EveShyKitty live! sex chats for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “EveShyKitty live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yes, some people say they were able to work through it but it has permanently altered your relationship and not for the better.

  2. Leave this poor woman alone. You aren’t respecting her at all and your insistence that she speak to you is just making it clearer and clearer to her that she absolutely made the right decision.

  3. It depends on the length of your previous relationship. If it was short, 3-4 weeks sounds right, but if it was longer then 2+ months would probably be more socially acceptable. There was a little over 6 weeks between my dumping my ex and then starting to see someone, and that was after a 6ish month relationship. Apparently that was too quick according to my friends lmao.

    Would be good to get to know this guy as well, without going on dates. Flirting with you while you were in a relationship sounds a bit dodgy and it makes me wonder about his views on cheating tbh

  4. Well if this is you on your ‘best behaviour’ which, whilst courting, is supposed to be the case. It doesn’t bode well for a happy and enduring relationship. Bit too late to let him down gently but still lots of time for you to let him go so that you can get on with your very exciting life. Good luck.

  5. You're 33 mate, you've got more life ahead than behind. leave the boring old hag for someone that will enjoy life with you. You only get it once

  6. Yup! I’m 25 and I just got a job teaching at a music school. So many of the high school boys have tried hitting on me fml. But I obviously wouldn’t entertain them for a second! One, because of the obvious and clear power dynamic. And two, because they are children, and they act and look like children. Even the seniors who are 18 still are children to me. It is incredibly disturbing to think any grown adult could view a barely 18 year old as a potential sexual partner. Straight to jail ?

  7. You are justified in having needs. A relationship requires two people working together towards a shared goal in order to make it. One person can not be doing all of the work and carrying all of the load.

    If you are getting nothing in return, you need to tell her that. You also need to consider how much more you can do this.

    Yes, she needs to work through her issues. However, when she entered into a relationship with you, she also took on the responsibility to be a partner and care about your feelings.

  8. Yeaahhh that'll do it. It is a bad sign when someone stops initiating if they were enjoying texting. Because if they are thinking of you, excited to talk to you, and you communicate using that medium, they won't wait for you to start. I think it's good to limit texting so you have stuff to talk about in person, but I say “limit texting” as someone who used to be like you (probably worse) and had to learn to just let things sit even if I felt very anxious. I still probably text my partner when we are apart more than most people do.

  9. My relationship with my boyfriend is overall happy, fun, and loving

    Okay, then why are you here?

    However, Throughout our time, there has been a consistent problem- he does not like when I don’t want to do what he wants and does not like when I disagree with him.

    Whoa Nelly!!! This is serious!

    At first, I thought this is something we could work on, but as time goes on, this has become very exhausting and draining.

    He is controlling. It's his way or he will fight with you till you give in. This will be your life. Why would he change? He gets his way now and you give in.

    He berated me for my thoughts and overwhelmed me with questions and debates on why those things mattered to me.

    A loving partner wants to know what the other wants out of life. They want to have communication.

    After I wasn’t budging on agreeing that LA is MY ideal place to online and asked that we no longer debated about this, he got very angry, stating I was disrespecting him and had no belief in him. He went on to say that I haven’t grown or developed and that I have a poor understanding of myself and my thoughts,

    And there it is. He doesn't respect you. It will ALWAYS be about what HE wants, what HE thinks and you better get onboard or he will verbally abuse you.

    Is this the life you want? For the rest of your life?

    I tried to deescalate multiple times by saying maybe I would change my mind if we visited but this wasn’t enough, he continued to mock me and gloat on himself because “he has achieved everything in his life” so I was wrong and selfish for not changing my mind.

    There is NO compromising with him. He will NEVER care about what you want or think.

    Please love yourself enough to leave this person. Do not have kids with him. Don't do that to them.

  10. You have to let him online his life. Be sincere but not overbearing. Let him know you love and care for him. You'll support him and want him to be happy. You can make some observations but no need to beat a dead horse.

    Like everyone else and myself. Some people need to learn it the naked way. The more you treat him like your child, the more he will pull away. Treat him like your brother and respect his decision. You don't have to support the relationship. But just be there for him.

    Outside of that. I also think there is a family dynamic that is omitted with your parents and upbringing that leads me to believe you guys have/had it rough. At the end of the day, you need to understand where you start and where you end. You want what's best for your brother. But, if he doesn't want it. Then don't go against the grain. It will push you guys further apart. Focus on your life and be a role model to him.

    Lastly, he's young, dumb, and full of… He needs to sort his own shit out. Cause even if they don't work out. There is another bitch around the corner. He will keep choosing and accepting their behaviors because he believes that's all he deserves. You can't change how he feels about himself. That's his responsibility.

    Best wishes!

  11. Your boyfriend is an abusive, misogynistic pig.

    You’re not even remotely too old to find someone exponentially better than this loser who’d be happy pimping out his daughter to men twice her age.

    Also, you’re 26. You’re far from “running out of time” to have a healthy baby.

    Dump him.

  12. I don’t know why people do this, maybe it’s easier for them then having to be an adult & communicate. Either way I don’t think you’ll get the closure you want from this man. He wasn’t mature enough to talk about his issues during the relationship, & I don’t have much hope for him now.

    My only advice is to try and distract yourself from those thoughts. Definitely don’t contact him. You really don’t need thoughts of him bogging down your daily life, especially over someone so immature. Do you really wanna spend your life with someone who can’t even sit down and have an adult conversation?

  13. Do you know the quote about the definition of insanity.

    Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?

    Stay broken up.

    If she can't own her feelings and move past the negative thoughts, your “relationship” is going to continue with this on/off pattern. And that's no way to online.

    Move on.


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