maybe this is not the guy for you long term.

    Or maybe he's a safe place, a home base, and you can go on your adventures and he can cheer you from the nest. It's really up to you and him.


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