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FairyHairyNinalive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

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Room for online sex video chat FairyHairyNina

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Birth Date: 1962-07-10

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Subculture: subcultureHousewives

34 thoughts on “FairyHairyNinalive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Please take this advice to heart. This should be the top. My partner and I went through the same thing.

    My partner left her job due to safety concerns, chemical lab with bad protocols. She'd come home crying multiple times a week. She enrolled in school the next fall, I told her she doesn't need to continue suffering it's not worth it. I have a day job and a side business that could use her help 5-10 hours a week. She can help around the house outside of that but generally just take it easy (no kids). Long story short she did neither of those things and generally just goofed off.

    I got pretty annoyed. I was working 60 hours a week and doing housework while she did… Who knows. I talked to her about expectations and what she needed. It would get better for a day or two but quickly went back to her doing nothing. I finally sat her down one night and told her that I get it, being a chore person every day fucking sucks. I don't blame you for hating it but I need you to help me. I'm working constantly and hate having to bother you to do stuff. It's unfair etc. What ended up working for us (slightly different situation) I had been providing for us. Mortgage, food, utilities.. everything. I had her setup a contracting business and I paid her for working, but required her to pay her share. It ended up giving some sort of meaning, power and sense of autonomy over her work.

    She still helps on the business as her primary job and is killing it. We are really great partners. She isn't happy with how much work it is but she is working towards opening her own business so she'll get to move on shortly.

  2. Apparently they are too busy or you would have gotten some gifts. I am single right now and I got lots of free time. So I like making gingerbread around christmas for my coworkers. However if I had a girlfriend or was busy around that time I would just stop doing it without a second thought. I doubt these people tought abotu weather or not they should send you something but rather just did not give it any thought since they were busy.

  3. Yeah, understanding you have only worked as an independent contractor should tell you that you don't have the whole view, so he can only speak specifically about vacations for independent contractors. Vacations for regular employees might as well be seen as another category in his mind, as a “know-it-all” should know the common knowledge that office life is different than contractual work. I think the subjects that he thinks he knows are too broad.

  4. I dislike giving OP clues about how to make their posts less detectable. I dislike that it’s necessary. Thank you for pointing it out, though.

    (Although I’d have believed you without details. You’re a good one)

  5. They’ve always had a different bond with each other than with you. As you all are adults now and you’ve communicated your feelings several times already, it’s unlikely to change. Stop trying to force it and accept that there’s a different dynamic.

  6. not sure what parents brought you up but i’d be killed if i said that lol. useful template for non family members though

  7. Your partner is being selfish and self absorbed. What about the baby’s needs? Are they not the priority here. Why is your partner trying to elevate their own desires above that of the baby? You breastfeed because you are a woman, you produce milk. Your partner does not, nor can they. They are at best playing pretend and then gaslighting you into thinking you are transphobic. It has nothing to do with transphobia, it has everything to do with the baby’s need for milk being disregarded by your partner.

    Your partner needs therapy, they are jealous of your ability to naturally be what they artificially aspire to create. Biology doesn’t work that way.

  8. I'm assuming you gave birth to your son? Personally I would feel that it's my job to breastfeed him. Your body grew him and your body is producing the milk to feed him. That's just me and how I would feel

  9. Yeah it is cheating, you’re right to feel that way.

    I don’t know if I’d be able to behave like I didn’t know what I knew and so question whether you can enjoy the trip together. If you can splinter off, I would. You might need to take a financial hit but it’ll be worth it.

    He sounds total trash and honestly will not change. Don’t let him gaslight you once you confront him (he will).

  10. He is having an EA. He needs to go NC with this woman. You need marriage counseling to better communicate, if you want to save your relationship. You should also sign up for individual counseling for yourself. But, most importantly completely NC with AP. And him to understand that talking about intimate relationship information with this person is an EA. He is bringing this person into your relationship.

