Eva-Ellie on-line sex cams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Eva-Ellie on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Unless you have a prenup, your earnings are still considered community property. Your best bet is talking to a lawyer and making sure the 30k he owes you counts against what you'll owe him to buy him out of his share of the equity in the house.

  2. While it might be limiting to you, you might have to start preparing eating healthier meals with her or cutting back snacking. At least till she starts doing it on her own. Maybe even talk about working out with her.

    This is way down the line after you've tried to help to the best of your abilities(a lot of what she needs is something you can'tfix) , but I'm gonna a be honest, there might be a chance where she may never want to change. I hope that's not the case, but it's a possibility. While you do love her, don't tie yourself to someone who isn't going to help themselves. Again, way down the line, but should be said.

  3. There's a great program called Financial Peace University. It's cheap (our local one is $80 for 6 weeks), available all over the place (quick Google should find one in your area) and you attend together. It teaches you about budgeting, managing debt, fiscal responsibility, setting goals, etc.

    Money is a common cause of divorce. You can gently let her know that being on the same page about finances is important to you because your relationship is important to you, and that it would really mean a lot if you could do the course together. Make it fun (take her out to dinner afterwards?). If she goes, make sure you tell her you appreciate her making the effort.

    Making the whole experience positive rather than shaming/telling her she's been bad is really the only way, imo. Anything else will have her digging in her heals and/or feeling attacked.

  4. Imagine if a drunk man fondled you without your consent, and your husband was deliberating 'Do I possibly keep him in my life?'. It comes across like you're more concerned about the social repercussions in your friend group than the fact your partner was sexually assaulted.

  5. “you'll get the sandwich after sex” implies he won't get the only thing he wished for unless he has sex with her.

    Once again, he was tired as fuck after very physically demanding work.

    His wife should've known better than go for something super exhausting.

    Hell, she didn't even try to take the initiative and just pleasure him while he relaxes. No. She wanted him to exhaust his body even more.

  6. You lack reading comprehension. He is not relating having a conversation to choking during sex. He’s relating having a conversation about remaining monogamous or not to a conversation about choking during consensual sex. If someone’s says no, it’s a no. There’s no “hear me out.” It’s just not gunna happen.

  7. 8/10 she slept with that guy or is trying to sleep with that guy. 100% ok to walk away bro don't fall for 5th e sunk cost fallacy. She is not who you thought she was and that's ok.

  8. I think that was straight forward and kind. That’s all anyone could hope for in an answer. You’re not trying to be mean or anything. Remember you don’t owe him anything and should never have to hang around people (men) who make you uncomfortable for any reason!!

  9. You need to sit down together and have an open and honest conversation about your expectations.

    He can't expect to act as a landlord without providing you the services a landlord is obligated to provide. You can't be expected to play the role of housewife and do all the chores while he gets to invest even more in his home. There's a lot more nuance to a romantic relationship and financial aspects of it are always complicated.

    Book some time to sit down together and talk about budgeting and your ideas of what's fair. Talk with friends and family and get a good idea of what most people do in your area and culture, but most importantly, talk to your own financial advisor before you have this talk. Be prepared to do some budgeting and planning together. This is a make or break conversation for your relationship.

  10. What are you doing with a man his age who is unable to buy a gun due to prior convictions, has temper tantrums like a toddler and itching to use the n-word because he has total disregard for black people? Someone with that short of temper should not be allowed to have a gun especially near you. Where is your family? Do you have a support system who can help you to get away from him?

  11. Not sure why. Nothing else going on apart from sleeping. Every now and then they got scared or just wanted to be with me. They’re now in their late teens and have slept in their own beds all night for quite some years now.

  12. Your bf is the issue. Your parents are not controlling, otherwise they would want you to come back and on-line with them. They actually literally want you to online on your own and have space to see what is best for you.

    Move out. If the relationship crumbles then be it. Your bf sounds immature and exhausting.

  13. He didn't think it looked great, you think he should lie? He didn't ask her to do this, maybe he really doesn't like it.

  14. This isn't really a relationship issue, this is a personal issue you need to work on. If you're able to do therapy, that would probably be a good place to start.

  15. They're just platonic friends of hers(guys and girls) , I know that for damn sure. It's just I don't like other dudes looking at my girl's butt you know.

    If anyone should be looking at her butt it should be me. And if I would go to the trip I could catch anyone who would be staring (if at all) and tell them to stop.


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