G i a n n a online sex cams for YOU!

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THICK Juicy A$$$

14 thoughts on “G i a n n a online sex cams for YOU!

  1. What exactly are you exactly looking for? Having an emotional affair with another woman and eventually cheat on your wife?.

    You said you are happily married why rock the boat?

    Is there something missing in your relationship with your wife? If so talk with her before ruining your marriage wth someone you haven’t even met and you don’t know if you’re even compatible with.

    Think about it.

  2. it said that our brain has pigeon holes for the names of significant people in our lives. There is a pigeonhole for the name of our significant other, our mother, our children, our Boss.

    Thus the name of SO gets placed in the pigeonhole. Unfortunately the retrieval system isnt perfect and you can your brain can retrieve the wrong name when it reachs into one of those pigeonholes. You might call your significant other by your ex's name. This is especially noticeable when you are distracted (especially at orgasm) or stressed or emotional. You can see it in action when a harrassed parent wants to quickly yell at one of their children and ends up running thorugh a list of names before reaching the right one – “Tommy, Bruce, Jane! Jane! Stop that right now!”

    As another layer of confusion there are also related categories thus the SO pigeon can also be labelled “Female”, “Close Familial Relationship”, “Feelings of Closeness”, “Nuturing relationships”. Many “Mommy's” and many significant others can share many of the same categories – and yet be very different relationships.

  3. No I was commenting because the comment above I felt like was putting more of the blame on her, while they're both wrong, the husband has responsibility to his wife to not be a tw@t

  4. Once the trust is gone…it's gone unless she works on rebuilding your trust for her.

    While my trust in my girlfriend has been shaken, I still believe in her and want to work on rebuilding that trust. It's going to take time and effort, but I have faith in our relationship.

  5. What are your actual plans for the city? What is it you want to do there?

    All the top comments will tell you to go but I'll say nothing in life is guaranteed and there's no guarantee you'll find a relationship like the one you have again

    I think it's worth looking at what you want long term, if it's a career then the city makes sense but if it's a family then the bf makes sense

  6. I didn’t see that bit. Was the video before or after this note situation? I can’t imagine it was after as that’s a small time frame for all these activities. What a bizzare thing to do though upload it to a shared account ?


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