  11. Have you sought couples counseling or asked her for either of you to seek individual therapy? All this time you spend doing things to further yourself, what are you doing for your marriage? It takes two to make a marriage but food for thought, It also takes two to fail at one. You hate her. Cool. Do you know how she feels? She has told you no one listens to her. Do you take responsibility for your part of the “no one” group? I've been through a failed marriage with kids. It feels horrible. I get it. I also take responsibility for my part though. I don't really see you doing a lot of that.

  12. Your feelings are valid . He was dishonest. You were under a different understanding and now you know .. I think that it is good that he told you. I think it’s good that you’re not hiding how you feel about it to him.

    I also think it’s ok to take time and space (whatever that looks like for you ) to process this and move forward together if that is what you want . I think it’s possible but I also think you have to feel the feelings of all of this for them to pass so they don’t hold you back.

    Best of luck. Early relationships before “officially” become exclusive are tricky. Maybe make a pledge together to work on communication in general ti help heal from this as a team. Communication and honesty are key. So is feeling the feelings don’t rush anything ! Best of luck !

  13. Her “knowing how to handle herself” is a really bad take. Millions of women on high alert and doing everything to keep themselves safe still get assaulted. I really really hope nothing ever happens to her, but that’s a very victim blamey way of thinking.

  14. Because if they don’t i don’t know what I’ll do with my daughter.

    What does this mean?

    Your wife married you knowing that you have a kid – What was your custody like before this past year? Was she reluctant for you to take primary custody?

    What have you suggested that she shut down?

  15. Im so happy for you that you got him back and you’ve got good support. I know it’s hard losing a parent and then a partner and the life you thought you were going to have. Hugs Internet stranger!!

  16. There are different settings in different families. There is the one where every request of a kid will be monitored by the mother, and there can also be the open house where the kid is moving free. I used to live in a living situation with several adults and you 2 kids, and the little one was not mine, but I doubt the mother even knew how often she came into my living area. I don't know how it is at OP, but she does say “family”.

    I'm not saying that this doesn't mean that she has to read, just that the situation can be different. I remember I had a very hot time to resist when the little one came to me and asked for something, but if course sometimes I did been the time for myself. I remember I made the “only 3 Songs” rule, and also the “just one story”, and I would say if today was the time for a long or a short one. Anyway, what I'm saying is there isn't necessary a mother in between every interaction with a kid when they are family, and OP should learn to set up boundaries in a loving way with the kit themselves. Good training if she wants to become a parent one day.

  17. why do you delete your other posts and invalidate yourself…they jump to troll cuz it is so fucking obvious, unless you are truly a delusional stalker/fan. Either way, you need professional help. There is your advice, go seek that..Feel free to tell your therapist your trolling habits or your obsessive fan behavior.Either way you need professional help….

  18. So if she’s in your name at the vet, that’s all you need.

    Like seriously, if he took her to the vet today, they’d not do anything without your permission if they’re following the law.

    I’m not an attorney and I don’t play one on TV, but I’ve worked in vet clinics in multiple states and dealt with these “custody” battles and have dealt with it myself personally where I literally had to go to court.

    The only issue I see is that even with a key, if you enter his residence without permission, that’s considered breaking and entering I believe.

    So if it were me, I’d go over there when you know he’s home and get the dog vs let yourself in and take her. He wouldn’t have a leg to stand on that you have the dog but entering without permission could get you in trouble.

  19. Bro if you don't RUN from this nothing on this planet can help you. Reddit can be harsh but in this case end things immediately. (I only read halfway before coming to this conclusion.

    Edit: spelling

  20. What they mean is going into a conversation with the attitude and assumption the other person is doing things deliberately won’t lead to anything no matter if she was being nice or not.

  21. You mean you choose not too.

    Life is about choices and only you can make the ones that are right for you. You can accept being second choice for her learn to live with it, but she will use any reason she wants to get away with anything going forward.

    I do wish you well on this very hot road you are on


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